Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 724 That Handsome Man in Black

Chapter 724 That Handsome Man in Black
Can you blame grandma? The child is the heart and soul of the old man, so how could she want to lose her precious bump.

Hate only hate those damn human traffickers.

The child was stolen by the traffickers, and they all knew that the possibility of finding it was very low, very slim.

For traffickers, a child is just a commodity in their hands, which can be exchanged for money, but for a family, it is all they have.

How many families live in pain forever because of the loss of their children, completely destroying a happy family.

This scene reminded Qin Guan of time and space in ancient times. The time when the young mother was lost was also the time when Qin Guan killed 7 people for the first time.

If the child cannot be found, what kind of painful life will he experience.

Time passed by, and the sadness and fear intensified. It had been three hours, and they realized that the child might be difficult to find, and Xiao Ai had already passed out from crying once.

"Bang bang bang!"

The door was knocked.

Qin watched the people in the room, the old man and the old lady were dying of pain, Xu Qinglan and An Yi hugged Xiao Ai, and he was the only one who was suitable to open the door.

In fact, he knew who was outside the door.

The door opened, and a man in his thirties stood at the door, dressed in black with a stern face, but he held a child in his arms.

"Ma Ma ~ Ma Ma"

A child's call came from the door, and everyone looked up immediately.

Xiao Ai let out a scream, Fei also ran to the door, and hugged the child, "Baby, my baby, baby~~."

Crying and hugging the baby tightly.

The old man and the old lady also stood up, ran over in two or three steps, and embraced their granddaughter. The old lady cried bitterly, "My good granddaughter, you are back, grandma dare not talk nonsense to others anymore. La, oh my baby~~."

The old lady's crying was heart-piercing.

If the child is really lost, the old lady may not live for a few years.

Xiao Yuwan was frightened, grinning and crying, the whole family cried.

An Yi and Xu Qinglan looked at the person who delivered the child, a man in black with a fierce face, he didn't look like a good person at all. Qin Guan had ordered the black snake to restrain himself as much as possible, but it was difficult to completely hide that temperament.

It is ten thousand times more difficult to make him a big devil suddenly become upright than to let him kill people.

Hei Snake stepped forward and respectfully said to Qin Guan: "Boss, those people and the car were left on the side of the road together."

Qin nodded, "Go and do your work."

Hei Snake bent down, and then exited the room, ready to take the elevator to leave. Only then did Xiao Ai's family realize, and Xiao Ai said to Hei Snake, "Brother, thank you, thank you, thank you~~"

The old man and the old lady are also full of thanks.

Now they don't know what to say, such a great kindness, but they can only say thank you.

There was no emotion on Black Snake's face: "I just follow the boss's order to do things."

After speaking, he raised his leg and stepped into the elevator to leave.

Only then did everyone realize that this was Qin Guan's man, and the child was rescued by Qin Guan, and Xiao Ai's family began to thank Qin Guan again.

In fact, it wouldn't take three hours for Black Snake to bring the child back, three minutes would be enough, but he couldn't be too abrupt.

Although Xu Qinglan was full of doubts, she didn't ask, and said to Xiao Ai, "Xiao Ai, you should quickly call Yu Wan's father, Xiao Yu Wan's father is still looking for someone outside."

"Oh oh oh."

"Don't cry too, it scares the child, hurry up and comfort the child."


"Let's go first, there is something to contact us."

Xu Qinglan, Qin Guan, and An Yi left Xiao Ai's house. In fact, Xiao Ai's family hadn't recovered from the chaos, but they just kept thanking Qin Guan.

When the three came downstairs, Xu Qinglan looked at Qin Guan and asked in surprise, "Honey, who is that man in black?"

"Will Smith." Qin Guan opened his mouth and came.

Seeing the surprised eyes of the two women, Qin Guan smiled and said, "They are my subordinates."

"I don't know if our company has this subordinate." Xu Qinglan said.

"Don't you know that your husband and I have other properties?" Qin Guan said.

At this time, An Yi suddenly said: "I feel that the person just now is so cool, handsome uncle, with an indifferent expression on his face."

Qin Guan looked at An Yi, what kind of eyes did this girl have, and the fierce look on the black snake's face, she actually said that she was so cool, handsome uncle, and had a strange aesthetic.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, look at the eyes of the two of you, they are all swollen from crying." Qin Guan quickly changed the subject.

The two girls yelled in surprise, quickly took out the small mirror, and then screamed twice.

"It's all the damn human traffickers' fault," An Yi said.

"Yes, those human traffickers deserve to die. If they are caught, they should be shot." Xu Qinglan said in an angry tone.

"By the way, you, oh, how did your subordinates find Xiaoyuwan? Where's the human trafficker? Have you caught it?" Xu Qinglan asked.

"Don't worry, I can't run away, I have already told him to do it."

Qin Guan has already told Black Snake that those human traffickers will be handed over to the police. As for the next thing, it is better for the police to handle it. In modern society, killing people is very troublesome.

At this moment, two system prompts suddenly sounded in Qin Guan's mind.

"Ding, the host saved a family and gained 312 merit points."

"Ding, arrest four human traffickers and get 426 merit points."

Hey, merit rewards.

This is the first time Qin Guan has received a reward in the modern plane, which surprised him slightly.

Although it was unintentional to help, but it saved a family, arrested several human traffickers, or indirectly saved the lives of several people, so there will be meritorious rewards.

A few hundred points is nothing to him, but Qin Guan thinks it is very important. Through today's incident, Qin Guan opened another door.

A family has 300 points, what about 10 families, 100 families, and 1000 families.

A human trafficker has 100 points, what about 10, 100, or 1000.

Think about it, there is a lot to do.

Through this incident, he discovered that merit points can also be earned in the modern world, so why didn't he have merit points for donating to Hope Primary School before?

I don't know, I can't figure it out.

The matter did not end. After the black snake called the police, the police found the car. The car crashed into a tree on the side of the road. All four people were in a coma. A blanket of the child was found in the car. The four people quickly Waking up, he confessed his crimes exactly, which surprised the police, as he had never seen such a cooperative criminal before.

After checking the video, Grandma Xiaoyuwan identified these people undoubtedly, and through them, the police dug up a gang of trafficking in women and children, arrested more than 20 people in one fell swoop, and rescued 11 abducted children and 4 women. name.

(End of this chapter)

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