Chapter 882
"It's very simple... Uh, I'm stuck, huh? What's going on... Forget it, you can check the tutorial online yourself."



As classmate Tan Miaomiao said, if she could meet a man more handsome than Ye Qinchi, she would change her mind very quickly without any accidents. This is serious.

Anyway, licking someone's face is not licking, as a face dog, there is no bottom line.

But on this day, Tan Miaomiao met a man who was even more handsome than Ye Qinchi, just like a prophecy.

Things start on a sunny morning.

Recently, the class has to collect student ID cards to collect discount information on high-speed rail tickets. It happens that there is no class in the morning, so Tan Miaomiao plans to go home to pick up things.

This is inconvenient for day students.

After saying hello to the little sister who was inseparable every day, Xia Yan, who was going to the school library for self-study, Tan Miaomiao hopped to the school gate to take a taxi.

Then the person who had been jumping for joy slowly slowed down.

This was the only time in the past few days that she was separated from Xia Yan and was alone in the campus.

It's actually a bit sad.

That face, which was always playful and lovely, was rarely decadent and dejected.

Not only did his pace slow down, but his eyes were also a little melancholy.

It's not as sad as that intensely, but it's still kind of sad.

Frankly is calm, but sad is also really sad.

Ye Qinchi...

Ever since he confessed his love to Xia Yan, she didn't have any feelings for him.

Occasionally meet him on the road, and after saying hello, she will only sigh in her heart, she is the man who was rejected.

Emotional and sympathetic.

But recently I don't know why, although it's not because of Ye Qinchi, maybe too many emotions linger in my heart, and my heart gradually revolves around a strange emotion.

Oops, what's the matter with her lately.

Xia Yan is beautiful and deserves to be loved by everyone.

She is not jealous.

But this kind of depressed mood can really destroy and defeat people.

The girl with two ponytails kicked the stones angrily.

She doesn't want to vent her inexplicable emotions on her friends, she should vent when she is alone.

I will go to the taekwondo hall to play muay thai later...

Tan Miaomiao had already planned it in her heart.

However... she soon realized one thing—plans can never keep up with changes.

"Tan Miaomiao."

A slightly cool, pleasant magnetic voice.


She raised her head in a little bewilderment.

Who is calling her, does she know her?Probably not.

The voice is so nice, if she knew her, she would definitely recognize it quickly.

Her gaze fell on the handsome man in a suit opposite, and after focusing on his face, it seemed like a ball of cotton was stuffed in her throat, and she couldn't even utter a word, even the three words "Who are you?" It was all stuck in the throat and swallowed completely.

He is personable, the corners of his lips are raised, and his handsome face is shining in the summer sun.

Although Tan Miaomiao's throat was stuck, her heart was screaming desperately——

Fuck, what kind of look is that!

The other party's tone was very gentle, and a good-looking suit jacket was brushed on the big black g behind him, "Student Tan Miaomiao?"

There is only one question in Tan Miaomiao's mind at the moment: Who are you, this celebrity? ? !
"It's a pleasure to meet you." He nodded lightly, with a smile on his lips.

Tan Miaomiao: "..."

She glanced around at the luxurious and restrained finishing in the car, and then swallowed.

(End of this chapter)

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