Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 726 Dare to reach out, slap to death

Chapter 726 Dare to reach out, slap to death
The brand-new school building is surrounded by greenery, mountains in the distance, white clouds in the sky, and the smiling face of Yuzhu. Suddenly, Qin Guan feels that his thoughts are extremely clear at this moment, as if he has entered a higher level.

At this moment, his state of mind took a qualitative leap.

All men, women and children from Chongming Village came, and the playground was very lively. City leaders, county leaders, people from the Qin Lanji Foundation, villagers from Chongming Village, and many reporters witnessed the completion ceremony of the primary school.

From then on, the children of Chongming Village will attend classes in spacious and bright classrooms, instead of running for more than ten miles on mountain roads to go to school.

The wish of Yuzhu back then has come true.

That night, Qin Guan did not return to the county seat, but stayed in Chongming Village with Xu Qinglan.

The original bamboo building of Yuzhu's house has been renovated, or in other words, it was rebuilt, and the two lived in this bamboo building that night.

Beside the bamboo building, the two sat side by side looking at the stars, listening to the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the bamboo forest, their legs were put down, and they were dangling in the air, which was very pleasant.

"Honey, what is your ideal?" Qing Lan asked suddenly.


Do you have it? It seems that you have it. If the ideal is a goal, then at his current level, perhaps what he should pursue is becoming an immortal and attaining immortality.

"Higher, faster, and stronger." Qin Guan said.

Xu Qinglan slapped him with a smile, "Putting me off with Olympic slogans again."

"Then what about your ideal?" Qin Guan asked Qinglan.

Xu Qinglan rested her head on Qin Guan's shoulder, and said leisurely, "My ideal is very simple, to marry you, and then stay by your side, for the rest of my life, to give birth to a few children for you, and grow old together."

Qin Guan stretched out his arms to embrace her, "Your wish will definitely come true."

"you promise?"

"Yes, I promise!"

Back in the county the next day, Qin Guan was about to leave directly. The person in charge of the charity foundation found Qin Guan.

"President Qin, there is something I need to report to you."

"whats the matter."

"The first batch of five Hope Primary Schools was built as a pilot project. Next, we will enter the second batch of construction. There will be a total of 25 primary schools. Our procedure is to call for bids by item. But last night, I asked the county magistrate to find me and hope to give him Brother-in-law, some projects." The person in charge said.

Qin Guan frowned.

"You agreed."

"No, I can't decide this matter, so I ask you for instructions." The person in charge said quickly.

"County Zhao has been very cooperative with the construction of Hope Primary School before. He is coordinating many things and is very dedicated. He came to me last night and told me that his brother-in-law came to him, hoping to take some small projects and ensure the quality. Cutting corners and materials, the project payment is calculated normally, to see if it can provide some convenience."

"He also said that if he fails to bid according to the rules, he will never have other ideas because of this matter. He will still do his best for the next school building construction."

Qin Guanxin said, the deputy county magistrate Zhao spoke directly enough without beating around the bush.

But thinking about it is relieved.

The idea of ​​deputy county magistrate Zhao is that he wanted it but was afraid of accidents. He really didn't dare to offend the big sponsor of the Qin Lan Foundation.

He is in charge of this construction. This project is also registered in Yun Province. When the Hope Primary School is completed, it will be one of his achievements, and it will be of great benefit to his future promotion.

With the current anti-corruption efforts, he dares to make a stumbling block. If the Qin Lan Foundation announces this to the outside world, he must be out of luck. It will be easy to get rid of it. Even if he doesn't use public opinion, he wants to make a stumbling block. Secretary and county magistrate Don't do it either.

If such a big project is messed up by him, two leaders can kill him.

"Just give him 300 million yuan for the project, and the repair of the playground in the later stage, so that the county magistrate Zhao will be more dedicated. Also, you must keep an eye on the quality of these Hope Primary Schools, and there must be no mistakes."

Qin Guan is not a pedantic person. The other party said clearly that he only used favors instead of rights. Qin Guan is still acceptable, if it comes to Yin.
Hmph, I slap you to death.

I hope that the quality of the primary school building will be completed. Qin Guan found a special inspection and supervision company from Shanghai. It has nothing to do with Mengyun County, the Foundation, and those construction companies. If there are quality problems in the middle, the project funds will not If it is given, the relevant personnel must be held accountable, and the staff of the foundation cannot escape.

From the very beginning, Qin Guan has strictly controlled the quality.

Doing good deeds can't make rubbish projects.

Back in Hangzhou, Qing Lan continued to work, and Qin Guan focused on his "House of Good" career.

Yang Zhitong reported that he had bought four websites and spent more than 300 million yuan. He contacted other websites, some of which were not sold, some thought the price was low, and some were used to earn political capital. However, everyone is willing to cooperate.

"President Qin, I think these four websites are enough. We bought them mainly because we need their data and channels. These websites will eventually be swallowed up and become the new "House of Charity" website."

"Many of the data on these people tracing websites overlap. For example, a family who has lost a child often registers and publishes information on several websites at the same time. This situation is very common."

Qin nodded. If this is the case, then the four websites are enough. When the "House of Charity" is built, it will naturally attract more data.

Yang Zhitong continued: "President Qin, in fact, these data are still too little. We sorted out the data on these websites, but only [-] to [-], which is very different from the actual data. About ten families lost their population. Only one or two will post missing person information on these websites.”

"It's much worse than the data in the "anti-trafficking database" of the Ministry of Public Security. The best way is to get the database of the public security department. I have also contacted them, but they don't care about us at all."

You want to do good things, but why do people give you the data? How can national data be given to people casually, if you use it for other things.

"President Qin, there is one more thing. The Ministry of Civil Affairs has a "National Announcement Platform for Fighting Abductees, Rescuing Children and Finding Their Parents", the Ministry of Public Security has an "Emergency Release Platform for Children's Missing Information", and the "110 People Tracing" website. If our APP is launched, It would be nice to be able to interface with those platforms.”

"If you want to connect, you need other people's consent. This is not something we can do." Yang Zhitong said.

It's really troublesome, "Is there any more?" Qin Guan asked.

"That's all for now."

"Okay, I'll figure out how to do this. You can get your own affairs in order, merge the website to sort out the data, organize the APP, and prepare for the release of the "House of Charity". I can only give you a month. When the time comes, the website It will be launched at the same time as the APP." Qin Guandao.

Yang Zhitong's forehead was sweating a little. One month is too short. It seems that he has to work overtime, "I see, Mr. Qin."

"Also, for the docking of the data from the Ministry of Public Security and those platforms you mentioned, you should reserve ports in advance and make preparations. Once the data is obtained, it must be incorporated into our website and APP immediately."Qin Guan ordered again.

Asking Yang Zhitong to go out, Qin Guan called his uncle and asked if he could get the data through the relationship. The uncle said that the province can still find a way, as for the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security, the uncle has no way to communicate.

(End of this chapter)

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