Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 652 Those Sad Eyes

Chapter 652 Those Sad Eyes
The guy complained in his heart, why there is nothing he wants.

However, he still said with a smile on his face: "I'm sorry, my lord, the armor is too rare to be sold in the store at all. Most of them are reserved in advance, and some people even provide materials for customization. If you intend to buy armor, you must at least press it in the store. Buy 500 million spirit stones, and then wait for the news at the party, as for when the goods will be available, it depends on luck."

Qin took a look at the clerk, "What's the point of paying if there is no stock, I'll go to other shops first and then talk about it." Qin Guan walked out of the shop after speaking.

The buddy watched Qin Guan walk away, so he took a deep breath, "If you don't have a spirit stone, you still ask questions, what kind of wolf with a big tail are you pretending to be?"

While Qin Guan was being despised by others, Du Long came to a elixir shop. Although this elixir shop was not the largest in Fangshi, it was not small in scale. Know what to buy."

Dulong was dressed in a black robe, and he looked down on his face at all, but this kind of dress was not uncommon in Momenfang City, and the buddy didn't pay much attention to it.

"I'm Bi Niang's friend, take me to see her." Du Long said in a deep voice.

The buddy was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said, "You need to notify the boss first."

"Then go and inform, that's right, take this." He said and handed the buddy a jade token, but the buddy didn't dare to look at it, and ran in quickly.

Not long after, a woman in a green shirt came out quickly from behind. She looked about thirty years old, but she had a full grip on her waist. When she walked, her plump buttocks swayed, showing infinite style, and the expression of surprise on her face could not be ignored. Anyone can see it.

After coming out, he saw Dulong in black clothes standing in the hall, just about to speak, Dulong waved his hand and said, "Let's go in and talk."

Bi Niang was taken aback, and immediately said: "Okay."

The two came to the backyard, and after putting on the restraint, Du Long took off his cloak to reveal a rough face. Bi Niang excitedly stepped forward and grabbed Du Long's hand and said, "Brother Unicorn, everyone said that you were killed by that Qin Guan. I also went to Dulong Island to check. The buildings on the island collapsed and the spirit veins were destroyed. The whole island was split in two. I thought you were really dead. I cried for several nights. I am thinking about it these days and want to gather some people to go there East China Sea Yaochi Palace, kill Qin Guan to avenge you."

As Bi Niang spoke, tears appeared in her eyes again.

Du Long was also moved by this woman, grabbed Bi Niang's hand and said, "Biniang, I just want to ask you, are you willing to follow me no matter what happens to me?"

A look of surprise and disbelief appeared on Bi Niang's face, "Brother Dujiao, are you willing to have Bi Niang? I will follow you. No matter what happens, Bi Niang is willing to follow you." stay.

Dulong is also straightforward, he picked up Bi Niang and walked to the bed, Bi Niang was shy for a while, and then looked at Dulong boldly, the most primitive voice sounded in the room soon, when the love was strong, both of them turned into demon bodies , a one-horned dragon and a green snake entangled together, rolling continuously.

Of course, it is impossible for the two of them to come out as Baizhang's real body, otherwise the house would not be able to withstand it. Finally, when it was over, Bi Niang lay on Dulong's strong body with a satisfied face, and Dulong said at this moment: "Now you are my Woman, there are some things I can tell you, in fact, I have worshiped Qin Guan as my master."

Bi Niang was extremely surprised, but she didn't interrupt, waiting for Du Long to continue.

Du Long told Bi Niang about the whole incident, and then said that he wanted Bi Niang to join Yaochi Palace, Bi Niang said: "Then Qin Guan is a monk of the righteous way, and the monks of the righteous way are a group of pious fellows, he will sincerely To you?"

"Besides, he is just a loose immortal of one calamity. Wouldn't it be detrimental to his status if Brother Dujiao became his servant? Now that you are a third-rank loose immortal, you are afraid that he will fail. Brother Dujiao, since you have already come out, why don't you stay?" Here, we run this elixir shop together, if brother wants to make a comeback, Bi Niang will definitely support you with all his strength."

But the poisonous dragon shook his head and said: "Biniang, our demon cultivators have rules since ancient times. Once we recognize the master, we will never change our minds at will. Besides, Qin Guan is just a loose immortal now. With his strength, even I am not an opponent. , I think his future achievements, your future and mine may all be due to him."

"Biniang, I've made up my mind. If you don't want to follow me to recognize the Lord, I won't force you." Du Long lamented, his tone full of loneliness.

Bi Niang was a little anxious, she hugged the poisonous dragon tightly and said quickly: "Brother Dujiao, don't be angry, Bi Niang definitely didn't mean that, since my brother has confirmed it, then Bi Niang will definitely follow, and Bi Niang will never separate from Brother Dujiao."

Dulong then told about the robbery of the Qianshan Artifact Refining Pavilion. After hearing this, Bi Niang said: "It's easy to talk about the magic weapon. Brother put it here, and I can sell them. And the gods don't know anyone. It is impossible for outsiders to find out."

"As for the acquisition of dirty and broken magic weapons, I will also find someone to do it."

Speaking of this, Bi Niang looked at Du Long with charming eyes like silk, and said: "Brother, stay here for a while, and accompany Bi Niang."

The poisonous dragon chuckled, and said, "Master taught me a kind of cultivation method called Yuanying Dual Cultivation Method. Now you and I try it to see if we can get along well. If we do, this method will be of great benefit to improving our cultivation."

Bi Niang naturally agrees.

A seven-foot-long one-horned dragon flew out from the head of the poisonous dragon, and a five-foot-long green snake climbed out of Bi Niang. After the two monsters met, they began to slowly touch each other, and then entangled each other. The two did not reject each other, and it really became a relationship.

It can only be said that the luck of the two of them is really against the sky, there is no one in a thousand chances for them to meet, and the two of them instantly enjoy a kind of ultimate comfort, which is countless times better than when they fit together, and the two of them can feel their cultivation. growing rapidly.

The two indulged in it for a while, ignoring external objects and practicing wholeheartedly.

Qin Guan walked around the market, he was not in a hurry, he had a revelation about picking up girls for a while, Qin Guan had already explained it before, the time was left to Dulong himself, don't worry about him, if he gets bored, he will take care of himself I will find an inn to practice and wait for the poisonous dragon.

I went around the market, and I was wondering if I could come across some good things, but unfortunately, there was nothing, and there was no such thing as a leak. I found a few filthy artifacts, but they were all rudimentary , useless to itself.

Qin Guan was looking for an inn to wait for the poisonous dragon. As soon as he walked to another bustling street, he heard someone shouting loudly in front of him: "Female cultivator of Sanxianjing, a rare and stunning beauty in the world, come and have a look objectively if you have the strength." Ah, it will be auctioned in an hour."

Qin Guan turned his head to look, just in time to see the pair of clear eyes in the cage, revealing a sadness in the eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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