Senior, wrong!

Chapter 17 Birthday Present

Chapter 17 Birthday Present
In the twinkling of an eye, it is December, and the winter is getting deeper and colder. It is rare to see the clear blue sky.

City A is located in the southern coastal area, although it never snows, but in winter, there will be a biting cold wind.

Even at home, Ye Taotao has to wrap herself into a big rice dumpling with a thick cotton coat.

The weather is so cold, and the English level test is coming soon, so she stayed at home all weekend to study the real English level [-] test papers.

After finishing a paper, Ye Taotao rubbed her hands that were stiff with cold, planning to pour herself a cup of hot water.

However, just as she walked out of the room, she was called over by Mother Ye.

The birthdays of Ye Taotao and Ye Jiaze are both in December, so on the eve of their birthdays, Mother Ye delivered birthday presents to them as always.

"Mom, I'm not a child anymore, so I don't need to give it every time." Ye Taotao felt a little helpless looking at the pink packaging full of dreamy girlish atmosphere outside the gift.

"How can we do that? This has always been a tradition in our family." Mother Ye said with a smile, as if she never tired of it.

"That's right, it would be nice to have a gift." Ye Jiaze nodded repeatedly from the side.

Under Ye's mother's gentle gaze, Ye Jiaze excitedly returned to the room with his own gift in his arms, and couldn't wait to unwrap the gift.

However, when he saw the big peach-shaped puppet toy in the gift box, he couldn't help being stunned.

How could it be a big puppet?Could it be that my mother made a mistake?
After thinking for a while, he still stood up, ran to Ye Taotao's room with the peach puppet in his arms, and knocked on her door.

"Peach, are you there?"

"What's wrong, Jia Ze?"

Ye Taotao, who had just entered the bathroom to take a shower, heard Ye Jiaze's knock on the door, subconsciously turned the water down a little, and responded to the outside.

"Mom mistaken my present with yours. I came here to exchange it."

But in this situation, Ye Taotao couldn't escape.

"I'm taking a shower. Come in and find it yourself. The present is on the floor beside the bed."

With Ye Taotao's permission, Ye Jiaze opened the door and entered the room without worry.

However, when he saw the two almost identical gift bags beside the bed, he couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

There are two gift bags... which one is it?
After hesitating for a moment, Ye Jiaze stepped forward and opened one of the presents.

"Ah, that's right, it's this one! Finally found it!"

Ye Jiaze nodded resolutely, then stuffed the peach puppet in his hand back into the gift bag, rewrapped it, put it back in its original place, and left the room.

After taking a shower and coming out of the bathroom, Ye Taotao logged into QQ and chatted with Ling Yan for a while, then pulled the fourth-grade paper aside and started to do it.

Probably because she was too devoted to the questions, the gift that Ye Jiaze exchanged was just forgotten by her.

Ye Taotao didn't think about it until she woke up the next day.She was only temporarily notified that there was something wrong with the club, and she didn't have time to open the gift.

After saying hello to Mother Ye, Ye Taotao took one of the gifts and hurried back to University A.

When they arrived at school, Ye Taotao successfully contacted Li Qingyan, and efficiently handled the matter she had given her.

Ye Taotao, who felt relaxed after finishing the matter, was planning to take a good rest for a while, but when she was tidying up the desk, she suddenly remembered that there were still a few books borrowed from the library that she hadn't returned.

So, after talking to Song Linlin, she took those books and planned to return them.

In fact, returning the books did not waste too much time, but Ye Taotao felt that since she came to the library, she should make good use of the resources here.

Therefore, after returning the books, Ye Taotao simply sat in the study room of the library with the newly borrowed books and read them.

Who knows, she forgot the time just looking at it.

When she looked up by chance, Ye Taotao realized that there were a lot fewer people in the study room.I took out my phone and saw that it was past twelve o'clock.

"not good."

With a low cry, she quickly stood up, went to the counter to check out the books, and left the library in a hurry.

As soon as the door was pushed open, the cold wind blowing outside immediately greeted Ye Taotao, making her face so painful that she could hardly open her eyes.Ye Taotao regretted not wearing an extra dress when she went out, but she could only cover her face with her hands and walk into the cold wind.

Ye Taotao, who was in a hurry to leave, didn't notice the situation along the way. Suddenly, a figure rushed out from nowhere and bumped into her body. After a cry of surprise, the girl fell to the ground.

Ye Taotao's body was tilted by the impact, and she managed to stand still, but before she had time to check the situation of the people on the ground, she heard a familiar voice in her ears.


The girl who fell on the ground raised her head in panic, her eyes were vaguely familiar, Ye Taotao vaguely remembered that this was the girl named Shen Bingyi who came to find fault not long ago.

Unexpectedly, seeing Ling Yan gradually approaching, she was uncharacteristically, no longer the arrogant and domineering look, but said timidly: "Yes, I'm sorry, Ling Yan, this is not Ye Xuemei's fault, it is my fault. I accidentally..."

"Ayan?" Ye Taotao was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face, and he quickly walked forward, "Why are you here?"

So, Shen Bingyi on the ground was ignored by her like this.

Ling Yan took the stack of books in her hand, and explained with a smile: "Didn't you say you were going back to school today? I just came to your dormitory to look for you, and Song Xuemei said you were in the library, so I came here .”

As he said that, he took off his scarf and wrapped it around her neck, and held her hand again, as if he wanted to send all his warmth to her: "Why don't you wear an extra dress?"

"The sun came out in the morning, so I thought it wouldn't be too cold today."

"Ling Yan..." Shen Bingyi, who fell down, kept blinking her eyes and spoke timidly, trying to get Ling Yan's attention.But the two of them didn't look at her from the beginning to the end, "Well, Ye Xuemei didn't bump into me on purpose..."

Ye Taotao seemed to have finally remembered Shen Bingyi who had fallen to the ground, turned to look at her, and offered her suggestion sincerely: "Senior sister, are your eyes uncomfortable? I think you should need Go to the school doctor's office and get a bottle of eye drops from the school doctor."

Shen Bingyi froze for a moment, her face flushed red: "I... no, I just want to ask you..."

But Ye Taotao ignored her, and turned back to look at Ling Yan: "Ayan, I'm sorry, I was busy helping the president when I came back, so I didn't contact you in time."

"It's okay, let's go."

"Okay, shall we go to dinner now or..."

However, their conversation was quickly interrupted by a cough, and the two had no choice but to focus on the pitiful girl on the ground.

"If you feel uncomfortable, it's better to go to the school infirmary." Ling Yan looked at her and said, with a gentle smile on his face, but his tone was obviously cold and cold, which was different from Ye Taotao. "Student Shen, I think some things don't need to be said too much. Maybe next's not just as simple as being banned."

Shen Bingyi obviously didn't expect that, after tossing around for so long, it turned out that the other party already knew everything.

What she did, in his eyes, turned out to be nothing.

Shen Bingyi was stunned, and then her body swayed, such a blow was hard for her to accept.

"Ling Yan..." She wriggled her lips, trying to say something, but in the end she didn't say it.

"'s nothing, I'm sorry to disturb you." Shen Bingyi bit her lip, turned around in a daze, and ran away quickly.

Ye Taotao also heard the implication in Ling Yan's words, and couldn't help being surprised: "Ayan, the 'title' you just mentioned is... Could it be related to the post on the school forum?"

Ling Yan smiled: "You guessed it."

"But Ayan, it doesn't seem good for us to treat a 'patient' like this?" Seeing Shen Bingyi's disappearing figure, Ye Taotao looked away, belatedly making a "review" of her behavior just now.

Ling Yanyang smiled slightly, and the faint smile was meaningful: "Why didn't Taotao expose her? I thought you would be eager to argue."

Ye Taotao blinked, and replied like this: "A Yan, you didn't speak for her, but I don't think you are the one who misunderstood me according to her meaning."

Ling Yan didn't respond to her words, but just smiled and took her hand: "Come with me."

"Eh? Aren't you going to eat?" Ye Taotao asked suspiciously.

"No, before lunch, I'll take you to a place first."

And the place Ling Yan mentioned is actually...

Art room.

"Taotao, happy birthday." Taking the painting that had just dried from the easel and handing it to Ye Taotao's hands, Ling Yan had a warm smile in his dark and deep eyes, "This is for you."

Ye Taotao was slightly surprised: "Ayan, how did you know that today is my birthday?"

She seems to remember that she didn't tell him her birthday, right?

"Have you forgotten? It's written on your QQ profile." Ling Yan explained with a smile like this, but there was a strange light flickering under his black eyes.

Of course he would not tell her that all his information came from his good friend Lian Chenghao.Lian Chenghao has always talked about this kind of "gossip".

"However, why did you give me the peach tree?" Ye Taotao looked at the painting in his hand and asked rather puzzled.

What Ling Yan gave her was a painting of a peach tree. The peach tree in the painting was growing luxuriantly and lushly, with transparent water droplets rolling on the green leaves, shining with crystal luster.

"Huh? Ayan?"

Without getting a timely answer, Ye Taotao raised her head subconsciously, but met Shang Lingyan's black eyes sparkling with spring water.

But he heard him chuckle softly: "Because peach trees will bear peaches."

Ye Taotao was taken aback, her face flushed, "...Hey! You're teasing me again."

"Is there?" Ling Yan asked back in a little surprise, the smile deep in the black eyes reflecting the girl's figure gradually deepened, "But isn't it common sense that peach trees can bear peaches?"


This is Ye Taotao who was so choked by his words that she couldn't refute her.

"Obviously there is." She could only turn her head helplessly, pouted her lips, and muttered in a low voice.

Seeing Ye Taotao's small movements, Ling Yan smiled calmly, then raised his eyebrows and asked, "Taotao, what are you talking about?"

"Ah?" Ye Taotao hid the little bit of guilt in her heart when she was caught, and then raised her head, blinking innocently, "I want to say... A Yan, thank you for your painting, I like very much."

Although this sentence is half true and false, but the last sentence is definitely from the heart, so there is no pressure when I say it.

"As long as you like it." Ling Yan didn't expose the little Jiujiu in her heart, and still smiled softly. He paused for a moment, and then continued, "Besides this, I have another gift for you."

"Huh? What..." Ye Taotao subconsciously looked at him, but her voice completely disappeared in the next second - exactly in the same second, a light kiss fell on her lips.

Like a kiss on the surface of water, a slight touch, just taste it.

Ye Taotao's body froze involuntarily, but before she could recover, Ling Yan had already left her lips and distanced herself from her again.

"Happy birthday, Taotao." He said softly, his soft voice plucking at her heartstrings like a feather.

The warm feeling left on her lips made Ye Taotao's cheeks feel hot, and when she realized what happened, she gave him a dissatisfied look: "A Yan, you are lying, this is clearly eating tofu, how can it be considered a gift?"

"So, are you not satisfied with this 'gift'?" Ling Yan asked amusedly.

"Theoretically speaking, I'm not satisfied." Ye Taotao paused for a moment, but still told the truth.

Indeed, who would be satisfied after being fed tofu?Of course, this is only "in theory".

"Is that so?" A strange look faded into the depths of his black eyes, Ling Yan's tone seemed to be a bit distressed, and he gave such a suggestion, " eat it back?"

Being taken advantage of by others, how can there be any reason not to take it back?
For the answer to this question, Ye Taotao's answer is naturally... Yes!

So, she followed his suggestion, rushed forward without thinking, and bit his lip.

Ling Yan was stunned for a moment by the soft touch.Surprised by Ye Taotao's actions, but almost without thinking, he hugged the person in his arms tightly and kissed him deeply.

Ye Taotao was slightly taken aback by the warm touch.Soon, she closed her eyes, put her arms around the back of his neck, and responded to him.

Ling Yan deepened his kiss, but slowed down his movements as if he wanted to imprint it deeply into his memory.

Such gentleness made Ye Taotao feel dazed, as if she had fallen into an unreal dream.

After a few minutes as long as centuries, the two finally separated.

Ye Taotao's consciousness is still a little blurred.Gathering her mind, she opened her eyes, just in time to meet Shang Ling Yan's bottomless black eyes at the moment, the dark eyes were filled with water mist, and she seemed at a loss.

"Ayan..." Sensing Ling Yan leaving her, Ye Taotao opened her lips slightly and called out his name, but she was startled by her ethereal voice.

——Is that voice really her voice?Could it be that she is possessed by someone now?

She looks a little dazed and dull in her current appearance, but in Ling Yan's eyes, she looks extremely cute.

This made Ling Yan couldn't help but let out a low laugh, his black eyes filled with gentle waves were full of smiles.Under Ye Taotao's dazed gaze, he hugged her again and kissed her lips.

However, this kind of beauty didn't last long, and when the pink atmosphere in the art room continued to expand, a sudden scream interrupted the two of them.

The door of the art room was opened at some point, and a boy stood in front of the door dumbfounded, looking at Ye Taotao and Ling Yan in shock.

"Sorry to bother you, please continue!"

Seeing the two people looking over, the boy suddenly came to his senses, and quickly apologized to the two of them, then quickly turned around and ran away, muttering incessantly while running: "I didn't see anything... Didn't see anything... didn't see anything..."

"...Ayan, who is he?"

This was the first sentence of Ye Taotao who came back to his senses after being stunned for a while.

Ling Yan's tone was light: "It's just irrelevant people, don't worry about it."


"Taotao, do we want to..." There was a bit of a smile in the voice.

"Huh?" Ye Taotao turned to look at him.

His smile was bewitching: "...Continue with what happened just now?"

The scorching breath fell on her face, making Ye Taotao's heart beat half a beat faster for no reason.

After being stunned for a while, finally——Ye Taotao belatedly realized that she had just been fooled by him!

Why did the promised gift end up being eaten tofu for her?

"A Yan, you dig a hole for me to jump in again!" Ye Taotao gave him a somewhat embarrassed look, and said angrily.

Ling Yan laughed softly, with a hint of confusion in his tone: "Huh? But didn't Taotao take the initiative just now?"

Well, she did take the initiative just now.


"Well, I did take the initiative, but..." Thinking of something, Ye Taotao looked up at him again, "By the way, I almost forgot. Just wait here for me, I have something to give you."

"Stay here and don't run away."

Throwing down a warning, before Ling Yan could react, Ye Taotao had already turned around and left the art room quickly.

Looking at Ye Taotao's figure who seemed to be running away, Ling Yan couldn't help but smile, and a gentle smile appeared in his black eyes.

Ye Taotao hurried back to her dormitory building with the painting sent by Ling Yan, but by coincidence, she ran into Lin Zhuoran who came to look for her at the door of the dormitory building.

"Ye Xuemei..." Lin Zhuoran's eyes lit up when he saw her, and he immediately stepped forward to meet her.

But before he could say his purpose, he was interrupted by Ye Taotao with an apologetic expression: "Sorry, I'll go up and get some things first."

"Uh, well..."

Lin Zhuoran, who had prepared a lot of lines, had no choice but to swallow all the words in his stomach, and turned sideways to watch her enter the dormitory.

After a while, Ye Taotao came out with a gift bag, and Lin Zhuoran went up to meet her again, hesitatingly said: "Sister Ye Xuemei, I heard that today is I..."

"Senior Lin, I'm sorry, I still have something to do, so I'm sorry."

It's a pity that what Lin Zhuoran waited for was still Ye Taotao's apology.

Nodding to him apologetically, Ye Taotao turned around and left quickly, carrying the gift bag.

Lin Zhuoran stood where he was, staring blankly at Ye Taotao's disappearing figure, and it took a long time before he came back to his senses.

Taking a look at the undelivered gift in his hand, he hurried forward, stopped Song Linlin who had just come out of the corridor, and asked anxiously: "Song Xuemei, do you know that Ye Xuemei is holding that bag of things?" Where are you going?"

"You mean Taotao?" Song Linlin glanced at him and yawned rather casually, "Oh, she said she had something to give to Senior Ling, but I didn't even tell you what it was."

Lin Zhuoran opened his mouth wide, with a shocked expression on his face: "What, what? Why is that guy Ling Yan again?!"

Ten minutes later, Ye Taotao returned to the art room, stuffed the gift into Ling Yan's hands, and smiled happily: "A Yan, this is for you."

"……This is?"

Ling Yan took the gift bag in her hand, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Aren't you going to take it apart and have a look?"

Under Ye Taotao's expectant eyes, Ling Yan started to unpack the gift bag.

Seeing him unwrapping the gift, she looked away unnaturally, and explained in a low voice: "Just treat it as a return gift for the gift you gave me, although..."

It's just that before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Ling Yan's smiling voice.

He withdrew his gaze from the opened gift in his hand, looked at her, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Tao Tao, are you giving yourself to me?"

Send yourself to him?

Ye Taotao's expression froze, she subconsciously looked at the thing in his hand, and was stunned.

etc!How her painstakingly crafted DIY tennis bag turned into a peach doll! ?
What Ling Yan held in his hand was a big puppet in the shape of a peach.

The big peach is bright yellow and pink, revealing two round black eyes, and two small green leaves are blooming on the top, making it even more cute and cute.

But now the problem is-

Ye Taotao clearly remembered that in order to prevent confusion with other gifts, she specially used a black marker to draw a small flower on the gift bag containing the tennis bag as a mark.

Before going out today, she took a special look at the mark on it to make sure she didn't mistake the bag before taking it away.

But why, the tennis bag inside somehow turned into a peach doll?
And she clearly remembered that there was no peach doll like this among the items in her room?

So, where did this peach doll come from?


In the end, it was Ling Yan's questioning voice that brought Ye Taotao back to Piaoyuan's thoughts.

At this time, she realized that Ling Yan was calling her, not the peach puppet in his hand.

"Ayan, this puppet..." Ye Taotao looked at him and said with a tangled expression.

Seeing her tangled appearance, Ling Yan couldn't help but laugh: "What's wrong with this puppet?"

A look of confusion flashed in her eyes: "What I put in there is clearly—"

Thoughts seem to be pulled to a certain fragment in memory at once.

Ye Taotao suddenly remembered.The night before, Ye Jiaze knocked on the door of her room and told her that Mother Ye had mixed up their birthday presents, and she was taking a shower in the bathroom at that time, so he asked him to come in and exchange the presents.

Could it be that time...

The mark of the little flower on the opened gift packaging bag was very clear, so Ye Taotao was very sure that she definitely did not pack the wrong gift.

The only possibility is: when Ye Jiaze came in to exchange for his birthday present, he took the tennis bag she made by mistake!
After figuring out what was going on, Ye Taotao couldn't help but took a deep breath, and looked up at Ling Yan again: "A Yan, I..."

"I understand." Ling Yan looked at Ye Taotao with thoughtful eyes, and interrupted her directly, "Taotao, are you worried that I don't like it?"

Ye Taotao's face froze, and she quickly explained: "No, I..."

"Then, I'll accept your gift." Ling Yan didn't give her any chance to speak, and said very bluntly, with an extraordinarily sincere tone, "I like it very much."


Ling Yan's words made Ye Taotao's prepared explanation speechless.She looked at him for a long while before uttering a word: "Ayan..."

However, her original purpose was to give him a handmade tennis bag!
A gentle smile wiped away from Ling Yan's black eyes, and he said softly, "It's my honor to accept 'Taozi'."

Ye Taotao: "..."

Why do I always feel that what he accepts is not referring to the peach puppet, but to her?

"We've been here for so long? Are you hungry?" Before Ye Taotao came back to his senses, Ling Yan had already put the Taozi doll back in his bag, and naturally skipped the subject, "Let's go to the cafeteria .”

"……it is good."

Seeing the hand held by Ling Yan, Ye Taotao nodded and followed him out of the art room.

Under such circumstances, she could only make a decision to temporarily put aside this tangled matter.

"Sister Ye..."

At this time, a pleasantly surprised voice came from five meters ahead.

This voice came from Lin Zhuoran who had been waiting outside the teaching building for a long time.

As Ye Taotao's admirer, Lin Zhuoran naturally knows Ye Taotao's itinerary well - this is the only way to the cafeteria, so he is sure that Ye Taotao will definitely pass by this way.

Sure enough, he was not disappointed. After waiting for half an hour, he finally saw Ye Taotao appear.

However, along with his goddess, there is also his deadly enemy - Ling Yan!
Although he kept smiling, Lin Zhuoran looked at Ling Yan with hostility in his eyes.

However, when Lin Zhuoran pretended to have met Ye Taotao and greeted Ye Taotao, the two of them walked past him as if they hadn't noticed him at all, as if he was just a strange piece of land on the side of the road. Eye-catching stone.

A gust of wind blew by, Lin Zhuoran kept raising his hand and froze into popsicles.

...He was actually ignored? !

"You'd better give up, Ye Xuemei and Ling Xuechang are already very good, are you so interesting?" A faint voice came to his ears, it came from Chen Jiaren who came out of nowhere.

Lin Zhuoran came back to his senses, and stared at Ye Taotao and Ling Yan's receding backs unwillingly, with a firm tone: "I have already said, even if there is a one-in-a-billion chance, I will not give up!"

"One in a billion? I don't think there is a one in a billion..." Even though she was powerless to complain, Chen Jiaren, who was a green plum, couldn't help but hit him.

"Chen Jiaren!" Lin Zhuoran turned his head angrily, "I said you..."

But at this time, not far away, the voice of Ye Taotao and Ling Yan's conversation drifted into their ears along with the wind——

"Ayan, I seem to...forgot something." After a pause, Ye Taotao said uncertainly.

Ling Yan looked sideways at her: "What?"

"When I went back to the dormitory to get my things, someone seemed to be looking for me, but I was in such a hurry that I didn't notice who that person was. I just answered him casually and walked away."

"Then do you remember which grade he is in? Have you met him before?" Ling Yan patiently helped her recall.

"I can't remember it for a while." Ye Taotao thought about it with some distress, and smiled again, "But I think, it's probably not someone important... Forget it, let's leave it alone. It shouldn't be anything Important things, if they are important things, I will remember."

not an important person...

not a very important thing...

If it's something important she will remember...

Every sentence Ye Taotao said, even every word in every sentence, seemed like a sharp sword, instantly piercing Lin Zhuoran's heart full of holes.

It turned out that in the eyes of the goddess, he was completely unimportant!

Chen Jiaren spread her hands helplessly, and threw out a sentence: "Look, from the beginning to the end, you are the only one who is acting affectionate."

Lin Zhuoran was instantly killed by this blow, and the blood tank was emptied.A gust of cold wind blew by, and he was frozen to slag.

Back in the dormitory, the first thing Ye Taotao did was to call Ye Jiaze and ask about the whereabouts of the tennis bag.

"Jiaze, did you take the handmade tennis bag I put in the room?"

"Oh? Which tennis bag?" On the other end of the phone, Ye Jiaze couldn't react for a while, and his voice was filled with puzzlement.

"It's the tennis bag I put in front of the bed in the room, wrapped in a gift bag, and there is a small flower mark on that gift bag."

Ye Jiaze was taken aback: "Isn't that a birthday present from my mother?"

"Huh?" After a while, Mother Ye's surprised voice seemed to come from the phone, "Birthday presents? The birthday presents I gave you this year are all peach-shaped puppets."

"Ah?!" Ye Jiaze seemed stunned.

"I'm sorry, because I've been too busy recently. I saw that puppet was cute, so I bought it back. I'll give you other things for your birthday next year."

Ye Jiaze recovered from his dazed state until he could no longer hear Mother Ye's footsteps on the phone, and hurriedly asked, "Hey, Taotao, are you still there? Speaking of which, what happened to that tennis bag? "

Finally figured out what was going on, Ye Taotao couldn't help touching her forehead and said, "A Yan helped me so many times before, so I wanted to make a handmade tennis bag for him..."

"What, what!?"

"Forget it, let's leave it at that. Since I've made a mistake, consider that tennis bag as my birthday present to you." Ye Taotao sighed and made such a decision.

That Taotao puppet has been given away, and it is impossible to exchange it back.

"But, that tennis bag... is very important to you, right?" Even though he liked this gift very much, but it was not a reasonable gift, Ye Jiaze still felt a little uneasy about his conscience.

Ye Taotao thought for a while, and quickly came up with a compromise method—and this method finally relieved her depressed mood a little: "That's good, as compensation, Jiaze, you next year, next year, next year, There are no more birthday presents for Da Da Da next year and Da Da Da Da next year."

There was a sudden silence on the other side of the phone, and a few seconds later, Ye Jiaze protested as if he had just woken up from a dream: "Hey, hey, Taotao, how can you be like this—"

But before he could finish speaking, Ye Taotao hung up the phone neatly.

The days passed day by day in an ordinary and warm life.

Although the end of the term is approaching, University A still holds some interesting extracurricular activities from time to time to let students relax in their busy study life.

The most lively activity is probably the basketball friendly match held by the school's student union.

Ye Taotao, who has never been interested in sports, did not pay much attention to this event, not to mention that the shadow brought to her by the last exercise has not completely dissipated.

When it was the turn of the law competition, many students from the same major went to watch the competition.And Song Linlin, who has always loved the excitement, naturally would not miss this grand event. An hour before the official competition started, she ran to occupy a seat early.

Ye Taotao felt that there was nothing to do, so she simply went to the library with her books to review the content of the final exam.

The whole morning passed in a blink of an eye, seeing that the time was almost passing, Ye Taotao closed the book in her hand, tidied it up and hugged it in her arms, stood up and planned to leave.

But before she could take a few steps, she stopped.

Ye Taotao looked at the person standing not far in front, and asked helplessly, "Senior Cheng, are you free?"

Cheng Rui didn't answer this question, but just said casually: "There is also a basketball game in the Faculty of Science today, and Ling Yan will play. Don't you want to watch it, junior?"

"Huh?" Ye Taotao was slightly puzzled.

"The game shouldn't be over yet. When I left just now, the game was only halfway through... However, Ling Yan's hand seems to have been injured..."


Startled suddenly, before Cheng Rui could speak, Ye Taotao didn't bother to answer, and left the library quickly.

Cheng Rui turned his head, looked at Ye Taotao's figure leaving in a hurry, and then showed a meaningful smile...

When Ye Taotao rushed to the basketball court, the game was over.

Among the surrounding students, the first thing she saw was Song Linlin.

Ye Taotao's appearance made Song Linlin very surprised: "Ah, Taotao, you are here. But the game is over, you really missed the wonderful scene just now."

"What happened?"

Ye Taotao asked casually, and looked anxiously into the arena.At this time, the game was over, and the contestants left the venue one after another.

"Ah? What did you say?" Song Linlin looked at her puzzled.

But soon, she saw Ling Yan.

On the rest seat, he had already put on his casual clothes again, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Hey, where are you going, Taotao?"

Without answering Song Linlin's question, Ye Taotao quickly stepped forward.But just as she was taking steps, she was stopped by a figure that suddenly appeared.

"Senior Lin, you..."

The person who stopped her was Lin Zhuoran who was also wearing a basketball tracksuit.

Ye Taotao looked at him with some doubts.

"Ye Xuemei, I give up." Lin Zhuoran looked at her with serious eyes, and suddenly said such a sentence.

"Ah?" This is Ye Taotao, whose condition is unknown.

"I didn't expect him to be so affectionate with you. I thought he was just playing with you..." Lin Zhuoran showed a disappointed expression, "This is something I can't do."

What's the situation now?
Ye Taotao looked at him in bewilderment.

"Just now I made a bet with him that if he loses, he will give up on you. Although he didn't agree... But I didn't expect that before the game, his hand was injured, but he still insisted on participating in the game..." Lin Zhuoran said in his tone Although with a bit of unwillingness, but also with a bit of admiration.

But from his statement, Ye Taotao only grasped one key word - injured?Ah Yan, is he really injured?

She looked up into the field.

Lin Zhuoran, who didn't notice that Ye Taotao was absent-minded at all, went on to say, "At first I thought that as long as I persisted, I would be able to impress you, but then I realized it wasn't..."

"So, I wish you happiness—eh? Ye Xuemei?"

It wasn't until the last sentence was finished that Lin Zhuoran realized that the person in front of him had disappeared.

Turning her head, she realized that Ye Taotao had already run to Ling Yan's side.

"Ayan, you..."

Ling Yanla shook Ye Taotao's hand, pulled her in front of Lin Zhuoran who was in a daze, and said with a smile, "Thank you for your blessing. Since this is the case, I will leave the rest to Lin Zhuoran."

"Oh?" Lin Zhuoran was taken aback for a moment, and then asked a little puzzled, "Hey, wait, what did you say—"

But before he could finish speaking, Ling Yan had already turned around and left with Ye Taotao.

When he was about to catch up and ask for clarification, someone patted him on the shoulder.

Lin Zhuoran turned his head, only to find that it was the physical education teacher who had just judged them.

"Why is everyone gone? Really... By the way, help me move all the game equipment back to the sports equipment room.

Lin Zhuoran froze, he suddenly understood the meaning of what Ling Yan just said, and only then did he realize that he had been tricked!

"Ling Yan, you shameless bastard! If I had known, I would have..."

A moment later, Lin Zhuoran's angry voice sounded on the cricket field.

However, apart from the pile of sports equipment, helmets and cricket uniforms, no one paid any attention to his cries.


Walking on the school road back to the teaching building, Ye Taotao looked at Ling Yan's side face, and softly called out his name, with a bit of worry in her tone.

Ling Yan turned his head, met her gaze, and said with a smile, "Taotao, I didn't expect you to come. Originally, I wanted to find you after the game."

From his tone, it can be heard that he is in a very good mood now.

"I was in the library just now, and Senior Cheng told me that you were here." Ye Taotao explained quickly, "I heard Senior Cheng say that your hand was injured, and Senior Lin also said just now..."

As she spoke, her eyes fell on his other arm.

However, the upper part of the back of the hand seemed to have been scratched by something. Although the scab had formed, it was not difficult to see how hideous the wound was.But on this old injury, the wound was cracked due to the intense exercise just now, and a new injury was added.

"It's okay, it's just that I accidentally got a little injury before. It's nothing serious, it's classmate Lin who made a fuss." Ling Yan subconsciously moved his arm to a blind spot where Ye Taotao couldn't see, and said indifferently.

"Abrasions are a minor problem, but if you are not careful, it will easily cause inflammation. And the injury on your hand is not an ordinary abrasion, is it?" Ye Taotao's eyes paused for a moment on his arm, and then He raised his head and looked at him with firm eyes, showing such a firm attitude for the first time, "Come, follow me to the school infirmary to treat the wound."

Before he could respond, Ye Taotao had already turned around and dragged him towards the school doctor's office.

Ling Yan was slightly taken aback, his eyes fell on the hands they held together, and there was a gentle smile in his black eyes.He didn't refuse or resist, but just let Ye Taotao pull him away.

Ignoring the strange eyes cast on them from time to time along the way, Ye Taotao led Ling Yan to the infirmary as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, she stopped the school doctor uncle at the door a few seconds before he planned to go to the cafeteria, and successfully asked him for the alcohol used to bandage the wound, the externally applied wound medicine, cotton swabs and gauze from him who was about to go out.

"...You just bandage him like this, I'll go eat first." The school doctor, who was in a hurry to leave the house, still told Ye Taotao the essentials and precautions for bandaging the wound, "If it doesn't work, I'll come back and help have a look."

"Okay, I understand. Thank you, uncle." Ye Taotao nodded to him gratefully, and sent him out the door.

After the school doctor left, Ye Taotao returned to Ling Yan with the medicine box in his arms, let him sit on the stool, then knelt down on one knee, and pulled his injured arm in front of her.

"Ayan, remember not to move around."

After a word of advice, she lowered her head, dipped a little alcohol with a cotton swab, and carefully applied it to his wound.

The moment the cotton swab touched the wound, Ling Yan only felt a cold sensation from his arm, and the numbness due to pain was instantly replaced by a burning sensation.

But he didn't flinch, he just watched Ye Taotao's concentrated action when he applied the medicine calmly.

"Ayan, does it hurt?" After applying the alcohol, Ye Taotao stopped moving, and she raised her head worriedly and asked.

"No, it doesn't hurt at all." The corners of Ling Yan's lips curled slightly.

"Really? That's good." With a sigh of relief, Ye Taotao changed a cotton swab and applied the externally applied medicine to Ling Yan's wound little by little.

Although she said so, her movements were obviously more light and careful than before.

Seeing Ye Taotao's serious and focused movements, the smile in Ling Yan's eyes gradually deepened, and a bit of warmth was revealed from the depths of the ink.

"All right."

After dressing the wound with medicinal gauze, Ye Taotao put the remaining things back into the medicine box, but when she looked up, she accidentally saw Ling Yan's gentle and meaningful smile under her black eyes.

... For some reason, she always felt that the way he looked at her at this time was a little strange.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Ye Taotao subconsciously turned her gaze away from Ling Yan's uncomfortable look, a slight blush gradually appeared on her face.

"Because this kind of Taotao is very cute." Ling Yan replied with a smile.

"...That would be nothing to look at."

Such straightforwardness made Ye Taotao even more uncomfortable.

Ling Yan didn't answer her question directly, but looked at her with a deep smile in her eyes: "And I think that Taotao's current state looks like she is proposing to me."


The unexpected teasing made Ye Taotao's face feel hot, and the scorching hot feeling burned her.Suppressing the urge to run away, Ye Taotao forced himself to look up at him calmly, and fought back, "Shouldn't you be the one to do things like marriage proposals?"

"Oh? So Taotao really wants me to propose to you?" Ling Yan still had a gentle smile on his face, coping with it freely.


Ye Taotao: "..." She always felt that she had shot herself in the foot with a rock, and she suddenly regretted asking that sentence just now.

She couldn't say no to Ling Yan, so Ye Taotao also decided not to mess with him anymore.

She lowered her head and packed up the medicine box, then wrapped the waste cotton swab with a small piece of remaining gauze, and stood up: "Okay, I'll go and put the medicine box away first."

"Taotao, are you shy?" Watching Ye Taotao's every move, Ling Yan couldn't help but smile, and a pleasant smile appeared under his eyes.

Ye Taotao stopped in her tracks and turned her head to look at him with an unpredictable look in her eyes.

Ling Yan saw a seriousness in her eyes that he had never seen before, and couldn't help being stunned.

He thought that what he said just now had annoyed her, so he suppressed the smile on his face: "Taotao, I'm sorry, I just—"

However, at the next moment, Ye Taotao made an unexpected move——

She put down the medicine box in her hand, stepped forward suddenly, and put her arms around him.


Ling Yan stared blankly at the person in his arms, his eyes full of surprise.

"Next time, don't do such a thing." Ye Taotao raised her head from his arms, and met his slightly surprised gaze, "It's not worth it to ignore your own injury for such a bet."

"Taotao, I didn't agree to Lin's bet." Ling Yan looked at her fixedly, the brilliance flowing in his deep black eyes, "Because, you are not an item for exchange, and I am not for the sake of Lin. The so-called bet to take the contest."

"Then why are you still working so hard?" Ye Taotao frowned, and asked inexplicably, "You made yourself hurt even more, obviously you can choose to abstain."

"It was just an accident. I didn't abstain because this injury is really not a big problem. When I was practicing tennis when I was young..." Ling Yan paused, then skipped the topic, "But Lin, he... really misunderstood something .”

"Okay." Ye Taotao sighed inaudibly, and looked up at him again, with unquestionable firmness in her eyes, "Then you have to promise that you will not do this again next time, and you will not do it again." Let this happen, or I'll..."

But she couldn't think of a reason for a while, and suddenly became entangled.

Ling Yan was still smiling, and asked curiously: "What else?"

That calm tone seemed to predict that Ye Taotao would not do anything to him.

"Otherwise, I'll strip you naked and throw—"

But the next moment, Ye Taotao's voice stopped abruptly, and the sound of approaching footsteps interrupted her.

When she turned her head, she saw the school doctor who had stepped through the door with one foot, looking at them with a stunned expression on his face.

But at this moment, she and Ling Yan were still in a hugging posture.

"Young people, you have to be careful, especially in certain aspects." The uncle school doctor glanced at them, walked in, and said meaningfully.

He went to his desk and pretended to pack his things.While arranging the items on the counter, he said in a deep and deep voice: "Also, little girl, I think your boyfriend treats you very well, and he thinks of you in everything. I don't care if I got hurt because of you today." You should cherish any complaints, and don't always torment him."

After saying a word to defend Ling Yan, the school doctor sighed and shook his head again, then turned and left the school doctor's room.


in some way restraint...

Certain aspects……

At this moment, Ye Taotao felt that she had probably become a notorious "beast" in University A.

"Taotao, won't you explain to him?" Ling Yan looked away and looked at her with a smile.

Ye Taotao left from his arms, picked up the medicine box, and replied calmly: "There's nothing to explain, anyway, there are already rumors about me that I started to mess up and gave up on, and this one is not bad."

To be honest, facing such rumors, she was already too numb to numb.So much so that now, every time she hears related words about "unscrupulous man", "abandoned" and "scum", she just ignores them.

Habits become natural, and I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing.

"Is that so?" The corners of Ling Yan's lips curled up.

Putting the medicine box away, Ye Taotao turned her head and looked at him who was smiling, with a somewhat helpless tone: "Actually, Ayan, you didn't even think about clarifying those rumors, did you?"

Ling Yan didn't answer her question, but just smiled at her, and that gentle smile went straight into the depths of his black eyes.

In the third week of December, half a month before the final exam, University A ushered in a special day—a cultural festival.

The "Cultural Festival" is a traditional event of University A. It is an event jointly organized by various clubs and student unions of University A. It is a major feature of University A.

In the past, the planning and hosting of cultural festivals were entrusted to the student union, but this year is different.

The person in charge of this cultural festival is not a member of the student union, but Ling Yan.

However, everyone was not very surprised by this, because they all felt that with Ling Yan's ability, he was definitely qualified for this position.

After the tasks of the cultural festival were assigned, the members of the clubs began to get busy again and began to prepare for this cultural festival.

"I heard that the tennis club is also going to produce drama-related programs. President, why don't we cooperate with the tennis club? So as not to bump into the program." After learning about the relevant news, a member of the drama club asked the president Li Qing Yan suggested.

Drama club, as the name suggests, the biggest feature is drama.Therefore, if there is a program, drama will also be given priority.The members of the drama club don't think it's a good thing to give up their expertise to others.

"That's a good idea." Li Qingyan nodded her head, looked around, "However, the person to communicate with..."

After some thought, Li Qingyan decided to cooperate with the tennis club.

But if you want to cooperate, you must build a bridge of communication between the two societies.

And this bridge is—

"Taotao, I will leave this arduous task to you." Li Qingyan quickly caught Ye Taotao who happened to be passing by holding a leaflet, and said to her in a serious tone, "Please be sure to convince Ling It doesn't matter if Yan is cooperating with us in a play, even if it's sex."

Ye Taotao, who hadn't figured out the situation yet, was knocked unconscious by the huge pie, she gathered herself together, tried her best to think over what Li Qingyan told her, and finally realized what was going on.

But she didn't agree immediately, but asked suspiciously: "Wait a minute, President, why me?"

Li Qingyan gave a very simple reason: "Because you know people from the tennis club, which makes it easier to communicate. Ling Yan is your boyfriend, isn't he?"

"No, I'm not the only one who knows the tennis club. I remember that your boyfriend, the president, also belongs to the tennis club, right? You can also contact them through this relationship." Ye Taotao said.

"That's different. My boyfriend is just an ordinary member, and he can't make decisions. So, Ye Xuemei is the most suitable for you." Li Qingyan said, patted her on the shoulder, and encouraged her in a senior tone , "Come on, I know you will live up to my expectations of you."

Ye Taotao: "..."

But isn't Li Qingyan also the president of the drama club?
According to her way of thinking, relatively, she is just an ordinary member of the drama club, and she can't make decisions.

In fact, the president just doesn't want to deal with Ling Yan, right?
Ye Taotao thought helplessly.

But there is no way, the official rank crushes people to death.The protest was invalid, and the matter was decided in this way.

So when she met Ling Yan that day, Ye Taotao told him this proposal.

"Okay." Ling Yan was stunned, and then a smile spread on his lips, spreading to the corners of his eyes and brows.He smiled and gave the answer with little thought.

But before Ye Taotao became happy, he heard him say again: "If you beg me, I will promise you."

The smile that just appeared froze at the corner of his mouth.

Ye Taotao: "..."

Suddenly want to hit someone, what should I do?
(End of this chapter)

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