Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 725 Charity Empire

Chapter 725 Charity Empire
From time to time in the past few days, Qin Guan would receive a system prompt, rewarding different amounts of merit points. In the final calculation, a total of more than 7000 points were rewarded.

The system blamed part of the cause and effect of catching the trafficking gang and saving the family on Qin Guan.

More than 7000 points can be earned by killing any Sanxian Moxiu, but Qin Guan feels that this matter is very meaningful.

By inquiring about information, groups of numbers and pictures are shocking.
The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

A foreign spider knows the truth, so why not do it yourself.

These days, a plan is slowly taking shape in Qin Guan's mind. He thinks that he should do it, regardless of whether it is karma or merit, he just thinks that he should do it.

This reason is enough.

When she came to Xu Qinglan's office, Qin Guan told her exactly what she was thinking. Xu Qinglan looked at Qin Guan in surprise. It had been a few days, and she had been freed from the love of losing her child since she was a child. Unexpectedly, her husband would never forget it.

"You want to fight against the trafficking of women and children?" Xu Qinglan asked.

"There are too many human tragedies in this world. Maybe now that I have a little strength, I think I should do something." Qin Guan said solemnly.

This is the second time that Qin Guan said something so solemnly. The first time was when Qin Guan wanted to donate to build Hope Primary School.

Xu Qinglan looked at Qin Guan.

Qin Guan seldom cared about Qinglan Jewelry's billion-dollar company.

He seems to be very casual about cooperating with his father's tens of billions of business.

But in these things, but the most attentive.

Such a husband is really cute.

A smile appeared on Xu Qinglan's face.

"How about it, Qinglan, do you support me?" Qin Guan asked.

"Then what if I don't support you." Xu Qinglan asked mischievously.

Qin Guan was startled.

He really didn't think about this question, but how could it be difficult for Qin Guan, "Are you willing, are you really willing, think about Xiao Ai, think about Xiao Yuwan." Qin Guan took Xu Qinglan's hand, eyes Said cutely.

An old Sanxian monster is so cute, its lethality is second to none.

"Qinglan's love, I believe, is much more than mine. It's just that the mundane affairs have delayed her, so this job has been done by her husband. A family with good deeds will have celebrations, and a family with evils will have disasters. It is also to accumulate blessings for the whole family, wife, are you right?"

Xu Qinglan felt that she loved Qin Guan to death, and hugged him.

"Husband, why would I stop you? Besides, what you do is a good thing. I support you. I will make money in the future. If you do charity, let's build our, um, charity empire." Xu Qinglan said.

Charity empire, is there such a word?They are commercial enemies, you come to a charity empire, this old woman is worse than herself.

However, is our money over?

What he is most afraid of now is getting money.

"Where are you going to start?" Xu Qinglan asked.

Qin Guan stood up and said proudly: "Let's start with the acquisition of the website."

Qin Guan's actions were quick, and it took only half a day to set up an operation team. The person in charge was a vice president of the Qin Lan Foundation, named Yang Zhitong. Qin Guan also named the team "Home of Doing Good ".

The first task Qin Guan entrusted to them was to acquire those websites in China that searched for relatives and children.

"Boss, these eight websites, China Family Search Network, Baby Home, Find Subnet, and Missing Children Network, are the best relative and child search websites in China. Some of them cooperate with local civil affairs and public security departments, and there are also A supportive group of volunteers.”

Almost all of these family-finding and child-finding websites are privately established, operated as public welfare, and have no source of funds. They can only earn some meager income from some advertisements on weekdays.

"Then contact them and ask them if they sell it, and if their people are willing to join the "House of Charity"." Qin Guandao.

These websites have missing person registration data, which can be used directly after purchase. It is very simple to develop a new website, but it is very troublesome to accumulate data. The most important thing is that it takes time, and Qin Guan is not willing to waste this time.

Also, these websites have also attracted a group of volunteers, and these people are also very important.

Qin Guan continued to order,

"Also, contact a technology company to develop the "Home of Charity app". Now is the era of mobile Internet, how can this be missing, the speed must be fast, as long as the data from the website comes, it must be connected immediately."

"Besides, send someone to contact the public security and civil affairs departments. It is best to get their database. This will be very helpful for our future work."

"Good boss." Yang Zhi said.

These tasks are not easy, but since they are to be done, we must do our best.

Things are progressing steadily. In the office, Qin Guan released four soul servants, Black Snake, Gerbil, Pipa, and Erha. The four saluted Qin Guan respectfully. Black Snake is familiar with this world, so it doesn't matter. The soul servant felt this different world.

It was their first feeling that there was no aura. The three of them secretly looked at Qin Guan's room, and there was also Qin Guan in a strange attire.

"Black Snake, you take the three of them and familiarize yourself with the rules of this world. Next, you all have things to do." Qin Guan ordered.

"Yes, master." Black Snake replied.

"Master, what is this place? I can't feel a trace of aura." The gerbil asked.

"Here, it is already another world, and you will gradually realize it."

"Master, we are not familiar with the rules of this world, so we are afraid of, um, causing some trouble." Erha said.

This guy is getting vaccinated, and he is not really stupid.

"Get out of the way if you cause trouble, and don't stay in the country." Qin Guan said angrily.

"Okay okay."

The four soul servants saluted again and disappeared.

Time flies and half a month has passed. I hope that the day of the primary school ceremony is coming. Qin Guan and Xu Qinglan took a few assistants to Mengyun County. They were warmly received by the county leaders that night. They went to Chongming Village the next day. The road has been repaired, and you can take a car all the way into the village.

When passing by the small river, Xu Qinglan pointed to the small river and said, "You were the one who carried me across the river last time."

When the convoy entered the village, they saw a beautiful elementary school standing on the edge of the village. It was completely open without courtyard walls, surrounded by lush greenery, and surrounded by two-storey small buildings.

The clean and spacious concrete playground has basketball hoops and table tennis tables on both sides, and a flagpole in the middle with a five-star red flag flying above it.

After approaching, Qin Guan saw at the first sight a statue taller than a person standing on the right side of the school. The statue was a young girl in a dress with a sweet smile, and engraved with two words, Yuzhu.

The old village chief said to Qin Guan: "Polygonatum odoratum is a famous bird that flies out of our Chongming village."

(End of this chapter)

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