Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 734 Torment in Hell

Chapter 734 Torment in Hell
"There is a Mata Temple in India, which is dedicated to the Rat God. It is a paradise for rats, but they are all ordinary rats. I am attached to the statue and enjoy a handful of incense. taste." The gerbil squinted his eyes, enjoying himself.

"Brother Black Snake, where did you go?" Erha asked.

In fact, Black Snake is quite familiar with this world, but Qin Guan intends to let them know more about this world, so that it will be convenient for them to do things in the future.

Black Snake said lightly: "I went to the R book."

"Anything fun?" asked the gerbil.

"They have a totem called Yamata no Orochi. I turned into Yamata no Orochi, and I have attracted many believers." Black Snake said.

"Accepting believers, why didn't I think of it, it should be more interesting." The gerbil's small eyes flicked back and forth, not knowing what idea he was thinking.

Erha asked Pipa again, "Where did you go, Pipa?"

"I just stay by the master's side. I just went out for two days, the master summoned me back, and I have been working with the master since then." Pipa said.

The three soul servants suffocated, and lost all their complacency just now, Erha babbled and said, "Master still likes pipa more."

Qin Guan came back from the meeting and saw that the three demon servants had come back. He said, "From today onwards, all four of you will go out and investigate those human traffickers. Even if they are hiding in the mouse hole, you must find them out."

The gerbil blinked its small eyes, thinking that we mice were innocent again.

"Pipa has been following me these days. I have already told her the specific operation. Go down and let Pipa tell you how to do it."

"Pipa, all human traffickers caught will be given the 'human trafficker' disease'."

"Yes, master." Pipa replied.

After the work was ordered, Qin Guan accompanied Xu Qinglan to Kuala Lumpur the next day to attend the International Jewelry Fair there.

The preparations for this exhibition are very adequate, and the company has a large number of people. There is no need for Qin Guan and Xu Qinglan to watch in person. The two followed the venue and talked to the vice president of business. Qin Guan took Qinglan's hand and walked away. up.

Qin Guan said that Qing Lan had been working hard these days, so he just took the opportunity to have fun and relax in Malaysia.

Rented a hot air balloon directly in Kuala Lumpur, Qinglan was very excited after boarding, and said to Qin Guan, "Where are you going to take me?"

"A beautiful place." Saying that, he dropped the rope, and the balloon took off.

Qinglan was startled, "It's just the two of us, don't we need a driver?"

"Hehe, don't worry, I can fly a hot air balloon." Qin Guan patted his chest and said.

The Great Immortal Qin flew to the sky and escaped from the earth, he was even more powerful than Superman, how could he lose to a small hot air balloon, if he had a pilot with him, it would ruin the romantic atmosphere too much.

After flying for a long time, the balloon finally landed on a small island. This is a tourist island, naturally there are various facilities, as well as chefs and service personnel. The small island was taken over by Qin Guan.

delicious seafood dinner,
blue sky.

In the distance are green jungles and fine sandy beaches by the sea.

This is enjoyment.

After staying on the island for three days, I returned to Kuala Lumpur. The exhibition just started, and there was no delay at all. After the seven-day exhibition, Qinglan jewelry harvested well. White jade and jadeite are very popular in Asia. The more high-end, the better the market. They are sought after by the wealthy class, especially the Chinese wealthy class, who are really willing to spend money on these.

At a trade fair, Qinglan Jewelry sold 1.5 million yuan, and there were more than 2 million orders. It also reached an agreement with another Malaysian jewelry company to provide them with white jade and jadeite rough. As for the specific price, we will discuss it.

After half a month, Qin Guan returned home and found that the anti-trafficking business in China had reached an explosive level. It can be said that it has now become the hottest focus of attention.

The four demon servants are absolutely god-level in catching human traffickers. They are all strong in the realm of Sanxian. They only need to follow the vines to find the lairs of those human traffickers. Guy kills.

But Qin Guan won't let them do that,

Get dizzy, call the police, let the police come and clean up the mess.

After the police asked about the situation and fixed the evidence, what awaited them was the curse of Pipa.

Just in conjunction with the anti-trafficking campaign of the Ministry of Public Security and the reports of the surrounding people, the whole momentum suddenly rose. In just half a month, more than 4000 traffickers were arrested across the country.

More than 4000 people, this is a shocking number.

Another point of concern is that after a few days of being arrested, these traffickers will gradually contract a disease called "human trafficker disease."

All the traffickers were in great pain and enjoyed extreme torture.

This is no longer news, because there are too many people, the paper can no longer contain the fire, and various information rumors are spreading wildly on the Internet.

A kind of 'God's punishment' speech has now become the mainstream.

No non-trafficker has ever contracted this horrific disease.

However, none of the traffickers who were caught ran away, and all of them got this disease. This is not God's punishment.

But it's this weirdness, this inconceivable, unexplainable phenomenon that is so logically accepted by people.

The national news and Internet media have also carried out many positive reports on the fight against abduction and the arrest of human traffickers, even on the news network.

All of a sudden, the cases of missing persons in the country plummeted, because those traffickers were frightened.

The credit for the arrest is not only due to the Four Demon Servants, but also to the public security organs, and also to the "House of Doing Good". Some traffickers were caught through reporting. For this, the website spent several million in rewards.

However, Qin Guanhua is very happy with this money, because his merit value has actually increased by more than 80 points these days.

This is not a small reward, enough to make Qin Guan happy.

Although some things were not directly done by Qin Guan or the four demon servants, but this matter happened because of Qin Guan, and part of Qin Guan's karma was involved, so if those children were rescued and the traffickers were arrested, Qin Guan would also be rewarded. Some merit rewards, although one is not many, but the accumulation of little is very objective.

Qin Guan called the four demon servants back, and ordered: "The intensity must be increased. I want those human traffickers to tremble even if they are hiding under the covers."

Erha looked at Qin Guan, and said: "Master, the curse technique of Pipa is too terrifying, it scares countless people, I saw a human trafficker, after being caught, he committed suicide directly, because he was afraid of suffering that kind of pain. "

Pipa said: "Yesterday, the first batch of cursed traffickers began to die."

Qin Guan said lightly: "Death is the destination they should go to. If there is hell, they will continue to suffer in hell."

(End of this chapter)

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