Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 735 Doing bad things, one case at a time

Chapter 735 Do Bad Things, Together Together

Qin Guan searched the news on the web, and there were many reports on the anti-trafficking, but they were not the headlines.

"M Yi Zhan continues to escalate and has risen to 1600 billion US dollars."

"The "Carl Vinson" has just visited Vietnam, and now the "Roosevelt" is here again. The "Roosevelt" conducts drills in the "disputed waters" of the N Sea, and invites military officers and journalists from other countries to show off its military power in a high-profile manner. .”

"Country M banned the sale of XX chips and launched an investigation, resulting in"

Qin looked a little annoyed, and cursed: "This is an open bullying, threatening and grinning, the next step is probably to come over and bite hard."

The four demon servants looked at each other behind Qin Guan, not daring to speak.

"Ring bell bell!"

The phone on the desk rang.

"Hey, husband, it's time, let's go." Qinglan's voice came from the microphone.

At the Kuala Lumpur International Jewelry Fair, Qinglan Jewelry has gained a lot. Today, it is planning to hold a company celebration party to thank the employees for their efforts. As the boss and the boss's wife, it is natural to attend.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Qin Guan stood up, picked up his suit and left the office, the gerbil and Erha looked at each other, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

A few people looked at Qin Guan's unclosed webpage. There was a picture of an aircraft carrier on it. Erha suddenly said, "I heard a word."

All three looked at Erha, "What are you talking about?"

"The Lord worries about the humiliation of the ministers, and the Lord humiliates the ministers to death."

Erha, this ignorant guy has also learned how to draw text.

"The master was very angry just now, someone dared to bully the master."

Black Snake said: "The master said that country M bullies people, not the master."

Erha jumped up and said, "Is that different? Anyway, the master is not happy, right? The master is not happy. As servants, how can we stare at it? Otherwise, what would we do?"

The gerbil blinked and asked, "What do you want to do?"

There was a faint blue light in Erha's eyes, and he said: "Master doesn't like that boat, wouldn't it be over for him if he sinks it? We are in the realm of comprehension, and that one has blood on his hands, so he still cares about these people and a broken boat?"

Pipa gave Erha a blank look: "Who cares about a broken boat, we just acted on our own for fear that the owner will be unhappy."

Erha grinned, showing a row of big white teeth, "Let's make it more concealed, how will the master know that we did it, the aircraft carrier exploded by itself, it's none of our business, the master will probably be very happy when he sees this news .”

"I'm ready to do it, who else will go, if you are afraid of being scolded, you don't have to participate, Erha can do it alone." Erha said.

"I'll go, such a fun thing, how can I miss it." The gerbil shouted immediately.

Black Snake was silent for two seconds, then nodded, "If you sink a boat, the punishment should not be too heavy."

Pipa glanced at the three guys, and snorted coldly: "What are you doing, are you trying to exclude and isolate me? I think you are as close as the master."

Erha grinned, "Haha, then the four of us will go together."

Qinglan Jewelry has booked a resort, the entire company has come, and they can bring their families, there are about 300 people, there is no lengthy speech, the atmosphere of the celebration is very relaxed, buffet mode, Qin Guan and Qinglan and several managers together Come on stage, thank you for your efforts, and after toasting together, everyone will play their own games.

After the celebration was over, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. Qin Guan and Xu Qinglan returned to their home. The two big bosses with billions of dollars are still living in Qin Guan's original small apartment. According to Qinglan, Living here is comfortable and warm.

Qing Lan drank some wine, got a little excited, and took the initiative to drive on it until the early morning. After Qin Guan hugged and washed, the two of them stuck together and fell asleep.

Qinglan's favorite position is that Qin Guan hugs her from behind, and then puts her hands on her plump body. She said that sleeping like this is very comfortable.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 21506 merit points."

Suddenly a system prompt sounded in Qin Guan's mind, and Qin Guan opened his eyes, wondering how he could get such a single sum of merit for no reason.

Although I got a lot of merit points from the anti-trafficking campaign, they all add up. A single transaction rarely exceeds 500 points. What is the reason for the drop of more than 2 points?

Qin Guan used his supernatural powers to calculate, and immediately cursed in his heart, "These bastards."

Gently took away the big hand covering Qinglan's plump body, got up quietly and came to the living room, stretched out his hand and used the Yuan mirror technique, in the light curtain, on the dark sea, there was a big ship burning violently, and there was a sound from time to time There was a dull explosion, countless people were running on the deck, and the scene was in chaos.


With a huge explosion, the entire hull suddenly trembled, and then began to tilt to one side. Dozens of fighter jets on the deck were all tilted and crowded together, and some fell directly into the water. good effect.

"Woo~ woo~ woo~~"

Sirens sounded over the entire ocean.

Qin Guan scolded angrily, "These four bastards actually blew up the US aircraft carrier behind their backs."

He took out the gourd of the soul, and hit a spirit sword to summon the four guys back, and with a shake of his hand, he released the four guys.

"Who told you to do this?" Qin Guan said with a sullen face.

The four of them looked at each other, Pipa, Black Snake, and Gerbil stretched out their hands together, pointing at Erha, Erha glanced at the three disloyal guys with a painful face, stole a glance at Qin Guan who was staring at him, and immediately lowered his head Make a plea.

"Do you think I can't do this? Just a single sword can cut that wrecked ship in two."

"But this is my hometown. Everything operates with its own order and rules, and this order is very fragile. If you act rashly, it is likely to lead the whole world into unpredictable changes. This is the reason why I am unwilling to act."

"Since you made a mistake, you will be punished, Erha, from today onwards, you will be punished to retreat to the peak of cultivation before you can come out."

As soon as Qin Guan's punishment came out, Erha's face immediately collapsed.

It seems that I am going to be in the gourd, and I have been practicing in seclusion for decades. It is so lonely to practice, how can I feel as happy as coming outside.

"You three, don't do anything reckless in the future. If you commit the crime again, you will be punished as well." Qin Guan pointed to the three of them on the pipa.

"Yes, Master, we know we were wrong."

Putting the four guys directly into the gourd, Qin Guan sat on the sofa. In fact, what he said just now is afraid of affecting the world's changes is only a small part of the reason. It is no big deal to blow up an aircraft carrier. The biggest reason is that these guys are soul servants. If you dare to do such a big thing behind your back, you must be warned and punished, otherwise it will be difficult to manage next time.

"Honey, where are you?"

Qinglan's somewhat confused voice came from the room.

"Oh, I drink some water, here I come."

(End of this chapter)

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