Chapter 881
Tan Kenan, a young emotional detective, went online, took out a pair of round glasses and put them on, affirming: "If you like someone, there is light in their eyes. Even if there is no light, at least it must be a little different, right?"

"But what's the difference between the way you look at him and the way you look at me?"

"No, no, no!" classmate Tan Miaomiao concluded with an understatement.

Lian Jue: "..."

She never knew that things like eyes can be compared in this way.

"You really don't care about Ye Qinchi?" The girl turned her eyes and stared at the little girl seriously.

"Of course." Tan Miaomiao nodded, with an expression that she was thinking too much.

"You don't get any emotion from licking your face?" Lian Jue joked.

"It's true that there is such a hot feeling, but I'm just a pure face dog."

"If I see a second handsome guy, I won't hesitate to be moved."

She rested her chin on her hands, her face pondering: "Maybe this is called living among thousands of flowers, not a single leaf will touch your body."

Lian Jue: "..."

Tan Miaomiao twisted her braid: "Besides, I don't like this kind of handsome guy with bad eyesight."

Lian Jue nodded, and only realized after a while that he wanted to hit someone, "Who do you think has bad eyesight?!"

"I said Ye Qinchi has bad eyesight, but I didn't mention you."

"Tan Miaomiao, you have grown up, do you want to beat you? Think I can't hear you are secretly poking at me?"


After a long time, Tan Miaomiao finally sighed: "Sure enough, ordinary people can't understand the troubles of beautiful women."

"Even senior Ye, a male god, fell into your hands, Xia Yan."

Smacking her lower lip, Tan Miaomiao's tone was a little sour, "So it seems that when Senior Ye invited me to drink milk tea or something, it was because he wanted to get to know you."

"It's the same at the dinner table. Every time he mentions you, he will laugh...Damn! I should have realized that you two are having an affair!"

Lian Jue: "..."

After thinking about it, Tan Miaomiao felt that she was really stupid.

She dragged her chin and looked very depressed.

Lian Jue didn't want her to think about this matter any further, "Why did you start knitting scarves again?"

She looked at the yarn she was holding in her hand.

Tan Miaomiao also lowered her head to take a look, then shook her head and sighed, "I originally planned to weave it for Senior Ye, but who knows... Forget it, then I will weave it for you."

Lian Jue: "..."

The scarf is almost half-finished and is a beautiful dark blue.

Since it was originally woven for Ye Qinchi, it is impossible for her to take it.


The girl stretched her neck and looked at the old man for a while, then said a little embarrassedly: "I want to learn too."

Tan Miaomiao turned the sweater line with a surprised expression: "Do you have a sweetheart?"

She has a weird expression on her face.

This guy Xia Yan has always been under her nose, if there is someone she likes... how could she not know.

Is it...

She has a dog outside? ?

It's true that I've been hearing that she doesn't come home at night lately. Although she always uses her brother as an excuse, who knows if she has cultivated some adultery outside...

"It's not stipulated that the scarf must be woven for the sweetheart, right?" Qingli girl denied, "I, I can't knit for myself."

"Strange." Tan Miaomiao glanced at her and came to a conclusion.

But Tan Miaomiao, who has always been a good teacher, is still very kind.

She patiently imparted her half-baked skills.

"Look, if you're going to knit a scarf, you've got to go through it here and then in here."

(End of this chapter)

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