Chapter 877

Beside the sink, Yan Shuo stared at himself in the mirror.

With his hands on both sides of the pool, the person in the blue and white hospital gown has a pair of deep and beautiful pupils.

Drops of water slid down his face and landed in the pool.

The face is blurred.

From the moment the two beds were pushed together, he knew clearly that he would not be able to sleep.

Both physically...and mentally.

The person in the mirror smiled helplessly.

The only thing that lied to her was that Xia He slept on the companion bed the day he came, and the two of them did not share the bed.

No matter how courageous Xia He is, it is impossible for him to request to sleep with him.

So she... is really a kind of bulky and fat animal, and she doesn't like to move her mind.

The handsome face in the mirror slightly hooked his lips again.

He lowered his eyes slowly and turned off the faucet.

The night is dark, time is slowly passing.

Obviously can't sleep.

But why do you want to laugh so much.


Early the next morning.

Lian Jue woke up refreshed, only to find that the seat next to him was empty.

Is there anything wrong.

Does he still have the consciousness of a patient?

She actually got up earlier than a healthy person like her who was alive and kicking.

Lian Jue got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

There was a soft knock at the door, and a familiar tall figure came in.

"Brother, what are you doing up so early?" She brushed her teeth and said vaguely.

"Run." An unhurried voice.


"You, a stomach patient, told me you just went for a run?"

The person in the hospital gown closed the door, Junyan smiled lightly, "I lied to you."

"Walking." He walked around the flower bed a few times and bought some fruit when he came back.

After playing the role of a patient for too long, it is always necessary to prepare for returning to normal life.


After Lian Jue rinsed his mouth, he took the mango he handed over, "You still want to eat cold ones before you recover from your illness?"

"My stomach is not that fragile." Besides, I bought it and didn't eat it myself.

"Yeah, whoever is stronger than you eats food from roadside stalls and enters the hospital." She moved a small stool and sat next to the trash can.

Someone came from behind, and then covered her lips with one hand, and a warm feeling floated up her back, "Don't bring up such embarrassing things every day, okay?"

"Well, you know how embarrassing you are." She stopped her movements, thoughtful.

The handsome face behind him had a half smile but not a smile: "So? How can I bribe you to let me go?"

Promise with your body.

These four words suddenly appeared in the girl's mind.

When I realized what I was thinking, "..."

and many more.

Lian Jue finally came to his senses.

Since the two are not related by blood, she should be ashamed.

He was handsome, tall, long-legged, broad-shouldered, and narrow-hip, and he was a young and promising elite CEO. She had saved his life to some extent, and it couldn't be more suitable for her to make a promise with her body.

What is this called? Since you haven't fulfilled your responsibilities and obligations as a brother, why don't you become a boyfriend and hold her in your hands for the rest of your life to make up for it?
The girl twitched her expression.

But thinking of his sentence "In my eyes, you will always be a child" last night, the girl felt a sense of frustration again.

Forget it, if you say it, you will probably be ridiculed by this person again.

"I want a big meal."

She made no secret of her determination to make him bankrupt: "I want to eat my favorite imported grouper, scallops and that very, very expensive wine."

It had been three or four years since she had eaten a sumptuous amount of seafood, and this time she wanted to catch the sheep and squeeze it vigorously.

The young man pondered for a moment.

"Fish and scallops are fine, but wine is fine."

(End of this chapter)

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