Chapter 1366 Ah Huai's Orange 36
Compared with her simple decoration style, the second floor looks more like a home, with all the equipment quite complete.

Microwave oven induction cooker has everything.

It's just a pity that there is no electricity, so these are useless.

Fortunately, the two of them ate a lot at the convenience store at night, and they are not hungry now.

Lin Huai also checked the electrical appliances at home, and finally said that there is a pot of hot water in the thermos, and if it rains tomorrow, he can make instant noodles.


Lian Jue sat down on the carpet.

Without a hairdryer, Lian Jue wiped his hair with a towel.

After a while, Lin Huai came out of the bathroom.

"There's no water... just finished washing."

The girl rejoiced: "Fortunately, I usually have quite a lot of mineral water, which is enough for drinking. In terms of electricity... Now that it is raining heavily, the temperature has dropped so much that I don't need an air conditioner."

Lin Huai hummed, "I just put three or four basins of water before taking a bath, and there is also a bathtub. It is enough to last three or four days without using it for food."

Lian Jue widened his eyes and gave a thumbs up.

She didn't expect to release the water in advance.

Fortunately, he stored water, otherwise it might be a problem to turn back to flush the toilet or something.

She handed him a clean towel and checked the news online.

Hot searches are still climbing up little by little.

The headline is that the once-in-a-hundred-year heavy rainstorm in city a may hit in the future.

Most of the people in City A who have not fallen asleep will have trouble sleeping tonight.

No water, no electricity...

Look at the comments of netizens, but every one in city a is more anxious than one.

Some people have even started to report coordinates saying that they are trapped.

Someone posted a video of the torrential rain on the mountain, and the scene was spectacular.

Lin Huai took it and wiped his hair, still in the mood to tease the elementary school girl, "Okay, now there is no electricity or water, and we have to return to the life of primitive people."

Lian Jue dug out the star lamps from his bag and spread them out on the wall one on the left and one on the right.

Lin Huai looked at it for a while, then smiled, his long and narrow phoenix eyes were clear and warm in the darkness, "Are you Doraemon?"

"It's done," the girl fastened the last piece of thread, turned on the switch, and instantly a warm yellow light spread out, "Let me be smart."

This is how it was done in the last days, mainly because the star lamp does not consume electricity, and the battery inside can still be used for a long time.

Lin Huai: "What else is in the bag?"

Lian Jue took out two more candles and arranged them one on the left and one on the right.

Immediately, two touches of light were added to the room.

Seeing what was on the carpet, she poked it curiously, "Is this your Lego?"

"A castle."

It can be seen that there is already a prototype.

Several spires have already been erected.

"I can't sleep anyway, sister Cheng Zi, help me?"


The raindrops outside the window hit the glass window, crackling.

The house is lit with warm lights, but there is no peace and warmth.

Lin Huai lowered his head and fiddled with the parts, and Lian Jue sometimes helped him with some, and sometimes swiped his phone to help some bloggers who had posted distress messages to help spread the word.

Unprecedented unity on Weibo.

Lin Huai reminded, "Save some electricity, in case the heavy rain lasts for three days and three nights."

The girl took out two Big Mac charging treasures from behind as if by magic, and raised them, "Full."

Lin Huai: "...that's awesome."

Lian Jue put Dian Bao back behind his back cherishingly, "It should be fine to use it for three days and three nights, as long as you don't play games and don't watch too many videos."

Lin Huai sighed: "I was worrying too much."

(End of this chapter)

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