Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

950 Chapter 14 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

950 Chapter 14 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
"Really, I don't lie to you, I think I really am!"

"You don't know, since I was a child, I have always been in the top [-] in the final exam. When I buy a drink, I will always win another bottle. I often find money while walking. When I am hungry, there will be pies from the sky!"

Lian Jue: "..."

"I didn't lie to you, really." He looked sincere.

"Also, what I just said is not the most powerful. The most powerful thing is... One year, my classmates and I got drunk and ran on the main road to drink crazy, and hit a big truck head-on. It's a centimeter away... I was so scared that I woke up on the spot, thinking that the sky would kill me, but I didn't know if it hit something or not. I only heard a loud noise, and then a whoosh, from above my head Fly over!"

"From, me, head, up, fly, over, over, go!" He said with joy, jumping up and gesturing excitedly in the huge restaurant.

"I was unharmed except that my hairstyle became an airplane head!"


"Look, it's such a perfect inverted U shape!"

"I just watched it fly over my head... Then I saw the stars shining in the sky, so beautiful..."


"It's amazing, pretty sister, are you saying it's amazing!"


"And beautiful sister," Du Lanshan was a little embarrassed after being excited: "Do you know what I was thinking when I was in the dance class just now? Well, she is still a beauty..."

"And then you showed up."

"You said... am I the Chosen One? I should be." His eyes were bright.

Lian Jue: "..."


Lian Jue coughed, and took a sip of water in a disguised manner, "You think too much, these should be accidents, maybe you've had better luck since you were a child."

"That's luck, okay?" It was the first time for the Destiny's son to share his true thoughts with others. Du Lanshan was also a little embarrassed, and lowered his head to dig a spoonful of avocado.

Lian Jue noticed the green food in his hand sharply, and took it away: "You can't eat this, this is for dieters, it's very hungry, you can't gain weight if you eat it."

The boy looked at her blankly.

Lian Jue had a serious expression: "Didn't I say that you are too thin for the camera, you need a little more flesh."

"Ah, so." Although he felt that it was a pity, he still listened to the beautiful sister, so he nodded, "Then I won't eat after I finish eating this."

"By the way..." Thinking of something, he said hesitantly, "Did the beautiful sister promise me? Will you come to eat with me in the future?"

Lian Jue: "Uh..."

This person in front of me is the reincarnation of the emperor, the emperor.

"Okay, I'll come over when I'm free in the future." She nodded and made up her mind.

"But next time I see you, if you still look like this malnourished, then I have to reconsider."

Lian Jue took out a deep posture.

"Okay sister, I promise." Du Lanshan's eyes brightened.

Lian Jue looked at the time and felt that it was about the same time, "Well, and, come on, try to pass the first round."

"I think I can definitely pass the first round. I am the chosen one." The young man was full of confidence.


No wonder I got depressed after being eliminated in the first round.

If anyone has his experience from childhood to adulthood and becomes so confident, who can accept his own failure.

(End of this chapter)

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