Chapter 265 Master Prefers Me 46 (The Finale)

Hua Yi turned around.

In fact, thinking about it from another angle, if the junior sister is really the master's beloved, it seems not bad.

They all live in Lingxian Mountain. He can see them get married and have children with his own eyes, and he can help them bring up their children when the time comes...

Wouldn't it be another kind of consummation if Master and Junior Sister could live happily ever after?

Thinking of this, he was relieved again.

The master is the person he respects, and the junior sister is the person he loves, and the happiness that both of them can live is the most important thing.

Hua Yi left happily.

Most importantly, according to the personalities of Master and Junior Sister, if they get married and have children, they will definitely be thrown to him! ! !
chubby little doll or something...

Hua Yi thinks about it, it shouldn't be too cute or too interesting!


After Senior Brother Hua Yi left, Lian Jue also had some matters to deal with, so he also left in a hurry.

She checked the progress completion value of this plane, and it was already full.

The task has been completed and the system is idle, Xianyu paralyzed: "Are you going to have two in three years, or three in five?"

Lian Jue: "Hold your head!"

She concentrated on watching the AI ​​intelligence's evaluation of her strategy process after the task was completed.

But she turned around and couldn't find it. After a while, she finally saw a line of words on the last page.

——It has its own style of strategy.

Lian Jue: "..."

Why does she feel that this AI intelligence reveals a kind of euphemistic and implicit...speechless?
Lian Jue found Ling Hao again, and it was in a gazebo on the top of Lingxian Mountain.

This is also her favorite place. There is a plum garden next to it, and the flowers are fragrant.

There are several jugs of wine on the stone round table, including the jug of fruit wine she loves.

What Ling Hao said next surprised her even more: "There is a basement under the Wutong Palace, and it is also a wine cellar specially used for storing wine. You can choose it yourself next time."

Lian Jue cheered, "Long live Master!"

Master's wine cellar sounds like it has a lot of collections. Lian Jue immediately became interested and planned to go shopping later in the evening.

The weather is very good today, the autumn is high and the air is crisp, the sky is high and the clouds are light. Standing on the gazebo and looking far away, it is very refreshing.

Especially, there is a beautiful small celadon cup, crystal clear fruit wine, and a beautiful woman in a white dress!

Lian Jue had a drink, his eyes sparkled: "Master, what shall we do in the future?"

Lian Jue didn't wait too long for the answer to this question, Ling Hao had obviously thought about it: "Go down the mountain and travel, if you want to travel in the mountains and rivers."

"If you want to stay in Lingxian Mountain, then we will stay and watch the sun rise and set, and the clouds roll and the clouds clear."

"But I also want to travel down the mountain, and I want to vacation in Lingxian Mountain."

He reached out and took her hand, "Then travel for a while, come back and rest for a while, and then go down the mountain to play when the interest comes up."

"Great idea!"

"But I have three chapters of the agreement."

Lian Jue: "Huh?"

Ling Hao lowered his eyes, with a very serious look: "Don't speak harsh words to me again."

"Don't leave me alone again."

"Don't like playing more than you like me."


Lian Jue is like a domineering president facing his little wife who is worried about gains and losses.

"it is good."

"it is good."

"it is good."


"Master, well, do you think it's better to have two in three years, or three in five years?"

"Look at you."

"Come on, give me some advice."

"I think it's good to raise rabbits. Children will affect our lives."

"Wow, I really can't see that Master, you are still a rabbit lover! Tell me, don't you really like rabbits? Do you like furry ones?"

"Who is cutting paper for the rabbit in my birthday gift box?"


"Ahem, that, Master, if I say I cut it casually, will you forgive me?"

"...Let's talk about it tonight."


"Why do you have to talk about it at night, Master, I won't live in Wutong Hall at night!"

"I don't mind your bedroom either."

"Master, you..."


 The master-student plane is over.

  I know that you all want to see the end of the world, so I will release this extra episode of the master-student plane, and I will see the situation later if I write it or not.

  The end of the world will be updated tomorrow morning.

  I really feel like I'm like a spinning top, never idle.I'm exhausted these days.

  I wanted to ask for a day off, but I felt like someone was going to kill me.

  Humble, JPG
  and also:

  Thank you, Chenchen, for the reward of 100 book coins!

  Thank you Flower Love Little Cutie for rewarding 100 book coins!
  Love rich women, compare stars!

(End of this chapter)

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