Senior, wrong!

Chapter 19 Has Been a Habit

Chapter 19 Has Been a Habit

Although the process of cooperating to perform a drama at the cultural festival was tortuous, fortunately, the result was satisfactory and won the Best Program Award as expected.

But the leading actors of this drama didn't seem to be happy - after all, their "heroic appearance" was put on the school's official website and played again and again.

Because of the cooperation in the cultural festival drama, the members of the tennis club and the members of the drama club gradually became acquainted - the most obvious of which was Cheng Rui. After that, this guy went to the club activity room of the drama club to borrow clothes from time to time and props, but messed up the drama club every time.

In the end, Li Qingyan couldn't take it anymore, and very rudely sent the troublemaker away.

However, such an atmosphere did not last for too long - the ensuing final exams dilute the lively atmosphere. ,
Ye Taotao began to devote herself to intense reviewing, and even met Ling Yan less often, and usually chatted with him on QQ at most.

Ye Taotao deeply felt that a boyfriend is a troublesome creature.As she got to know Ling Yan better, she knew that his evil tastes were far more than that, and he always liked to "bully" her and see her angry.But when she was upset, he would comfort her and make her feel better.

This way of getting along seems to have unconsciously become a habit of hers.

However, she was content with it.

However, just when Ye Taotao gradually got used to this kind of life and thought that this kind of warm and beautiful time would continue like this, then something happened that she didn't expect.

If it wasn't for Song Linlin, she might not have noticed anything wrong during this time——

"Taotao, what happened to those posts on the school forum recently saying that you and Senior Ling broke up?"

After hearing Song Linlin's worried question, Ye Taotao felt a little dazed, and asked in a daze, "What post about breaking up?"

Because she was busy reviewing, she hadn't paid attention to the gossip on the school forum for a long time.However, Song Linlin seemed to find this very inconceivable: "Don't you know?"

Seeing Ye Taotao's bewildered expression, she hesitated for a moment before saying hesitantly, "It's true... Ling Yan and Zeng Xiaoqing, a student from the art department, are very close!"

Ye Taotao was stunned.

Of course she had heard of Zeng Xiaoqing.

Zeng Xiaoqing is a sophomore in the Department of Fine Arts, completely opposite to Mo Fengling, she takes a sweet and pure route.In addition to being famous in A size, she has the title of Internet celebrity.Because the photo of eating cake was accidentally exposed on Weibo, netizens were astonished, and then spread quickly, becoming a Weibo celebrity overnight, and was called "Cake Sister" by the majority of netizens.

Although Ye Taotao was in a delicate mood when she first heard it, but she soon felt relieved: "That's just a rumor."

Song Linlin was not convinced because of this: "But, there are still photos of them eating together on the forum..." She turned on her phone and found the post, and there was a picture of the two of them sitting together in the school cafeteria, seemingly eating intimately Photo.

Responses to the discussion below have been mixed.

Some people speculated that Ling Yan couldn't stand Ye Taotao's temper and finally gave up; others speculated that Ling Yan was once again "abandoned" by Ye Taotao, and many people threw flowers below to celebrate.All in all, most people are supportive.

"Probably those boring people in the school deliberately borrowed their seats to take pictures." Ye Taotao returned the phone to Song Linlin, insisting on her idea all the time.

"It's also possible, but..." Song Linlin nodded thoughtfully, and her eyes fell on one place inadvertently, "Hey, Taotao, isn't that over there... Senior Ling?"

Ye Taotao followed her line of sight, only to see Ling Yan walking with a sweet-looking girl.From this angle, only Ling Yan's back can be seen, but the girl with him smiled sweetly, as if communicating with him very happily.

"That girl looks so familiar...who is...the one in the photo on the forum?" Song Linlin muttered to herself, and then whispered, "Ah! Isn't she Zeng Xiaoqing from the Fine Arts Department?"

As she said that, she frowned and looked at Ye Taotao: "Taotao, should we go over and ask?"

Ye Taotao only glanced there, then looked away, and pulled Song Linlin's clothes: "Forget it, let's go back to the dormitory."

Obviously, he could go forward and ask what was going on, but his feet seemed to have taken root, and he couldn't take a step forward.But she seemed to be afraid of something, and shrank back into her shell like a turtle.

It's okay, if it's a misunderstanding, Ling Yan will definitely explain it to her.

She comforted herself in her heart.

So Ye Taotao spent the whole day absent-mindedly.

In the next few days, she tried to adjust her mood, but she couldn't calm down.

Because it has been nearly a week, Ling Yan still has no intention of explaining, not even the slightest news.

At first, it was just that Ling Yan didn't show up for several days for no reason, and Ye Taotao didn't pay much attention at that time, she just thought it was because she was busy with her studies.After all, although the two had a good relationship, they were not the type to stick together all day, so although she felt a little disappointed in her heart, she was very considerate and didn't bother him.

But in the next few days, things seemed to be developing in a worse direction——

Whether it was the text message she sent to Ling Yan or the call she made, she did not get any reply.The notification from the other end of the phone was either that there was no answer or that the phone was turned off.

Such a plot in the novel is undoubtedly a harbinger of the scumbag wanting to break up, but when the protagonist becomes Ling Yan... an ominous haze hangs over Ye Taotao's heart.

Ye Taotao, who was restless, couldn't help but went to his seniors and sisters at the same level to inquire about him. However, he got a worse news - he hadn't come to class for half a month, and even Did not take the final exam, applied for postponement!
Ye Taotao's mood fell into a long-term low state. After learning what happened, her friends were also very worried about her, and they asked people to inquire about the news.

However, no matter which side it is, the answer will always be "don't know", which undoubtedly makes things worse.

Ye Taotao felt that her mood was getting worse and worse.

This situation continued for quite a while, until the day after the final exam was over, when I packed my bags and went home, there was finally a breakthrough——

"Peach, Senior Cheng is looking for you!"

Hearing Song Linlin's words, Ye Taotao ran downstairs almost immediately - during this time, not only Ling Yan's whereabouts were unknown, but even members of the tennis club who had always been friends with him were also elusive, so that There is no way to inquire about him.

What's more, her intuition told her that Cheng Rui's appearance did not happen for no reason, but must be closely related to Ling Yan's whereabouts.

The first time she saw Cheng Rui when she went downstairs, Ye Taotao felt her heart sink heavily - Cheng Rui, who always smiled cynically, now had a serious face.

"Ye Xuemei, Ling Yan..." Cheng Rui looked at her, hesitant to speak, his brows furrowed tightly.

The ominous premonition broke out even more strongly at this moment, and the inexplicable fear gripped Ye Taotao's heart tightly, making her almost breathless, but she still asked firmly: "... What's wrong with Ayan? "

Cheng Rui's eyes fell on her suddenly pale face, and he said succinctly: "He was in a car accident and is in the hospital."

"Senior Cheng, what are you talking about? Are you...are you kidding me?"

Although she was sure that Cheng Rui knew something, in fact, when Cheng Rui told her the truth, Ye Taotao thought it was just a prank on him for a moment.

But the expression on Cheng Rui's face was unprecedentedly solemn, without any sign of joking.

"It's true, Ling Yan and Zeng Xiaoqing, a representative of the art department, went to participate in an activity of another school that day. On the way, in order to save a little boy, he..." Cheng Rui sighed, "Although it was only a broken bone, but..."

Ye Taotao was stunned.

She seemed to understand what was going on with the rumors about Ling Yan and Zeng Xiaoqing some time ago.However, these are not important now.

Terrible words such as "car accident", "hospital", and "fracture" kept circulating in her mind, which made her feel fear unconsciously.

"Ling Yan's mood has been very depressed recently, and he has never let us tell you about his illness." Compared with usual, Cheng Rui's tone today is unexpectedly less cynical than before, "But I think, you Those who are entitled to know about this matter."

"Then senior, please tell me the address of the hospital." Ye Taotao blurted out without thinking.

After writing down the hospital address reported by Cheng Rui, Ye Taotao immediately returned to the dormitory, picked up her bag, and quickly turned around and ran out of the dormitory.

Seeing this scene, Song Linlin, who was packing the desk, was taken aback for a moment, and quickly shouted, "Hey! Taotao, where are you going? The luggage hasn't been packed—"

"Xiaolin, help me look at things, I'll be back in a while, please!" He raised his hand and waved to her without looking back, Ye Taotao hastily disappeared outside the dormitory door.

"What's the matter in such a hurry?" Song Linlin hurried to the window sill, looked at Ye Taotao's disappearing figure, and couldn't help muttering, "Why did Senior Cheng run away too?"

As winter gradually enters, the weather is getting colder and colder, but the oncoming wind carries a biting chill.

Sitting on the bus, Ye Taotao felt an unprecedented sense of frustration in her heart.

She even wanted to know about her boyfriend from other people.She was the only one who kept things hidden from everyone else.

The moment she learned about Ling Yan, her mind went blank.

It is completely unbelievable that such a thing will happen to Ling Yan.

After thinking wildly all the way, the car finally arrived at the stop.

After getting off the bus, Ye Taotao continued to run into the hospital without stopping.

In front of the door of the ward on the second floor, she saw Lian Chenghao who was standing outside the door with a dignified expression and Xu Qiyuan who looked sad. The atmosphere at the scene was very dignified.

"Huh? Classmate Ye, you... you're here?!" Xu Qiyuan who was outside the hospital corridor was very surprised by her appearance.

Seeing a familiar person, Ye Taotao's footsteps gradually slowed down, she unconsciously clenched the hem of her clothes, her cheeks flushed slightly from running.

After taking a breath, she asked straight to the point: "Senior Lian, classmate Xu, A Yan... how is he doing now?"

"The situation is pretty optimistic. Although he didn't suffer any internal injuries, Ah Yan suffered a fracture in his hand, and... also caused a neurological disorder in his hand." Lian Chenghao said in a heavy tone, "The doctor said that the illness is not serious, and he needs to undergo surgery and then recuperate. It will take a while to recover. He may have to be treated in the hospital for several months."

Hearing the condition again, Ye Taotao was very puzzled: "Since the condition is very optimistic, why would he..."

"This is because... although there is no risk in the operation, Ayan seems to be very afraid of the operation, so far he refuses to accept the operation."

Refuse to undergo surgery?

This reason sounds absurd, but it is even more unbelievable that it appears to Ling Yan now.

Ling Yan, who has always been the favored child of heaven, is actually afraid of a surgery with little risk?

Could it be the shadow that fell from childhood?I remember that Ling Yan mentioned to her that he had a deep sense of fear of the hospital, and at that time she just thought he was joking.

"I'll go in and see him first."

Before Lian Chenghao could speak again, Ye Taotao had already walked to the door of the ward and knocked on the door.

Before coming, Ye Taotao had already inquired with Cheng Rui about the room number of Ling Yan's hospital room.

"Please come in."

After getting permission, she exhaled lightly, pushed the door open and walked in.

Seeing the person entering the door, a trace of surprise flashed across Ling Yan's deep eyes, and then his expression became unpredictable: "Tao Tao, you are still here."

Compared with the past, Ling Yan's face is slightly pale now, with a kind of unresolved melancholy in his brows and eyes.He was wearing a hospital gown, showing a bit of frailty.

Ye Taotao carefully closed the door, turned around and walked forward, stopped beside his bed, met his gaze, and tried to suppress the restless emotion in her heart: "Do you really don't want me to come?"

"How could it be?" Ling Yan was stunned for a moment, with a forced smile on his face, "Taotao..."

Ye Taotao interrupted him: "Then Ayan, why didn't you tell me about it?"

"Sorry, I just don't know what to do..." After being stunned for a moment, Ling Yan gradually retracted the smile on the corner of his mouth, he sighed and said, "Maybe for a long time, I won't be able to..."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Ling Yan lowered his eyelids: "Taotao, facing me now, do you have the feeling to give up..."

Looking at the person in front of her, Ye Taotao felt angry for no reason.

She stepped forward suddenly, held his shoulder with her hand, and met his surprised gaze.

"Ling Yan, look at me." Ye Taotao said with a pause, this was the first time she called him by his full name, "What's the matter with your self-defeating tone? And is it fun to hide it from me? I'm the only one kept in the dark about something that almost everyone knows. I really want to beat you up right now—"

"Sorry to bother you..."

But at this moment, a female voice came from outside the door.

But the moment the door was pushed open, the sound stopped abruptly.A girl Ye Taotao didn't know opened her mouth, watching the scene in the room in surprise.

A few seconds later, the girl let out a scream and immediately retreated in panic.

Immediately afterwards, there was an exclamation from behind the half-open door——

"Ah! It's not good, Ye Taotao is going to beat Ling Yan!"

"What? Ye Taotao? Which Ye Taotao?" The girl who answered seemed to be seriously frightened.

The girl who just rushed out said anxiously: "Which other Ye Taotao is there!"

As she said that, she added angrily: "Look, let me just say that Ling Yan was hospitalized because of her torment."

Ye Taotao: "..."


A chuckle from behind brought Ye Taotao back from her thoughts.

She turned her head subconsciously, only to see that Ling Yan, who was still in a state of despair just now, was bending his eyes with a smile, and the smile broke out on the corner of his lips again.

Different from the forced smile just now, this time his smile is completely from the heart.

Ye Taotao: "..."

A feeling of being angry and funny filled her heart.

Why does the feeling of wanting to beat him up become stronger now?

Ye Taotao only felt that her mood had undergone a ups and downs change in just one hour.

From the nervousness and worry at the beginning, to the embarrassment at this moment.

All because of the same person.

And this person, now in front of her, was looking at her with a smile, with a gentle smile floating in his eyes.

"Tao Tao, didn't you just say you wanted to beat me up?" Seeing that she was silent, Ling Yan slightly raised his eyebrows, and smiled.

"We'll wait until you recover from illness." Ye Taotao turned her face away unnaturally, with an indistinct blush appearing on her cheeks, she said in a blunt tone, "I'm going back."

Ling Yan's clear and deep black eyes showed a hint of stupefaction: "So fast? Didn't you come here specially to see me?"

Ye Taotao looked sideways at him.

He returned her an innocent smile.

For some reason, when she saw Ling Yan's smile, her urge to beat someone became stronger.

He is a patient now, don't bother with him...

Ye Taotao repeated the same sentence silently in her heart.


"There are still a group of people waiting to see you outside."

Ye Taotao said angrily, turned and left.

However, Ling Yan grabbed her wrist, looked at her side face, and smiled in his black eyes: "Taotao, are you jealous?"

Ye Taotao: "..."

Sure enough, she shouldn't have comforted this guy just now!
Ye Taotao took a deep breath, turned her head to meet Ling Yan's gaze, but her tone softened: "...I'm going back to school to pack my luggage, but I'll come back tomorrow."

Ling Yan smiled and said, "Be careful on the way back."

Ye Taotao stood motionless, just looking at him without saying a word.

Ling Yan suppressed the smile on his face, and looked at her slightly puzzled: "What's the matter, Taotao? Didn't you say you want to go back?"

At this moment, Ye Taotao stepped forward, reached out to hug him, and buried her head in his arms.

Ling Yan was taken aback.

Feeling the warmth coming from his arms, an indescribable emotion suddenly surged in his heart.

"No matter what, A Yan, please don't give up your persistence." Ye Taotao whispered in his arms, "Everyone is waiting for you to go back. And I, too..."

The corners of Ling Yan's lips turned up slightly: "Tao Tao, the way you comfort people is really clumsy."

The moment he finished speaking, he immediately felt the body of the person in his arms stiffen obviously.

"...Hey!" Ye Taotao protested dissatisfied.

She found that Ling Yan was so "hateful" even when he was sick!
"However, I don't think it's that sad." He smiled and said softly.After a pause, he continued to whisper: "I'm sorry, I didn't hide it from you on purpose. I was just afraid that you would worry." Even more afraid, she would leave until she was not as perfect as she imagined.


After a moment of silence, Ye Taotao raised her head from his embrace, with a suspicious expression on her face: "A Yan, are you actually afraid of being hospitalized?"

" could it be?" Ling Yan was stunned for a moment, and calmly denied her guess, but the expression on his face was obviously a little unnatural.


Ye Taotao was about to say something, but was interrupted by Ling Yan's next move.

He reached out to hug her back, something settled in his deep eyes, and there was an indescribable emotion in his tone: "Don't worry, I will definitely go back."

"Well, I'll wait for you to get better."

The last sentence is a promise and an agreement.

Outside a hospital ward.

The few girls from the Faculty of Science who had been waiting in the corridor for a long time finally waited for the moment when the door of the ward was opened. Their anxious mood due to curiosity was finally released, and they couldn't wait to look in that direction.

Therefore, when Ye Taotao came out of the ward, as soon as she raised her head, she met the complicated eyes of several girls.

They looked at her with an alien look.

Ye Taotao's movements subconsciously stopped, and she kept putting her hands on the doorknob.But she recovered quickly, and didn't say hello to those girls, but closed the door carefully, turned and left under the girls' surprised gazes.

Before she could step out, Ye Taotao heard the deliberate low voices of those girls discussing from behind her.

"Did you see it? When she just went out, she looked at me so scary!"

"That's obviously a look of desire and dissatisfaction."

"Isn't it rumored that they have broken up? Why are they together again?"

"Poor Ling Yan..."

Ye Taotao: "..."

Her footsteps froze slightly, and Ye Taotao continued to move forward.

After saying hello to Lian Chenghao and Xu Qiyuan who were also in the corridor, she left the hospital.

After returning to the dormitory to pack her luggage, Ye Taotao dragged the suitcase home, but her heart was as heavy as the suitcase in her hand.

So much so that at dinner time, the food in her dishes barely moved.

"Taotao, what's the matter with you?" The careful mother Ye discovered something wrong with her daughter at the first time, and couldn't help asking with concern, "Your appetite doesn't seem to be very good today. Is it because you didn't do well in the final exam?"

Ye Jiaze glanced at her curiously, and continued to cook.

Papa Ye also raised his head and looked at her.

"No." About Ling Yan, Ye Taotao really didn't know how to explain to them, "I was just thinking about one thing..."

"Does that matter have anything to do with your boyfriend?" Unexpectedly, the one who opened the mouth was Father Ye who has always been quiet!

Ye Taotao looked at him in surprise: "Father? How could you..."

Hearing Papa Ye's words, Ye Jiaze also put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, and glanced back and forth between the three of them suspiciously.

"I guessed it." Papa Ye said calmly.

Ye Taotao: "..."

Just like that, Ye Taotao truthfully told her parents about the whole incident despite some minor entanglements.

Mother Ye showed a slightly surprised expression.

Papa Ye was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "A high school classmate of mine happens to be a doctor at the People's Hospital. I'll contact him tomorrow to see how things are going."

Ye Taotao said in surprise: "Really? Thank you, Dad."

"Tao Tao, don't worry, Ah Yan will be fine." Mother Ye also comforted her.

Yes, Ah Yan will be fine.

Ye Taotao comforted herself like this in her heart.

Suppressing the restless emotions in her heart, after taking a shower, Ye Taotao turned on the computer, found the outline of the script she had recently conceived, and planned to start writing.

However, she still couldn't calm down.

Put your hands on the keyboard, but your brain is in a mess.

In desperation, Ye Taotao had no choice but to go through the outline again and start to repair it.

When rewriting the outline, she encountered a few problems that she didn't quite understand. She subconsciously opened the QQ friend list, and she saw Ling Yan's gloomy name at first glance, and she subconsciously paused when she held the mouse.

Yes, how could I forget, Ah Yan is temporarily unable to go online.

Shaking her head self-deprecatingly, Ye Taotao sighed.

It wasn't until now that she realized how terrible it was to get used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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