Chapter 651
Zhang Chi was overjoyed, but the smile froze on his face in the next second, and the Oolong Immortal Sword cut off his head directly.

"Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself", Qin Guan recognized Napoleon's words very much.

I killed Zhang Chi's companion, snatched his magic weapon, the fairy sword, ruined his mission, and cut off his money. Just because I didn't kill him, I wanted him to be grateful to me. Even thinking about it, I knew it was impossible.

Since they are enemies of life and death, they must do everything right. These guys are not good people.

Besides, Qin Guan is not a good person. Facing the enemy, he will speculate on the opponent with the worst side.

Look at the loot, two low-level fairy swords, two Nascent Souls, and three storage bags. In addition to the two personal storage bags, the other is the goods transported this time. device.

To Qin Guan's surprise, there was actually a fairy armor among them. Good guy, the value of this armor is higher than the value of those two fairy weapons. This time it is really a big harvest.

I don't know who snatched these things from, but now they are all owned by Qin Guan.

By the way, Qin Guan also got more than 4 merit points, and Qin Guan never had too much merit value.

"What shall we do next, should we still go to Momenfang City?" Dulong asked.

"Go, of course I have to take a look, these things have to be dealt with." Qin Guan said with a storage bag in his hand.

"I can ask Bi Niang to deal with these. She has her own channel to dispose of the stolen goods, and she promises to dispose of them quietly." Du Long said.

"So good."

Seeing that they are about to arrive at Momenfang City, Beihai is the site of evil cultivators and demon cultivators. To be on the safe side, the two began to put on makeup. Du Long took out a black cloak. This cloak has the function of hiding the face and aura. Qin Guan changed Clothes and hairstyles, breath-holding technique to change the breath, put on the face-changing mask, and become the Supreme Treasure again.

After flying for another two days, Fangshi was approaching, and there were more and more monks passing by. Qin Guan had already seen two or three waves of people, and after half a day, he finally saw a big island. The poisonous dragon told Qin Guan that it was the location of Momen Fangshi .

After entering Fangshi, Qin Guan found that it was not much different from human cities. There were many shops on the streets, but the difference was in the people.

Qin Guan was not going to see Bi Niang, so he told Du Long: "Go and see Bi Niang yourself, I won't make light bulbs if you go pick up girls, and you don't have to worry about me, I'll go around the city by myself, as for those Magical treasures, if you can take them, replace them with pills or spirit stones."

Speaking of this, Qin Guan suddenly thought of something again, and said: "By the way, ask Bi Niang if she can collect dirty or broken fairy artifacts. I will be of great use to those above middle grade."

Although Dulong didn't know what a light bulb was, he could understand Qin Guan's meaning and said, "Then be careful."

The two separated, and Qin Guan began to walk around the square city. Most of the people here were evil cultivators. Qin Guan found that many people were full of evil aura, but there were also many casual cultivators, so Qin Guan walked among the crowd. Also not conspicuous.

The street is very lively, and the hawking is endless.

"Sky Crystal Poisonous Sand, two hundred spirit stones each, is definitely a magic weapon to defile people and a sharp weapon to damage people's Nascent Soul."

The Sky Crystal Poisonous Sand was of the same level as Qin Guan's Five Poison Chasing Soul Sand, which was collected from dead faces and Yin corpses. The ones he absorbed were more than ten thousand grains, and he did not expect them to be quite valuable.

"A thousand-year-old demon corpse is an excellent material for refining corpse puppets."

"Golden elixir female slave, [-] spirit stones per piece, the one who has been trained is submissive, and you can whip and ravage her."

"Selling a Human Nascent Soul is the best choice for refining immortal artifacts and spirits, and making ghost banner master souls. This is the only one. If you want to buy it, hurry up."

At the sound of this sound, more than a dozen people ran over, and it seemed that this Nascent Soul was definitely in high demand.

Qin Guan frowned, it could be described as a miasma of chaos.

Seeing a three-storey shop in front of it, it was gorgeously decorated and very majestic. Qin looked over and saw the big characters "Qianshan Refining Artifact Pavilion" written on the plaque, and his heart was moved. Isn't this the one behind the support of the Fire Spirit Sect? Home Refining Pavilion? The scale is really not small.

Walking into the store, a clerk from the Foundation Establishment Store greeted him, observed that Qin Guan was a loose immortal, and immediately said respectfully: "My lord, I don't know what I want, we have demon weapons, magic weapons, ghost weapons, There are fairy artifacts, Buddhist artifacts, high, middle and low grades, I don’t know what you want to see.”

Good guy, it's quite complete. In Zhengdaofang City, the Artifact Refining Pavilion only sells spirit weapons and fairy weapons, but here they sell all kinds of weapons.

"Let's take a look." Qin Guan said lightly.

"No problem, I'll show you." Said Qin Guan and led Qin Guan around the shop.

"This is the ghost weapon area. Although ghost cultivators can also use other magic weapons, these ghost weapons are specially processed and are most suitable for ghost cultivators to use. For example, most ghost cultivators can use invisibility, which ordinary magic weapons can't do. But After the ghost weapon is refined, it can be invisible with the ghost cultivator." The man said.

Qin Guan thought of Black Snake, Gerbil, Pipa, and Erha. Except for Pipa's spirit weapon gun, the other three have no weapons at all. They only rely on magical powers to attack. It is really time to prepare some magic weapons for them.

When they get out of the customs and reach the ghost fairyland, they should be equipped with ghost weapons, and their combat power should be greatly enhanced. Of course, if they are prepared with magic weapons that must be above the level of fairy weapons, how can Qin Guan, who is too poor, be able to use them.

"What is the ghost artifact?" Qin Guan asked.

Hearing this, the guy might be a big customer, and the smile on his face became wider, and he said: "Immortal artifacts are rare, and ghost artifacts are even rarer. There are only three pieces in the shop now, namely the 'Seven Braves' and 'Black Sword' Shajian', 'Ghost Jade Flame Shuttle', if guests want to see things, they need to inform our shopkeeper, and they have to press a million spirit stones or something of the same value, do you want to see it now."

Qin Guan shook his head lightly, "I'm just asking, I don't want to look at these spirit weapon level ones, just tell me what you have for fairy level magic weapons."

The guy doesn't know what this customer wants to do, but he dare not be negligent. The other party is a powerful Sanxian. If he is not happy and slaps himself to death, even the store will ask for two compensations at most, and he will definitely not seek justice for himself. , so he can only serve carefully.

"We have three-edged demon slaying thorns, yin fire banners of heavenly demons, seven-branch ecstasy nets of peach blossoms, and blood shadow whips. Demon weapons include red spider swords, wasp gourds, white rainbow hooks, and keel whips. Buddhist artifacts include jalan beads, octagonal Zijin Demon Subduing Pestle, Prajna Saber."

"As for the fairy artifacts, there are a little more. We have Liuyang Dingfeng Banner, Sleepy Dragon Halberd, Purple Mist Pick, Colorful Cloud Chain, Bipolar Ring, etc. I don't know what the guests like."

Qin Guan asked, "Do you have armor?"

(End of this chapter)

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