Chapter 900
The person who said he was not interested in cold drinks silently took a sip of the cold water after the food was served.

Before eating half of the meal, he pressed her onto the sofa presumptuously, biting her earlobe, his voice was a little heavy, "find a time to explain it to him."

"I know, the appointment is tomorrow."

He stared at her for a while, his eyes were rather unfathomable.

When Lian Jue thought he was going to say something.

"Don't talk for too long." He frowned.

She was a little amused, "Okay."

"It's settled, I'll pick you up, and accompany me to the company for a while before going to dinner."

Obviously still worried.

It was as if she and Ye Qinchi could have sparks in just half an hour.


"Why do you want to go to your company?"

Although he mentioned this, she was also quite curious about his company.

The gentle scum got up, regained his usual cold and dignified expression, and sat down opposite her, "It's nothing, it's just that the staff recently said that the boss is a virgin, I need to prove it."


"Aren't you?" she asked subconsciously.

"Of course." He raised his eyes slowly, "but it must give them the illusion that I am not."

Lian Jue: "..."

She made an OK gesture.

Men's self-esteem, okay, I get it.

After dinner, Yan Shuo went to take a shower, although he said that he would clean up after he came out, but even Jue was bored to be alone, so he cleaned the living room.

Then a few wine bottles were found under the sofa.

She rummaged through the living room, and finally found a few unopened bottles of whiskey.

Staring at the wine bottle on the ground, her delicate brows slowly frowned.

"You shouldn't be drinking."

The tall and thin man came out of the bathroom, and several empty wine bottles were placed in front of him.

He was slightly stunned, stretched out his arms to hug him, and then explained in a low voice with a smile, "I was in a good mood a few days ago, so I drank a little, just occasionally."

"Don't drink anymore."

She never forgot how Yan Shuo's father died.

"You can drink a little at the wine bureau, but you are not allowed to drink after you go home."

Faced with the girl's rare dominance, Yan Shuo raised his eyebrows, "Not even a bottle?"


He readily agreed, "Okay, no drink."

He reached out and pulled the girl into his arms tightly, "Then sleep together tonight?"

Lian Jue: "..."

The handsome young man seemed a bit shy, "Look, I promised you to quit drinking, so you should give me some sweets too."

However, Lian Jue has always been smarter than anyone else in this regard, "Okay, you have to stop drinking for a while and let me see, otherwise it will be no good if you don't see results."

Yan Shuo had nothing to do with her, so he could only watch the girl enter the room frankly.

During the time abroad, international students had parties, and drinking was a common phenomenon. Although he didn't hang out with those people often, he still drank on a daily basis.

Nothing to do anyway.

As for now...

Now that the goal is to sleep in a bed, alcohol seems to have to be quit.

Thinking of what picture, the handsome young man suddenly felt better, even the little depression associated with quitting drinking disappeared, and wandered back to the master bedroom.


It was around Saturday afternoon.

Yan Shuo went to work in the morning, and even Jue usually got up later on weekends, so she dawdled by herself, brushed her teeth, washed her face, and ate the breakfast bought by Yan Shuo.

I went to school at noon to deal with some student union affairs, and didn't have dinner with my new boyfriend.

(End of this chapter)

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