Senior, wrong!

Chapter 16 Met Your Parents?

Chapter 16 Met Your Parents?

It's an emergency. I'm afraid I won't be able to catch the bus.After leaving the school, Ling Yan directly hailed a taxi by the side of the road, and got into the taxi with Ye Taotao.

Half an hour later, the two hurried into City A People's Hospital.

But when Ye Taotao passed the injection room anxiously, she saw Mother Ye sitting on the seat in the waiting room, she didn't seem to have any problems.

Seeing Ye Taotao's appearance, Ye's mother was very surprised: "Taotao, why are you here?"

Ye Taotao stopped abruptly, and said in the same surprise, "Mom, aren't you..."

"What's wrong with me?" Mother Ye asked suspiciously.

After taking a breath, Ye Taotao sorted out her thoughts, and briefly stated the whole incident: "Dad said that you were admitted to the hospital, but he hung up the phone without explaining what happened, which scared me a lot. Jump. I thought something was wrong with you, so..."

Mama Ye was stunned for a moment, and then said with a bit of a smile: "Actually, it's nothing, I just accidentally cut my finger while cooking, and it was fine after an injection and bandaged, but your father didn't finish listening to the phone... that's too much." There's a lot of fuss."

Finally understanding what's going on, Ye Taotao couldn't help but feel helpless: "But Mom, you don't seem to be in a hurry at all."

Mother Ye just smiled, her gentle eyes turned, and fell on Ling Yan who was following Ye Taotao, surprise flashed in her eyes: "Who is this?"

Hearing Mother Ye's question, Ye Taotao suddenly realized a very serious problem: the person who came to see her mother with her was Ling Yan, her current boyfriend.

Just now, she was worried about her mother's physical condition along the way, and she didn't consider the consequences of bringing Ling Yan to the hospital to meet Ye's mother.


The heart that had just calmed down tightened again, she subconsciously turned her head to look at Ling Yan, and said nervously: "Mom, he is..."

Although it was only for a moment, Ling Yan still caught a trace of panic from Ye Taotao's uncertain gaze, and quickly reached out to hold her hand, hoping that he could make her feel at ease.

"Hello, Auntie." Ling Yan gave her a soothing look, then took a step forward calmly, with a proper smile on his face, and introduced himself politely, "It's the first time we meet, I'm Ling Yan."

"Hello." Her eyes flicked over the hands of the two, and she restrained the surprise in her eyes. Mother Ye showed a gentle and friendly smile again, looking very approachable, "So you are the person Taotao is dating. .”

This is not an interrogative sentence, but an affirmative sentence.From this sentence, it can be heard that Mother Ye has made a positive judgment on the relationship between the two.

Even though this is a foregone conclusion, this is the first time she brought her boyfriend to appear in front of her mother—especially under her mother's gaze with deep meaning, Ye Taotao suddenly felt her cheeks burning hot and her heart nervous Her emotions were completely out of her control, running wildly in various parts of her body, making her hands and feet stiff, and she was momentarily at a loss as to what to do.

She didn't understand, she was only here to check on Ye's mother's situation, why did it turn into meeting her parents in the end?
Regarding the relationship between the two, Ling Yan didn't intend to hide anything, but admitted it openly: "Yes, Taotao and I are in a relationship." Having said that, his voice changed A somewhat sincere apology, "But I'm sorry, due to various reasons, I haven't come to visit, please forgive me."

Mother Ye smiled slightly: "Ah, it's okay. In fact, it's not Ling Yan's fault. Taotao has been hiding from us about her relationship with you, and she didn't tell us until recently."

Her tone was slow, and when she said this, she inadvertently raised her eyes to look at Ye Taotao with an unpredictable expression.

Ye Taotao's face became hot, and she turned her head away uncomfortably: "Mom, didn't I tell you before that we weren't..."

"No, Auntie." Ling Yan interrupted her at the right time, and said for her, "Please don't blame Taotao, this is my responsibility, I ignored this problem."


Looking up at his profile, Ye Taotao didn't know what to say.

Listening to Ling Yan's rescue, Mother Ye just smiled, and then turned her gaze to Ye Taotao with a gentle smile in her eyes: "Taotao, can you help me buy a bottle of water? I'm a little thirsty. It's at the door small shop."

"Huh?" Ye Taotao couldn't react for a moment, and a trace of confusion flashed in Ye's mother's eyes.

Why did my mother suddenly ask her to buy water?
The smile in Ye's mother's eyes deepened, and there was a hint of deep meaning in her tone of voice: "Please, Taotao."

Ye Taotao suddenly understood what she meant, but...

She turned her gaze to Ling Yan again.

Ling Yan smiled slightly, and said comfortingly, "Go, Taotao. It's okay, I'll wait for you here."

"ok, I get it."

Ye Taotao nodded, looked at the two of them hesitantly, and turned to leave.

After walking a few steps, Ye Taotao suddenly realized that the auras of her mother and her boyfriend were very similar, they both belonged to the gentle and black-bellied type.

No wonder just now she even had the illusion that Ling Yan and her own mother were the mother and son.

But... what are you thinking about?

Ye Taotao shook her head, rubbed her hot cheeks, let out a breath, and walked out of the injection room door at a faster pace.

"I've already said, it's just a minor injury, there's no need for an ambulance at all..."

At the same time that Ye Taotao walked out of the injection room, two familiar students who looked like students also walked out of the orthopedic diagnosis room.

The man and the woman were Lin Zhuoran, the president of the basketball club, and the girl named Chen Jiaren they met in the library last time.Chen Jiaren looked normal, but Lin Zhuoran's left elbow was covered with a thick plaster bandage, fixed by thick gauze and wooden boards, and seemed to have suffered serious injuries.

The person who complained just now was Lin Zhuoran whose elbows were wrapped into rice dumplings.

"You're trying to save face, Xiao Ranran." Chen Jiaren retorted unceremoniously, "Although I know you don't want to lose face in front of other people, but your hands are broken, is this still a minor injury?"

Lin Zhuoran glared at her angrily: "It's just a dislocation and a sprained tendon, and don't call me Xiao Ranran!"

"Hey, my childhood sweetheart for so many years, I've seen you in diapers when you were a baby. It's just a nickname, so why bother." Jiaren glanced at him, her tone was light, as if she was used to his anger, "Thanks to the fact that I have given you so much information about Ye Taotao's junior, you still give me a bad face every day. No wonder your goddess doesn't like you. If it were me, I would rather choose the gentle Ling Yan."

"Chen Jiaren!" Lin Zhuoran, who was poked in the sore spot, couldn't help but frowned.

"Xiao Ranran, I'm telling the truth. I haven't seen a guy as useless as you." Chen Jiaren glanced at him, and continued to attack mercilessly, "At any rate, you are also the president of the basketball club, but You even lost your best sport to the tennis club, as your childhood sweetheart, I also feel very ashamed!"

"Isn't it because of the tennis team..." At this point, Lin Zhuoran suddenly showed an expression on the verge of collapse, and he scratched his hair with his uninjured hand, "If Xu Qiyuan hadn't come to provoke me, I would have No request to play against them will be made."

Chen Jiaren made a "cut", showing a disdainful expression: "Don't pass the responsibility on to others, this is obviously the retribution of your hot-headedness, I think you have long wanted to hit those people in the tennis club, right? The result? It’s okay to lose a basketball game to someone from a non-basketball club, and even broke my own hand.”

"That's could I have guessed that those people...they weren't playing basketball at all!" Lin Zhuoran couldn't help getting angry, "They..."

I also knew that there would be a long series of complaints, and Chen Jiaren patted him on the shoulder impatiently, still saying unforgivingly: "That's just because you are not as skilled as others, don't make excuses for your fiasco, little girl Ran Ran."

Lin Zhuoran ignored her blow, and snorted coldly, with a strong unwillingness in his tone: "Hmph! If the opponent is Ling Yan, I will definitely not..."

Chen Jiaren didn't listen to his words, her eyes suddenly froze looking at the front, she immediately stretched out her hand to pull the clothes of her bamboo horse, and reminded eagerly: "Xiao Ranran, look, isn't that your goddess? "

"What?" Lin Zhuoran frowned unhappily after being interrupted, but raised his head, only to see a familiar figure jumping into his eyes.

that is not……

Looking at the figure of his sweetheart, Lin Zhuoran felt nervous: "Ye... Ye Xuemei?! Wait, wait a minute! Ye Xuemei, why is she here, I..."

No normal person is willing to let his sweetheart see himself in the most embarrassing state, and Lin Zhuoran is the same.

So when he spoke, he took a step back unconsciously, intending to turn around and run away.


Chen Jiaren's gaze followed Ye Taotao's figure, and she couldn't help muttering: "No, why did Ye Xuemei go in there?"

Chen Jiaren reminded him with one word.

Lin Zhuoran subconsciously looked up at the sign above his head, and couldn't help being stunned for a second.

Shish... what? !

Women, women... obstetrics and gynecology! ?
After a few seconds of astonishment, Lin Zhuoran suddenly frowned, and followed Ye Taotao's footsteps with strides.

"Hey! Zhuo Ran, where are you going?"

Chen Jiaren was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly chased after her.

On the other side, Ye Taotao, who was not aware of being followed at all, found herself walking to the obstetrics and gynecology department next to the injection room in a daze. I found a report on the Internet and glanced at the data on it: "The fetus is developing well, please continue to take care of it."


Hiding outside the door, Chen Jiaren, who happened to hear these words, gasped and covered her mouth suddenly, but her voice was uncontrollable horror: "What? What did I hear? Could it be... Ye Xuemei, she..."

Ye Taotao walked out of the hospital quickly, and just as she stepped out the door, she suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling of being stared at from behind.She turned around subconsciously.

But found nothing.

Probably... just my own illusion?

She thought with some uncertainty, then she looked away, ignored the weird feeling, quickened her pace, and finally found the canteen smoothly, and bought the water that her mother asked for.

When they returned to the waiting room, the conversation between Ye Mama and Ling Yan seemed to have come to an end.

Because, when she walked outside the door of the waiting room, she vaguely heard a conversation like this——

"...Then, I will leave my Taotao to you. Ayan, you must treat her well." Mother Ye's voice was smiling, and she sounded in a good mood.

Ling Yan's usual gentle tone was full of unquestionable firmness: "Please rest assured, I will definitely."

Ye Taotao stopped unconsciously.

For some reason, she suddenly had the illusion that "she was sold by her mother just like that".

Embarrassed by her own thoughts, Ye Taotao quickly calmed down, and then walked in as if nothing had happened.

Back to Mother Ye, she handed over the report in her hand: "Mom, is this the report?"

"Ah, yes. That's right, thank you for your hard work, Taotao." Mother Ye took the report and glanced at it before showing a happy smile.

She paused, and then said: "You and A Yan go back first, I can just wait here for your father."

"Eh? Dad?" Ye Taotao's attention automatically jumped to the second half of the sentence, and she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Mother Ye lowered her head and pursed her lips with a smile: "Yes, from what you said just now, I'm afraid he misunderstood something. According to your father's temperament, I guess he should be on his way to the hospital right now?"

Ye Taotao: "..." She couldn't understand why she faced this situation.Mother Ye is not in a hurry, but rather happy?
Mother Ye smiled softly, and looked away from Ye Taotao, she turned her head to look at Ling Yan again, smiled and said kindly: "Ayan, thanks to your care, my daughter finally found a boyfriend, I feel very relieved .”

At the end, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

"This is what I should do, Auntie." Ling Yan smiled slightly, "I will definitely pay a visit when I am free."

Ye Taotao looked at her mother and then at her boyfriend, feeling a little confused about the situation.

She wondered in her heart: "Ling Yan" was an unfamiliar name just now, why did she suddenly call it "A Yan"?What happened during the short time she was away?
"Then I will wait for your visit." Mother Ye smiled and nodded, her eyes fell on Ye Taotao again, with something meaningful in her smile, "By the way, Taotao, how far have you guys developed?" Already? Have you..."

Ye Taotao's expression froze, and she quickly interrupted her: "Mom, mom! What nonsense are you talking about!"

How can a mother tease her daughter like this?

Seeing her daughter's cute appearance when she was shy, Mother Ye burst out laughing: "Okay, I was joking. Then, I won't bother you, you go on a date."

Ye Taotao: "..."

But before she could react, Mother Ye smiled and said, "However, if you can't help it, remember to use it... After all, you are still young now."

……Hello!Mom, is that what you're supposed to say?
The last sentence with a deep meaning made Ye Taotao feel a sense of embarrassment that she wanted to dig a hole and bury herself immediately, but this idea could not be realized, so she could only turn around and throw herself into Ling Yan's arms, she was so ashamed buried in his chest.

Looking at Ye Taotao in his arms, Ling Yan couldn't help but chuckled, reached out to hold Ye Taotao's hand naturally, and then nodded to Mother Ye: "Then Taotao and I will leave first, auntie."

Mother Ye's eyebrows curled into crescent moons, she smiled and said, "Go slowly, be careful all the way."

After bidding farewell to Mother Ye, Ling Yan pulled Ye Taotao out of the waiting room.

Looking up at Ling Yan, who was acting relaxed and at ease, Ye Taotao couldn't figure out why she felt stiff just now.

Gradually calming down, Ye Taotao remembered the conversation she had just had when she wasn't there, subconsciously tugged at the corner of Lingyan's clothes, and asked curiously: "Ayan, what did you say to your mother just now?"

"Actually, it's nothing." Ling Yan raised the corners of his lips in a good mood, and his gentle voice also had an obvious smile, "Auntie just asked me to take good care of you."

"Eh?" Ye Taotao looked up at him suspiciously, "Should you talk more than that?"

"Other things are about the same."


This kind of answer is completely tasteless.

Having come to such a conclusion with certainty, Ye Taotao was about to ask further questions.

But before that, she suddenly remembered a more important matter, so she resolutely put those questions aside: "By the way, Ayan, did you hear that just now?"

She said, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she looked away uncomfortably.

At this moment, her expression looked a little dazed, but in Ling Yan's eyes, she looked extremely cute.

"So Taotao, you still care about this matter?" Ling Yan's tone sounded surprised, but his eyes were full of joyful smiles, "Let's think about it... If you want, I don't mind either."


Why did Mama Ye and Ling Yan come together to tease her today as if they had made an agreement?
the other side.

Seeing Ye Taotao disappear at the door of the obstetrics and gynecology department, Chen Jiaren couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But Lin Zhuoran next to her was obviously not so calm. He stared at the place where Ye Taotao's figure disappeared, and said in a trembling voice: "Could it be that Ye Xuemei really..."

Seeing this, Chen Jiaren hurriedly comforted him: "Zhuoran, calm down, maybe I just happened to be passing by because of some other illness..."

"But, why did Ye Xuemei show up in the hospital? The freshman law department is full this afternoon!"

Lin Zhuoran always pays special attention to the affairs of his sweetheart.

"This..." Chen Jiaren couldn't answer for a moment.

However, at this moment.

Two familiar figures appeared at the exit of the obstetrics and gynecology waiting room.

Besides the Ye Taotao they are familiar with, there is also...

Looking at the two people who behaved intimately, Lin Zhuoran could no longer remain calm.

Chen Jiaren's eyes widened in horror, and she murmured, "The one who accompanied Ye Xuemei was Ling Yan, it's hard, could it be true..."

"Ling Yan!" Lin Zhuoran's eyes burst into rage, and his uninjured hand clenched into a fist, "It really is that beast! Damn it!"

He was about to rush forward with a fierce look on his face.

Chen Jiaren was taken aback by his actions, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him: "Wait, Zhuo Ran, don't be impulsive, calm down first and then slowly..."

"What else is there to say! Ye Xuemei has been..."

"But, have you forgotten? In school, there have always been rumors that Ye Xuemei did everything to Senior Ling on her own initiative." Chen Jiaren hesitated for a moment, but still told this cruel fact.

Lin Zhuoran's body trembled, and his eyes became dazed. ,
active... active... active...

His goddess is active...

Chen Jiaren's words made Lin Zhuoran involuntarily think of the scene he witnessed on the roof of the teaching building last time.

Reminiscent of the conversation he had just heard, he just felt that his whole life came down in an instant.

"It's almost twelve o'clock, Taotao, are you hungry? Let's go eat."

"it is good."

After a busy day, Ye Taotao was already hungry. Anyway, it was still early before three o'clock in the afternoon, so she agreed to Ling Yan's proposal.

The two came together to order food at a hamburger restaurant near the hospital.

Ling Yan glanced at the dining table in front of the ordering counter, then turned to look at Ye Taotao: "Taotao, what do you want to eat?"

"Well, let me think about it... just this set meal." Choosing a set meal is a difficult problem for Ye Taotao, who has never been picky eaters. She hesitated for a few seconds, then pointed to a set meal on the menu and made a decision.

A while later, Ling Yan sat opposite Ye Taotao with two identical set meals.

Remembering the unfinished topic just now, Ye Taotao said in a timely manner: "By the way, A Yan, you haven't told me yet, what exactly did you say to your mother?"

Ling Yan was startled for a moment, but he didn't refuse. He just smiled and said, "I'll tell you when you finish eating."

Ye Taotao squinted her eyes and stared at Ling Yan for ten seconds, and then she simply ate the pile of food on the table, filling her stomach so that she had the strength to continue talking to him.

Ling Yan smiled slightly, and also took a hamburger and unpacked it.

After finishing the hamburger in her hand, Ye Taotao raised her head inadvertently, only to find that Ling Yan was staring at the corner of her mouth intently, and couldn't help being a little strange: "Ayan, what's wrong?"

"Look at you, the sauce is all over your face." Ling Yan suppressed the strange color in his eyes, he smiled, stretched out his slender hand, and gently touched Ye Taotao's face with his fingertips, gently wiping off the stain on Ye Taotao's face. The sauce on the corner of her mouth.

The touch of warm fingers made Ye Taotao suddenly feel like an electric shock. The moment her eyes met, time seemed to stop completely, and everything in this world seemed to disappear, only each other was left, and only had each other.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Suddenly, a violent cough from behind Ye Taotao interrupted the two of them.

……Why?This is?
Ye Taotao turned her head when she heard the sound, and when she saw clearly who the two people were sitting at the table behind her, she couldn't help showing a look of surprise: "You..."

After being discovered, Chen Jiaren had no choice but to take down the magazine that had been covering her face, glared at Lin Zhuoran viciously, and then smiled at Ye Taotao: "Qian, Xuemei Ye, and Ling Yan... what a coincidence, I didn't expect to be here See you."

She smiled and raised her hand in embarrassment and waved towards Ling Yan.

Ye Taotao glanced back and forth between the two with strange eyes, and subconsciously blurted out: "Eh? Sister Jiaren, Senior Lin, are you guys dating?"

Her words made Ling Yan's lips twitch.

As soon as Ye Taotao finished speaking, Lin Zhuoran immediately jumped up like a furry cat: "How could I be with this woman—"

But at the moment when he met Ye Taotao's surprised gaze, he suddenly realized what he was doing, and he couldn't help but froze like a frost beating an eggplant: "Yes, I'm sorry, Ye Xuemei, I just want to say... ..."

"Hehe, Xiao Ranran, what did you just say about this woman?" At this moment, Chen Jiaren's faint voice sounded from behind him, interrupting his words.

"Shut up, shut up, Chen Jiaren!" Lin Zhuoran gave her a shy and annoyed look, then turned his gaze to Ye Taotao, and explained eagerly, "Ye Xuemei, listen to me, Chen Jiaren and I..."

Ye Taotao shook her head, showing a knowing smile: "It's okay, I understand, this is the love between the senior and the senior."

Chen Jiaren was stunned unconsciously, and the corner of her mouth twitched unconsciously.

Ling Yan clenched one hand into a fist and brought it to his mouth, laughing lightly.

But Lin Zhuoran was even more anxious: "No, listen to me—"

But the more anxious she became, the more incoherent she became: "She and I..."

Chen Jiaren gradually came back to her senses, looked at the blushing bamboo horse with some sympathy, and decided to help him, so she explained with a smile: "No, junior girl, you misunderstood, I am not with this guy. Lovers. Because his house is next door to mine, I grew up with him, and we often go through the door, so we have always been familiar with each other..."

As she said, she stretched out her hand and pinched his uninjured arm again, and after the "hiss" sound of gasping for air, she pointed at him and laughed happily: "Look, this guy always uses deep hatred How can I fall in love with him if he looks at me with eyes?"

"Huh?" Ye Taotao blinked her eyes in some confusion.

"Isn't it so? At first I also thought you were dating." It was Ling Yan who spoke, with a trace of regret in his gentle tone, "It's a pity, Lin and Jiaren are very suitable. Isn't it, Taotao?"

As he said, he turned his head and looked at Ye Taotao with a questioning look.

Ye Taotao nodded subconsciously: "Yes, I think so too."

Chen Jiaren and Lin Zhuoran immediately had an ugly expression of swallowing a fly.

"Ghosts and him are lovers!"

"Who is a couple with this woman!"

The two spoke almost in unison, and after glancing at each other, they each looked away.

The scene suddenly became awkward.

Ye Taotao suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and tried to ease the embarrassing atmosphere: "However, senior sister Jiaren, why did you come here? Shouldn't you still be in school now?"

Hearing Ye Taotao's question, Lin Zhuoran suddenly became angry: "Isn't it because of..."

Chen Jiaren glanced at Ling Yan in panic, and quickly interrupted Lin Zhuoran before she said, "That's because Zhuoran's hand was injured in some accident during physical education class, so I called an ambulance to handle it." He was taken to the hospital."

"So it is."

"That's right, when we saw you in the hospital just now, we thought we had identified the wrong person." Chen Jiaren said "haha" in embarrassment, and after a pause, her expression suddenly became serious, "However, Ye Xuemei, Jie Do you mind if I ask? Are you really going to...uh, I mean, I saw you passing by just now..."

The word "obstetrics and gynecology", because she felt very embarrassed, spit it out vaguely.Ye Taotao didn't hear clearly, she was completely focused on what she said later, thinking she was referring to helping Mother Ye buy water, so she admitted it very frankly.

"Yes, what's the problem?" Chen Jiaren's expression became dull for a moment.

"No, it's nothing..." she murmured.

"So you were really..." Lin Zhuoran became stiff all over, and after a few seconds, he turned his head to look at Ling Yan with an indignant expression on his face, "Ling Yan!"

The last sentence was obviously squeezed out word by word.

Ling Yan suppressed the surprise in his eyes, and still smiled softly: "Student Lin, what do you want to tell me?"

Lin Zhuoran jumped up from his seat, and was about to punch him: "You bastard! I want to single with you—uh!"

"It's nothing, it's nothing." Chen Jiaren quickly stepped forward and covered Lin Zhuoran's mouth, and smoothed things over with a smile, "He was stimulated by the fracture today, so he may be a little emotional, I hope you will understand."

Hearing Chen Jiaren's explanation, Ye Taotao, who was originally a little unhappy, looked at Lin Zhuoran's arm subconsciously, only then noticed that his hand was wrapped in thick gauze, and seemed to be seriously injured.

"Senior Lin, your arm..." She was stunned for a moment, then she nodded understandingly at Lin Zhuoran, "I understand, senior, please take good care of yourself, and please try to... control your emotions .”

The tone eased, and Ye Taotao adopted a more euphemistic way of speaking.

"..." But this sentence made Lin Zhuoran's heart full of holes in an instant.

It feels so aggrieved to be misunderstood by the goddess!

"Student Lin is injured now, so it's better not to move around." Ling Yan also reminded with a smile in a rare good mood, and raised his eyes to glance at him, "However, if you want to challenge me after recovering, you can come at any time Find me."

Lin Zhuoran didn't understand the deep meaning behind Ling Yan's meaningful smile, but was irritated by his understatement, and yelled again: "Since you said that, it's so good! I——hmm!"

Chen Jiaren was taken aback, and quickly pulled him back to the seat, stuffed a hamburger into his mouth, then turned around and laughed a few times: "Haha, don't mind Senior Ling, Zhuo Ran is just joking."

She paused, and then continued: "Also, don't worry, we will definitely keep what happened today, right, Zhuo Ran?"

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and threw a threatening look at Lin Zhuoran.


Lin Zhuoran was stunned for a while, thinking of the scene he witnessed in the hospital, his eyes became dazed again, and finally he nodded numbly.

What's going on today?
Ye Taotao frowned, she always vaguely felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't say it for a while.

"Taotao, we should go." But at this moment, Ling Yan's gentle voice came to her ears, interrupting her thoughts.

"Hey? You're not..." It's not that I haven't finished eating yet.

Ye Taotao turned around subconsciously, only to find that the food on the table had been cleaned up at some point, and there was nothing left.

"Okay." Pulling back her thoughts, Ye Taotao nodded, followed Ling Yan to stand up, took his arm, then turned her head and said goodbye to the two with a smile, "Then, senior sister, senior, don't bother you Alright, A Yan and I will take a step first."

When he turned around, he was stopped by Lin Zhuoran's anxious voice.

"Wait! Xuemei Ye——"

Ye Taotao turned around with some doubts: "Is there anything else?"

Lin Zhuoran hesitated for a moment, but still mustered up the courage to say: "If Ye Xuemei encounters any difficulties, you can come to me, I..."

"I don't need to bother you, Classmate Lin." Ling Yan's gaze passed over him, and his tone was light and calm, but with unquestionable firmness, "Of course I will take care of Taotao."

"Yes, Senior Lin, you'd better get along with Senior Sister Jiaren, and we won't disturb you." Ye Taotao also smiled and waved to him.

"No, Ye Xuemei, listen to me, I..."

Lin Zhuoran wanted to say something else, but the two had already left the burger shop.

Their intimate behavior couldn't tolerate the penetration of the three of them at all, and Lin Zhuoran felt sour when he saw it.

Why isn't he the one standing beside the goddess?Why is it that annoying Ling Yan?Why didn't he have a chance?
——He thought so resentfully more than once.

After a long time, Lin Zhuoran withdrew his gaze and made a decision indignantly: "From today onwards, I will practice tennis hard, no matter what field I want to defeat that guy Ling Yan!"

As he spoke, he slammed his fist on the table very excitedly.But the furious punch was so powerful that it hurt his hands, and he screamed in pain.

"..." Her bamboo horse is actually a tease invited by the monkey, right?
Chen Jiaren had an expression on her face that wanted to laugh but couldn't.

However, thinking about what he said, she was seriously frightened the next moment, and quickly jumped up and held him back, stopping her and said, "Xiao Ranran, don't be impulsive, Xiao Ranran! Although Ling Yan usually looks very gentle, it's true, But he is definitely not a normal person when he competes—"

"What did you say?" Lin Zhuoran moaned at his painful hand, and looked up at her in dissatisfaction, "You mean, I'm not as good as him?"

"That's not what I mean." Chen Jiaren shook her head and explained, "But, his high math alone is enough to defeat you? His high math last semester was a perfect score! The same test paper, your department What is the highest score of yours, 70 or 80? According to your barely passing level, can you really compare with him?"

"This... This is impossible at all, you must be a group of nymphomaniacs who deified him, and besides, he is just a college student, how could it be..." Lin Zhuoran froze for a moment, his face changed slightly, but he still tried to remain calm, Said in a nonchalant tone, "Big deal, I'll play basketball with him!"

Seeing that he had given up his thoughts, Chen Jiaren secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but still slammed her mercilessly: "For basketball, you should save yourself, even if you haven't won a few people who are not from the basketball club, don't say anything." I'm going to win Ling Yan."

After a silence——

"Chen Jiaren! Can't you just say something nice once!?"

(End of this chapter)

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