Chapter 18
Does this guy feel uncomfortable if he doesn't tease her a few times a day?

"Can you be more serious?" Ye Taotao's tone was somewhat helpless.

"Then... change the conditions? For example, bribe me?" Ling Yan deliberately said in a contemplative tone, but there was a clear smile in his eyes.

Ye Taotao: "..."

It doesn't even matter if it's seduction.

Looking at Ling Yan's black eyes with a smile, Ye Taotao's ears unconsciously echoed what Li Qingyan said to her during club activities.

At that time, she was only joking as the president, but now it seems...

Is it really necessary to "seduce" him?

But Ye Taotao didn't think this was a good method at all - in terms of beauty, she seemed to be inferior to the one in front of her.

Ye Taotao, who was unwilling to implement the "seduction" plan, could only protest with words.

However, Ye Taotao's protest did not have any effect.

Ling Yan turned a deaf ear to her protest and still looked at her with a smile.

So in less than three seconds, she surrendered.

She couldn't resist this simple action every time.She has no immunity at all to the virus called "Lingyan"

Ye Taotao felt helpless, hesitated for a moment, and finally she stood on tiptoe and approached him.

There was a touch of cold softness on her lips, seeing his smiling black eyes flashing a trace of surprise, the breath of the two were intimately intertwined, and then——

At this moment, she heard her very clear heartbeat, as well as his.

A faint blush appeared on Ye Taotao's cheeks, but she was a little nervous and didn't notice it.

The size Ye Taotao grasped was still moderate, she only kissed the corner of Ling Yan's mouth, and then quickly backed away.

"This should work, right?" Ye Taotao calmed down, and looked up at him again.

"Do you want to buy me with just such a small bribe?" Ling Yan's tone was somewhat dissatisfied.

"...Don't push yourself too far!"

Ye Taotao puffed up her cheeks angrily, seeing her cute appearance, Ling Yan couldn't help but chuckle.

But he still accepted it as soon as he saw it.

"Okay, then I hope we can cooperate happily." Ling Yan's tone finally became serious.From the standpoint of the tennis club, he is indeed a fair and strict president. When it comes to the tennis club, he will never treat it with a joking attitude.

After getting the exact answer, Ye Taotao returned him with a big smile: "Okay, I'll tell the president as soon as I get back."

"By the way, Taotao, there is one thing that I forgot to tell you." At this moment, Ling Yan said unhurriedly.

"What?" Ye Taotao asked suspiciously.

There was a slight smile on Ling Yan's lips, and he only heard him say: "I have also considered the issue of producing a drama before. In fact, I also decided to cooperate with your drama club to produce a drama. After all, we are very familiar with the script, props and rehearsal. The related matters are not as familiar as the drama club. But you came here before I had time to find Li Qingyan."

Ye Taotao: "..."

So, she delivered it to her door by herself?
"But I'm quite satisfied with your 'bribe'." There was a faint smile in his dark eyes.


Now I want to hit people even more.

What's going on with this feeling of being cheated!
Thus, the cooperation between the tennis club and the drama club was finalized.

After getting the exact answer, Li Qingyan, the director of the drama club, went to find Ling Yan in person.I don't know what the two men talked about secretly, and finally reached such an agreement-the tennis club will provide the actors for the drama. University A's tennis club specializes in producing handsome guys, and their participation is a big selling point. It will definitely attract a lot of popularity by then, and it will have a great advantage in the selection of the best programs.

As for the drama club, they will provide scripts and props for this cooperation, as well as related stage layouts, and rehearsals...

Li Qingyan threw Ye Taotao over unkindly again, and asked her to assist the tennis club in the drama rehearsal as a cooperative special agent.

As for the reason - Li Qingyan's reason is very good: the script was written by Ye Taotao, no one is more familiar with the content of the script than her, so it is perfect for her to guide the rehearsal.

"So, the communication with Ling Yan and the others will be thanks to you, Taotao!"

Ye Taotao: "..."

Ye Taotao didn't believe Li Qingyan's words, but she couldn't find a reason to refute her.

After getting along for a semester, Ye Taotao couldn't be more familiar with Li Qingyan's character.Although she can also be classified as someone who "always has no expression" like Lian Chenghao, Li Qingyan's heart is as dark as Ling Yan's.

She didn't know what she had discussed with Ling Yanshang, but Li Qingyan actually "sold" her like this.

Although she feels helpless, Ye Taotao also feels that it is actually a good thing to cooperate with the tennis club.

At least, she spent a lot more time with Ling Yan.

After discussing with Ling Yan all night, and discussing with people from the two clubs, they finally decided on the program to appear in this cultural festival - "Sleeping Beauty and Stories that Fairies and Witches Have to Tell".

This name was casually mentioned by Xu Qiyuan after he heard about the content of the script, but he didn't expect that everyone would agree with it. As a result, this weird name was finalized in this way.

After confirming the content of the play, Ye Taotao spent two days rushing out a script.

As for the list of roles, the members of the tennis club also decided through a lottery.

As the president, Ling Yan acted as the narrator in this drama performance.However, this job was not obtained by lottery.

"A Yan, don't you want to participate?" After receiving the list of performances, Ye Taotao was surprised, "I thought you would play the heroine, I think everyone is looking forward to your appearance in women's clothing."

Speaking of the last sentence, Ye Taotao couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly.

If Ah Yan wears women's must be very beautiful.

Ling Yan's answer was: "If Taotao and you act opposite me, I don't mind making a cameo appearance."

"But I'm not from your tennis club." Ye Taotao blinked and tried to hold back a smile, "Didn't we agree that your tennis club will provide the person who plays the role?"

"However, this time the script is "Sleeping Beauty." Ling Yan raised his eyebrows and reminded.

Ye Taotao was taken aback.

Yeah, the script is Sleeping Beauty...

The final ending of Sleeping Beauty is: the sleeping princess was kissed by the prince, and finally woke up from her sleep.

And the point is: that kiss.

If Ling Yan is going to play the heroine, it means that he will be kissed by others in the end.

Even if that person is a boy, Ye Taotao will feel uncomfortable.

So just like that, she was once again led into a misunderstanding by Ling Yan's verbal trap.

Thinking of this, Ye Taotao hugged Ling Yan resolutely, and said firmly: "Then I don't want it anymore, Ayan, you should be the narrator!"

The corner of Ling Yan's mouth curled up into an inexplicable smile.

A simple conversation between two people decided the fate of the actors in this drama.

Although, everyone more or less has opinions on this role-playing list.

"Wait! Why are you all playing male roles, and I'm the only one who is female!" Jiang Hao, who was originally here to play soy sauce but didn't expect to be dragged into the water by his sinister roommate Cheng Rui, saw that the card he drew said Immediately after the note of the "fairy" character, there was a protest.

"...Jiang Hao, what do you think of another fairy and queen?" Even Chenghao's voice revealed a trace of unsteadiness.

Cheng Rui crumpled the note into a ball and threw it into the wastebasket calmly, looked at the expressionless Liu Yiqian with a half-smile, and said, "Partner, let's continue to cooperate happily."

Liu Yiqian lifted his glasses and did not speak.

"The president is so insidious, he actually took the narration job so quickly." Xu Qiyuan is quite satisfied with the role of "Prince".

But compared to Ling Yan's simple and relaxed narration job, Xu Qiyuan still showed his dissatisfaction.

Ling Yan just smiled and didn't speak.

"However, the most unlucky person here seems to be Tianyu, right?"

At this time, whoever mentioned it, the drama rehearsal room suddenly fell silent.

"Sleeping Beauty... Poof! Sleeping...Sleeping Beauty...hahahaha! The vice president actually got the role of Sleeping Beauty." In the end, the silence was broken by Cheng Rui, who couldn't help laughing, holding his stomach and laughing so hard Waist, "But, how does the vice president look like Sleeping Beauty?"

As long as they think of Zhen Tianyu standing on the stage in a princess dress, everyone can't help but play.

Not to mention that he is going to play a "beautiful", "gentle", and "virtuous" princess!
That is simply unimaginable!

But the only person on the scene who could laugh was Cheng Rui.


"Zhen, Senior Zhen—"

Xu Qiyuan looked at Zhen Tianyu who walked into the rehearsal room with a gloomy face, and trembled.At this moment, he only felt that his whole body became stiff, and he couldn't lift his strength at all.

"Now that everyone is here, shall we start?"

Ling Yan spoke unhurriedly.

Among the people present, he seemed to be the only one who was not frightened by the low air pressure that Zhen Tianyu emitted as soon as he entered the door.

Ye Taotao took a sympathetic look at the boy inside, then walked directly to Ling Yan's side, and whispered to him about the things next to him.

As for Xu Qiyuan, his horrified eyes followed Zhen Tianyu's movements closely, but his whole body froze in place.

"Tell me, partner, is it really suitable for this combination of two people to play opposite roles?" Seeing Xu Qiyuan desperately apologizing to Zhen Tianyu, Cheng Rui patted Liu Yiqian on the shoulder and asked with a smile.

"I think it's more appropriate to change this drama to Sleeping Beauty vs. Witches to Save the Prince." Liu Yiqian replied very calmly.

Originally thought that Zhen Tianyu would have objections or even get angry with this list of performances, but unexpectedly he did not have any objections.

It's just that during the rehearsal, he kept a straight face from beginning to end, which made everyone present feel a lot of pressure.

Under the cold air he released, everyone never showed any dissatisfaction, and began to rehearse in a regular manner.

The rhythm of the rehearsal at the beginning was still very good, but at the end——

After flipping through the last few pages of the script, Ling Yan raised his head and encouraged with a smile: "Everyone has worked hard, the next scene is the last scene."

"Hey, so it's the last scene?" Jiang Hao, who had just left the scene, said quite unexpectedly.

"Since it's the last match—it's so far away, it's time for you to play."

As Cheng Rui said, he stretched out his hand and pushed Xu Qiyuan to the center of the rehearsal room.

"Ah?" Xu Qiyuan suddenly came back to his senses and walked forward with some confusion.

"...the prince who killed the witch and the black dragon walked into the dusty castle. Walking up the stairs, he saw the sleeping princess on the bed. Attracted by her beauty, the prince couldn't help but stepped forward and kissed her gently..."

Listening to Ling Yan's narration, Xu Qiyuan was startled suddenly: "Kiss...wait, kiss to wake up!?"

"That's right, I think everyone should be familiar with the content of this story, right?" The smile on Ling Yan's face seemed very harmless.

Xu Qiyuan panicked and said: "Wait, I, I..."

"Xu Xuedi, why are you still standing there?"

Unknown who asked, Xu Qiyuan subconsciously raised his numb feet and walked towards Zhen Tianyu who was lying flat on the "bed".

Looking at the serious "Sleeping Beauty" with a pale face, he only felt a lot of pressure.

How beautiful is this!How could he kiss it!

"I, can I apply for a role change?" Xu Qiyuan said weakly with trembling legs and raised his hand.

"What do you think?" Ling Yan cast a faint glance at him, and asked back with a smile.

At this time, Zhen Tianyu, who was lying on the "bed" made up of several tables, suddenly opened his eyes, staring at him as sharp as a knife blade.

This time, Xu Qiyuan's legs didn't shake anymore, but he only felt that the whole world became dark in an instant.

With much anticipation, the day of the cultural festival finally arrived.

In addition to all the teachers and students of University A, there were also students from other schools and people from all walks of life who came to participate in the cultural festival.

The performance of the drama is scheduled in the afternoon, and in the morning, it is the time for garden activities and stalls.

Time flies, and before you know it, it's time for the performance.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the members of the drama team arrived at the backstage of the auditorium ahead of time to prepare.

"Hey! Cheng Rui! What kind of clothes are these! Where did you find them? Why is it pink? There are lace and ribbons? Why are they so feminine? Can't white ones be used? In the original book, fairies are obviously wearing The white skirt, how can it be so fancy?" Jiang Hao took out his own dress from the box, almost going crazy.

"Is it easy for you as a man to dress up as a woman? How can you not be fancy? Just give you a whole white wedding dress and it doesn't look like it at all." Cheng Rui raised his eyebrows and said, taking out from another props box He took out a long golden wig with big waves and handed it to him, with a pink bow on it, "By the way, you can put on this underwear first, and then you can put on this pink skirt."

"But... but... well, I get it." Jiang Hao suddenly saw Zhen Tianyu standing beside him, unable to refute, so he had to float to the locker room with his head clouded.

"Then - the king's clothes -" Cheng Rui took out a set of clothes from the box, shook it out and took a look, then put it aside without saying anything.

In this crew, only his character is considered the most normal.

Afterwards, he dug out another set of women's clothing from the box and handed it to Liu Yiqian.

Liu Yiqian took it without saying a word and went to change clothes.

When Ye Taotao walked into the auditorium with the props she brought from the drama club, she saw this scene——

"...I wish the princess would not die when she falls down, but sleep soundly for 100 years." Hearing Jiang Hao's voice, she looked to the left, but she couldn't see him.

"Huh? Where's Senior Jiang? I clearly heard his voice." Ye Taotao looked around.

"Here, here!" A blond girl in a peach-red dress uttered Jiang Hao's voice to her, her false eyelashes fluttered, and her cheeks without blush were flushed with anger.

And beside him is a woman with dark blue long curly hair wearing a lake blue lady's long dress. Each layer of the thousand-layered dress has bead chains. At the waist, a bow tie is neatly tied at the neckline, and the lace edges of the short sleeves on both sides are beautiful patterns.

It turned out that the lady in the lake blue dress was... was... Lian Chenghao!And the "woman" beside him is Jiang Hao? !
"Hahahahahaha! Senior Jiang, Senior Jiang? Ouch, pitiful. Hahahahaha. If I remember correctly, Senior Jiang seems to have to change clothes twice? The first time is like this, haha... Then, the second time ..." Song Linlin laughed until she clutched her stomach and couldn't speak.

Ye Taotao also burst out laughing, covering her mouth and laughing, "It's really too similar, even prettier than a girl's. Senior, you are really successful, even the senior is not bad... Hahaha."

Jiang Hao: "..."

Lian Chenghao: "..."

They don't think such praise is a good thing at all!
Song Linlin laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth, but when she turned around, she saw Cheng Rui, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Senior Cheng?"

Following Song Linlin's cry, everyone turned their attention to Cheng Rui standing behind her.

I saw him wearing a handsome and handsome king's attire. The snow-white dress shirt collar in the black vest with gold border is a large ball of lace that appears in European court costumes. His slender legs are wearing black trousers and a silver belt around his waist. white gloves.

He smiled lightly, without his usual snarkyness, his black wig was slightly turned up, and he looked very elegant and handsome.

This kind of attire, combined with Cheng Rui, actually looks...surprisingly good.

"Cheng Rui's outfit is really good." Jiang Hao sighed, and couldn't help grinding his teeth, "If I had known it was a trick to me, I wouldn't have allowed him to come as a guest star!"

"Ah, but I definitely don't want a male role! Actually, which one of you is more suitable for the role of a prince than me? Senior Jiang, since you want to play a male role, how about we exchange it?" He looked at Jiang Hao expectantly, but this proposal was immediately rejected by everyone without hesitation.

"By the way, speaking of it... where is the witch?" Jiang Hao asked suddenly as if remembering something.

A puzzled look was exchanged, but no one could tell where he was.

1 minutes later……

"Sorry, I'm late." Wearing a purple long skirt with a hat and short silver hair, the boy playing the witch waved a black witch stick in his hand, and hurriedly appeared in the background.

"Why are you here now?" Zhen Tianyu looked at the witch costume of the boy who played the witch, his face twisted into a ball, but he still could not help but blame.

"Huh? You are...the vice president?!" The boy who played the witch was taken aback.

Jiang Hao showed a helpless expression: "Yes, yes, I remember that you are not nearsighted, right?"

"That's right." The boy playing the witch seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and rubbed his head in embarrassment, "When I just came out, I met a man who claimed to be the principal, and he said that this performance will be on the big screen of the school. On the live broadcast. At the end of the kiss between the prince and Sleeping Beauty, he will ask the camera crew to give us a close-up."

"What?!" Xu Qiyuan yelled out of control.

Lian Chenghao looked at the script in his hand expressionlessly.

Zhen Tianyu's face became distorted at this moment.

Ling Yan smiled slightly, Ye Taotao blinked, looking at them with sympathy.

Liu Yiqian adjusted his glasses, and the lenses reflected a bright light.

Cheng Rui showed an expression of watching the show.

"Now, please watch a performance jointly presented by the Tennis Club and the Drama Club--the play "Sleeping Beauty and What Fairies and Witches Have to Tell". Please enjoy it."

After the host excitedly introduced, there was overwhelming applause.

"Damn it, why did you report the name of the club?" Behind the stage, Xu Qiyuan complained with a bitter face behind the curtain.

"Don't complain, even if you don't say it, everyone knows. Pull up the curtain quickly. Turn on the loudspeaker in front of your chest." Jiang Hao patted him on the shoulder and reminded him in a low voice, "Otherwise the vice president will be angry again gone."

Xu Qiyuan subconsciously looked back at Zhen Tianyu, and immediately withdrew his gaze, his body stiffened.

"—Once upon a time, there was a king who had been married for many years and had no children. Although the relationship between the king and queen was very good, they always felt very sorry for having no children. So the king and queen prayed to God every day, begging to give them a child. But in the past For many years, their wishes were not fulfilled. Until one day..."

Following the narration, the curtain slowly opened.

A beam of light was projected onto the body of the "Queen" Liu Yiqian wearing a crown. He looked at the ceiling and pretended to pray: "Almighty Lord, please give me a child."

As his words fell, the lights of the entire stage came on.At this time, a frog jumped out of the pool scenery on the stage and threw a bundle to the ground.

"Come and see, this is a gift from God!" Cheng Rui hugged the "child" in his hand and raised his eyebrows, "Let's call her Carrot."

"No, I think Xiaocaitou sounds better." Liu Yiqian held his glasses calmly and said.

Cheng Rui's eyes twitched.But in less than three seconds, he cleaned up the expression on his face, and then stretched out his fist very calmly: "Okay then, come on, two wins in three sets."

Seeing this scene, many audience members showed strange expressions and started whispering.

Cheng Rui and Liu Yiqian started guessing punches on the stage as if no one else was around.


Cheng Rui produced scissors, and Liu Yiqian produced cloth.

"Ha! You lost." Cheng Rui said excitedly.

Liu Yiqian still didn't change his face: "Come again."


This time Cheng Rui produced stones, while Liu Yiqian still produced cloth.

Cheng Rui raised his eyebrows and said nothing.


For the last time, Cheng Rui made scissors, but Liu Yiqian made fists.

So with a one-to-two result, Liu Yiqian won.

"Cough, then this child should be called Tianyu." Cheng Rui clenched his fists to his mouth and coughed lightly.

"Wait! What are they doing? This passage is obviously not in the script." On one side of the stage, Ye Taotao flipped through the script in his hand, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, "What's going on with Senior Cheng and Senior Liu?"

Ling Yan slightly bent his lips, and looked back at Zhen Tianyu, who was not far behind who hadn't appeared yet, and his face was blue, and the smile in his black eyes deepened.

"Probably, they changed the script themselves." Song Linlin, who was busy helping to carry the props, couldn't help but stop, and looked at the ceiling speechlessly.

Fortunately, this unexpected episode did not affect the direction of the whole stage play.The drama performance continued smoothly.

Ling Yan, who is the narrator, very cooperatively changed some of the lines: "The birth of Tianyu made the king and queen very happy. They held a grand banquet in the castle and invited the two fairies who lived in Fairy Lake to participate. , to baptize the princess."

"I bestow the little princess with incomparable beauty and snow-white skin." Jiang Hao appeared on the stage with a pink skirt and a fairy wand. With his eyes closed, he pointed the fairy wand at the thing in Liu Yiqian's arms. Face devoutly blessed.

"I bestowed on the little princess a voice and a gentle disposition like a yellow warbler." Lian Chenghao's tone was somewhat unnatural.

This uneasiness naturally comes from...

Every time the two people on the stage said something, Song Linlin subconsciously looked back at Zhen Tianyu.

Finally, she couldn't help but leaned close to Ye Taotao and asked in a low voice: "Taotao, did you write this on purpose when you wrote this script?" After a pause, her voice lowered, "Your purpose In fact, you want to piss off Senior Zhen?"

Ye Taotao showed an innocent expression: "I didn't know at first that it would be Senior Zhen who played the role of Sleeping Beauty..."

If she knew, how dare she write like that!
"I'm not invited to such a big banquet—" A shrill voice brought the two of them back to reality, only to see the "Black Witch" appearing with a skirt in her hand.

"Bang—" Probably because he didn't notice a small ball rolled out of nowhere on the ground, the black witch stepped on it.He staggered, and only heard a "bang", he fell on his back!
There was an uproar under the stage.

"How is this going?"

"How did he fall?"

"Isn't this Sleeping Beauty? Why did the black witch fall to her death before she cursed?"

Jiang Hao and Lian Chenghao stared blankly at the accident in front of them, with bewildered expressions on their faces.

Ye Taotao made a movement that she couldn't bear to look directly at.

Song Linlin also laughed dryly a few times, and made excuses for everyone awkwardly: "This... probably because it's the first time for everyone to perform on stage, so you have no experience?"

Li Qingyan, the president of the drama club, was very calm. She nudged Song Linlin with her elbow and gave her a wink.

The two immediately found a piece of black cloth to put on, and then ran to the boy who played the witch and helped him up, "Master, look at how bad these people are, not only did they not invite you, but they even poured water on the ground on purpose to make you fall." fall!"

Song Linlin understood, and came over to help her up, and complained: "That's right, it's just that hateful king and queen who deliberately dropped these things on the ground to make you fall."

The audience's comments gradually disappeared, and everyone thought it was a scene.

"Well, you king!" The boy who played the witch understood instantly. He straightened his skirt and stood up, pointing at Cheng Rui, and said sharply.Immediately, the audience who saw through his manhood laughed, "It's fine if you don't invite me to the banquet, but you even gave me such a big 'gift'! If that's the case, let me give it to the little princess." Congratulations!"

Pulling out the witch's witch's stick - according to the script, it should be like this, but after he touched it for a long time, everyone realized that his witch's stick was placed on the stool in the preparation room...

"What should we do now?" Ye Taotao asked anxiously.

"Throw it over for him..." Song Linlin, who had just returned to the backstage, quickly grabbed the witch stick and handed it to Ye Taotao.

Ye Taotao walked quickly to the side of the stage and covered herself with a curtain.

"But, what if you can't throw it correctly?"

She met the other's anxious gaze, a little uncertain.

"Let me do it." Ling Yan walked forward with a calm face, took the witch witch stick in her hand, waved it, and threw it at the boy who played the witch.

Very precise throw.

—he got it!
Ye Taotao breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and said in an adoring tone: "A Yan, you are too powerful."

"Actually, it's nothing." Ling Yan pursed his lips into a slight smile, "It's just a simple movement."

Ye Taotao: "..."

Can she take back what she just said?

"Wow! That Miko stick fell from the sky! It's so realistic!"

"It's so creative, it's much more creative than taking it out on your body!"

"Not bad……"

Listening to the audience's discussion, Ye Taotao and Song Linlin really learned what it means to "strike the right way".

Finally, the last scene——

The prince Xu Qiyuan, who strayed into the castle, defeated the black witch with a sword. He climbed into the attic and finally found Sleeping Beauty sleeping in the roses.

After more than 100 years, the princess still maintains her original beauty.

On the stage, Xu Qiyuan walked forward slowly, and stood beside Zhen Tianyu's bed without moving.

According to the direction of the script, it should be the prince who leaned over and kissed Sleeping Beauty, and then Sleeping Beauty woke up, and the two held a wedding ceremony, and then lived happily ever after...

But after a long time, Xu Qiyuan didn't move at all!
"Why is he not moving?"

"Is that Xu Qiyuan from the School of Management?"

"Isn't it because you were too nervous and forgot your words?"

The audience in the audience whispered again.

But behind the scenes, what happened one after another made Ye Taotao go crazy.

What is going on, why are the conditions emerging one after another today, and why are they more uneven than during the rehearsal?
Behind the curtain of the stage, Jiang Hao saw Cheng Rui staring intently at the outside, and Jiang Hao leaned over curiously, and asked, "Cheng Rui, what are you looking at?"

"Jiang Hao, for the sake of the overall situation, can you make a small sacrifice?" Cheng Rui thought about it and came up with a clever plan.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Hao frowned and asked a little puzzled.

"That's what it means!" Cheng Rui suddenly pushed him out forcefully.

The unsuspecting Jiang Hao bumped into Xu Qiyuan's body like this. Xu Qiyuan let out an exclamation and leaned forward, just in time to throw his whole body on Zhen Tianyu, who closed his eyes from the rose. The lips of the two...

Originally, this so-called kiss was agreed to be a misplaced kiss on the face, but now...

It is a crooked attack.

Just as the boy who played the witch relayed, the close-up of the camera crew was fixed on this picture.

Jiang Hao opened his mouth into an "O" shape, but his mind seemed to be spinning a little faster at this moment, and he backed away and said with a smile: "Uh...haha, I wish you happiness forever!"

There was overwhelming applause and cheers from the audience.

The sky has been stained with the atmosphere of evening, and the breeze stirs up a joyful atmosphere, which is gentle and gentle, making people dependent.

The kissing scene in the play just now seemed to suit the principal's wishes, so when he saw the crew members, he walked over with a smile.

"That old pervert!" Xu Qiyuan cursed as he wiped his lips with a wet tissue and rinsed his mouth with tap water for countless times.

"That's right!" Jiang Hao echoed with great approval from the side.

The sentence "You look so good in women's clothing" dropped by the principal just now made him almost go berserk.

And Zhen Tianyu, who played the role of Sleeping Beauty, had long since disappeared. According to Ling Yan, after he left the stage, he headed aggressively towards the locker room.

(End of this chapter)

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