Chapter 876
This look of probing his head is so juvenile, Lian Jue couldn't imagine that he just dealt with a business order worth hundreds of thousands or millions.

"Not really." She nodded ignorantly.

"Yeah." Junyan also nodded, and patted the place beside her, "Do you think my bed is big?"

Lian Jue: "..."

Is this the new way of shaming that is in vogue right now?

At first, I thought that he suddenly showed kindness and conscience and decided to leave the big bed for her to sleep in a gentlemanly manner.

In vain, with her trembling hands full of joy, anticipation and excitement, she threw down the bed sheet and was about to say that she had quit.

"Move the bed over," he said casually, "if you want to take advantage of my bed."


The girl sat on the bed, staring at the two beds that had been pushed together, her fair and beautiful face was slightly melancholy.

Finally a question was asked.

"Brother, why do we sleep together?"

At first, she was moved by his words "Taking advantage of him" and "Taking advantage of his bed", but when she put the two beds together, she finally realized it belatedly. Aware of this stupid question.

Although the two of them still slept in their own places, they always felt... something awkward.

"If I remember correctly, we used to sleep together when we were young." The young man leaned against the pillow, flipping through her Economic Daily, his voice slowly.

"That was when I was a child, you said it yourself!"

"Yanyan, you have always been a child in my heart."

Lian Jue: "..."


"Go to sleep."

After turning off the light, he touched her face in the night.

Just like when I was a child.

"The accompanying bed has no guardrails, it's so small, you'll fall off at night."

He patted her head again, with a gentle voice: "When Xia He came, we also slept together in the same bed, so don't think too much about it."

When he said this, she felt embarrassed, and her face burned a little under the faint night light.

It felt like she was thinking about something impractical and even tarnishing the pure white image of an honest gentleman.

She was so embarrassed.

Well, she admitted that she seemed to be walking around the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Lian Jue covered the quilt from feet to head.

After a long time.

The person beside her chuckled, and she could clearly hear the slight vibration in the other's chest.

Then the quilt on her face was gently pulled down, "In order not to cause a homicide tomorrow morning, causing trouble to affect my work, student Xia Yan, please sleep well."

The gentle voice has an undeniable flavor.

Like a long maggot, the girl twisted and turned to one side, with her back to his other side, and she didn't know if she was listening or not.

Eyes closed or eyes open.

But this question didn't make his well-functioning brain think for long, because after a while, there was the sound of even shallow breathing.

Heartless to the extreme.

Under the dim light, he heard the voice, his lips curled up slightly.

She reviewed for a day today, and she was really tired.

But to fall asleep so fast with him is really some kind of bulky and fat animal.

Yan Shuo looked away, turned slightly, and stared at the ceiling above his head.

Time passed little by little.

She slept soundly, turning over occasionally, or stretching her hands and feet, talking a few words in her sleep.

Most of them were murmurs, and he couldn't hear anything with a low voice.

Someone who was sober finally let out a breath at three o'clock in the morning, and got out of bed helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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