Chapter 264 Master Prefers Me 45
When Lian Jue looked over, he found that his senior brother had lowered his eyes, with a somewhat frustrated expression.

She suddenly couldn't bear it.

Lian Jue felt that it was time for him to give full play to his status as the female boss of Lingxian Mountain, and he couldn't let Jun Yan hold the power and act willfully.

She patted Senior Brother Hua Yi on the shoulder, "Brother, Master lied to you just now, but we are actually together."

Brother Hua Yi is her own person anyway, so she thought it would be better to make it clear so that he would not continue to be immersed in the master's pua.

Hua Yi who heard her words clearly: "..."

Like magic, his chin dropped to his chest: "You, you, what are you talking about?"

He thought that he was hallucinating, or that his comprehension was wrong, so he blinked his eyes slowly.

Lian Jue nodded, playing with the sake jug he just brought, "Yes, I won't lie to you, if you really don't believe it, your master is right there, why don't you ask him yourself?"

Hua Yi: "..."

So he maintained a slow motion, and turned his body very slowly.

Ling Hao stretched out his hand to gently wipe away the marks left by the girl's stealing plum blossom crisps on the corner of her mouth, and lightly commented two words: "Greedy cat."

Lian Jue looked up at him, arguing: "You are the greedy cat! Obviously you ordered it!"

Ling Hao held her by the back of the neck, "Didn't it occur to me that a certain greedy cat just woke up, and the first thing it does when it wakes up is to look for food..."

Lian Jue didn't expect that he prepared it for her, and was taken aback for a moment.

He should have left after not sleeping for a long time. She always thought that he was going to work, but she didn't expect that he went to the back kitchen to order some pastries for her.

The wine she brought was also her favorite taste, remember her taste so clearly?

A warm current welled up in Lian Jue's heart, she sent her lips that were covered with messy plum blossom crumbs, and kissed him with a "bo chi", which made his lips muddy.

"Hey, reward husband."

Ling Hao frowned slightly.

After a while, he said slowly, "Husband?"

Lian Jue nodded, and took a bite of the mung bean cake: "That's what the husband here means~"

Ling Hao looked at her: "Then why don't you just call me Husband?"

Lian Jue blinked, "But we're not married yet."

Ling Hao quickly grasped the point, and glanced at her, "But just now you called me husband, and you said it means husband."

Lian Jue: "..."

She tried to explain, "It's different, husband can be called as a joke, husband or something, it's a bit formal..."

Ling Hao: "A joke?"

Lian Jue: "..."

Hua Yi, who had witnessed all this from beginning to end, was stunned, felt like he was dreaming, and felt that the whole world was illusory: "..."

Thousands of words finally came to a conclusion: Why is he here?

Lian Jue turned his head to avoid Ling Hao's question, and cleared his throat: "Very well, Senior Brother Hua Yi, although Master didn't admit it directly, should be sure now."

Hua Yi nodded stupidly.

Just as Lian Jue was about to say something, he suddenly paused: "It seems that I shouldn't call you senior brother now, you are inferior..."

She coughed, "Then what, ask the teacher's wife to come and listen."

Hua Yi: "???"

Ling Hao glanced at him.

Hua Yi bowed his head instantly: "Master...Master's wife..."

Lian Jue clapped his hands: "Brother, I'm your teacher's wife, are you happy?"

Even Jue was a little excited thinking about it, if those seniors and sisters would call her Shi Niang in the future... Oh my god, Lingxian Mountain shouldn't be too exciting.

Hua Yi: "..."

Junior sister becomes master's wife, it's time for a dog.

He could be said to be extremely depressed.

However, no matter how depressed he was, it was impossible to show it on his face. His expression struggled: "Master, master...mother, if there is nothing else, then I will go down first..."

Lian Jue waved his hand, "Back off, back off."

(End of this chapter)

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