Chapter 1367 Ah Huai's Orange 37
In extreme weather, two people playing with Lego in the house and drinking hot water are simply beautiful.

Sometimes Lian Jue couldn't spread enough to pull Lin Huai to join him.

Knowing that he does not have a Weibo account, I even applied for one for him.

Lin Huai didn't express any objection, and even handed her the phone obediently.

Let her be a little flattered.

Fortunately, although the power was cut off, there was still a signal.

So the LEGO assembly was intermittent, and the two reposted it on Weibo from time to time, spreading the word.

After two o'clock at night, Lian Jue went to the window to take another look.

The outside has almost become a water world.

It was pouring rain all over the place.

The torrential rain swept across the street. Looking down from tall buildings, the street might be seen as a river.

It doesn't look like the rain is going to stop.

On the contrary, the sky seemed to be torn apart by someone, and the sky poured down endlessly.

The carpet in Lin Huai's house was very large and thick, and he was covered with a small blanket, which was very comfortable and warm.

She didn't know what time it was when she swiped Weibo, she leaned on the sofa and was so sleepy.


Someone is calling her, the voice is very low, very soft.

"I want to sleep for a while." She rubbed her eyes, her voice dry.

"Go to bed and sleep, it's easy to catch cold on the ground."

"I don't want to move's fine like this." Lian Jue felt that he was going to be so sleepy that he would lose his mind in a second.

"Go to bed early, I have to wake up to watch the news tomorrow morning." His forehead was touched lightly.

It seemed that the other party was confirming whether she had a fever.

After a while, it was taken back.

Lin Huai's words were still somewhat useful. Remembering that she had to pay attention to the news tomorrow, the girl forced herself up and hummed, stood up with the quilt in her arms, and staggered back to the guest room with her left foot and right foot.

With a bang, the girl fell onto the bed and fell asleep in seconds.

Lin Huai followed closely and entered the room.

After making sure the window was closed, he glanced at the girl on the bed.

In the dark night, the girl curled up on the bed.

The quilt was messily tangled up around her body.

Lin Huai leaned over and tore off the quilt from the little girl, and put it back on.

After confirming that there were no potential safety hazards, he walked out of the room, took one last look at the little girl, and closed the door.


The heavy rain washed the city again, from top to bottom, from head to toe.

At five or six o'clock, the sky was gray and the rain was as dense as a thread.

Torrential downpour.

After seven o'clock, Lian Jue got up from the bed rubbing his eyes.

I didn't go to bed until after three o'clock last night. Although I was very tired, I couldn't sleep at all.

Not in the mood to sleep at all.

She got off the bed and ran to the window to take a look.

Pushing open the window, her hand trembled, and the phone almost dropped.

Even the system was shocked, "Is it raining all night? The water has overflowed the windows on the first floor."

It wasn't so exaggerated last night.

Lian Jue couldn't imagine what would happen if he hadn't gone up to the second floor with Lin Huai last night.

The small building is still a relatively high-lying place nearby, so other places are even more horrible without looking at it.

The flood poured down, mixed with the uncontrolled sediment from the nearby river channel, and rushed down.

I can't see it from a distance, but now I can only see a spire from the convenience store I went to last night.

Fuck it.

If this is the case in the urban area, what about the countryside where there are bungalows everywhere?

"Is there a call?"

The girl sat at the dining table and asked first after washing.

Lin Huai pushed over a glass of milk and a simple sandwich on a plate, and shook his head, "No."

He got up at five o'clock, barely slept last night, and made a phone call with his family.

(End of this chapter)

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