Chapter 899
Lian Jue: "..."

She was a little emotional, "So what on earth are you planning, put so much effort into getting into Oxford University, and came back after less than a year of study, hmph, good resources are only given to you people who think about it as soon as they come out. "

Thinking of his excellent senior, Lian Jue felt very sorry again.

Some people can't get it even if they work hard, and some people get it but throw it away easily.

Little did he know that the person behind him suddenly stopped his movements and raised his eyes indifferently.

After a pause, he said in a clear voice: "Yanyan, I have always suspected that there is a gap between our IQs. Who told you that I put a lot of effort into it?"

Lian Jue: "..."

Her eyelids twitched ominously.

"I forgot to tell you, I am cross-examination."

As expected, the girl paused, "Crossing the exam? What do you mean..."

His tone was unhurried: "The cross-examination means that after I arrived in the UK, I didn't take any preparatory studies. I only studied in high school for one year, and then I was admitted to university."

Lian Jue: "..."

She suddenly understood why the legend's history is two years.

Because it was a brand he founded after he dropped out of school. Judging from the year she went to college, it was exactly two years.

The time was right.

No wonder at the beginning when he mentioned that he had been in college for more than half a year, she thought there was something weird but didn't notice it.

It's just that my heart feels a little uncomfortable all of a sudden.

Is this the difference between ordinary people and geniuses? !

Lian Jue thought back to his life when the college entrance examination was approaching: "..."

She even stayed up all night to make papers.

And what about him?
Wouldn't it be to study casually, take the exam casually and then pass the exam?

It's really possible that is the case.

He didn't seem to have had much trouble studying before.

She resentfully said, "Then why didn't you skip a grade before?"

Since his ability to study is stronger than she imagined, if he had skipped a grade, he might have been in high school when she was in junior high school.

"Why do you think?" He said flatly.

Lian Jue: "..."

Her heart suddenly thumped for no reason.

Then he raised his eyes, and the two looked at each other.

" have been thinking about whether you should move were a child?" The girl looked surprised.

"What do you mean by thoughts that shouldn't be moved?" Glancing at her, someone's tone suddenly became a little cold, "If I remember correctly, I don't know who it was who caught me calling my husband every day when I was in kindergarten."

That's the original body!

It wasn't her when she was too young!
But I can't tell him.

So she said angrily, "That was when I was a child after all."


After saying this, the kitchen fell silent.

After a while, he said calmly, "Yeah, after growing up, I fell in love with other little brothers."

Lian Jue: "..."

Even if he didn't look at anyone, he could feel the strong smell of vinegar in the air.

"I never asked." He suddenly stretched out his hand to lift her chin, and stared straight down with his clear eyes, "I have learned how to make up."

"For whom?"

"Ye Qinchi?" He opened his lips in a neutral tone.

"Also, is Haagen-Dazs chocolate delicious?"


Her brother is still a vinegar bucket.

"You all know?"

He hummed lightly, but suddenly he didn't seem to care, turned around and continued peeling cucumbers.

The girl thought it was funny, "It's delicious, we can try it together next time."

"Forget it," he pushed the kitchen partition and walked out with long legs, "I'm not interested in cold drinks."

(End of this chapter)

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