Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

951 Chapter 15 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

951 Chapter 15 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
"I'll go, there is no snack shop in the base, Du Lanshan, how did you get it, beef jerky, beef cubes... so much?!"

Back in the training room, as no surprise, Du Lanshan was surrounded by a group of people and became the focus of the crowd.

Many people turned over his huge snack box in shock.

Although Du Lanshan is usually very honest, he still has vanity. He raised his chin proudly, "The beautiful sister gave it to me, saying that I am too thin, so let me eat more."

"Damn! You kid..."

"You lied to me."

"Is it really given by that beautiful producer? Is it not possible to lose weight when I go to Lao Tzu? Why doesn't she come to find Lao Tzu..."

In a corner without a camera, a few teenagers were in a mess.

A slender figure walked past a group of people.

Qi Ran glanced at them, and lightly reminded: "The election is at the back."

Several people were stunned for a moment, and their eyes moved to the back.

Sure enough, several staff members wearing masks came over.

Hula Hula The people in the same place instantly scattered like birds and beasts.

Du Lanshan, who was holding the snack box, quickly covered the box and hid it.

——Snacks will be confiscated if found!

When the selection process passed, the boy felt annoyed.

If I knew it earlier, I would hide in the dormitory. I shouldn't have brought her all the way to the training room to show off... I almost couldn't keep the snacks that my pretty sister gave me.

He raised his eyes subconsciously to look for Qi Ran, wanting to find someone to say thank you.

Not far away, Jun Ting's figure was no longer in place.


"I didn't expect that Producer Ye would personally deliver snacks to Du Lanshan."

Qin Fang in the next classroom heard about this and whispered on the way back to the dormitory after class.

"That kid is not very good at music, but he looks just like that. He is as thin as a monkey. How could he..."

Qi Ran put his hands behind his head, and spoke in a casual tone, "It seems that you are not tired enough from training today, and you are all thinking about other things."

Qin Fang: "..."

At this moment, Lian Jue is in the video resource room.

She stared at the frame-by-frame pictures of the players scrolling on the big screen, folded her arms and fell into deep thought.

"System, how do you say I let the reincarnated emperor pass the first round?"

Is it really necessary to tamper with the video editing and use his position to increase his exposure?

The system didn't answer her question, but said calmly, "Do you know why the male protagonist of the plane is called the male protagonist of the plane?"

Lian Jue cheered up and listened attentively.

"Because the plane is centered on the male protagonist."

Lian Jue: "..."


"From the beginning of the show, the existence of the male protagonist will gradually be discovered by star-chasing girls. There are not many scenes in the early stage, but because of his strong strength and handsome appearance, he will still attract more and more fans' attention, and the commercial value will gradually be seen by the show. The team discovered that increasing the lens and exposure became the main push. After eight episodes of the program, from a single spark to a prairie fire, and finally completed the transformation from no one knows to a household name."

"A generation of top class was born."

"So, he only needs to become friends with the male protagonist of the plane, and his exposure will naturally increase, without you needing to do it directly."

The girl did not speak.

The system is confused, "Host?"

In the quiet resource room, there was a crisp "pa pa pa pa" applause. The girl shook her head and said with emotion, "I can't imagine that the system is useful to you sometimes."


What the hell is that, it doesn't work all the time.

Without it, how could she have narrowly escaped death so many times, and the good guy has forgotten all her past feelings?

(End of this chapter)

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