Chapter 141 Dong Shuni's Pick Up
All the way back to the Central Plains from Goguryeo, Li Wei no longer cared about the war between the Great Sui Dynasty and Goguryeo. The royal city of Goguryeo was slaughtered. The entire Goguryeo, Yang Guang really deserved to be overthrown.

Li Wei rushed all the way to Luoyang. At this time, Yang Xuangan's rebellion had not yet happened. If Yang Xuangan wanted to rebel, it would be in Liyang, and the target of his siege was also Luoyang. As the capital of the Sui Dynasty, Luoyang was not easy to fight. Even without Li Wei, Yang Xuangan couldn't attack Luoyang either.

And Li Wei's goal is Yangzhou, Luoyang is just going by the way. If Yang Xuangan really dares to rebel, Li Wei will dare to take action. At this critical moment, Li Wei does not want Yang Guang to give up Goguryeo because of Yang Xuangan's rebellion. occupy.

All the way to Luoyang, Yang Xuangan hadn't mutinied at this time. As for whether Yang Xuangan would mutiny, Li Wei really didn't know. After the Great Sui slaughtered the entire Goguryeo royal city, it can be said that the Great Sui really shocked the world at this moment. Even the Turks didn't dare to come out and stab them for a while.

"This Luoyang city is very prosperous." Li Wei thought while walking on the streets of Luoyang, looking at the huge crowd of people coming and going on the streets.

Although Yang Guang is a little stupid, his development in the general direction is still very correct. It's just that this guy is too hasty, and he made a mess of his balls, otherwise he wouldn't be cheap for Li Tang.

There are many forces in Luoyang City. The families of the Dugu Clan and the Yuwen Clan are in Luoyang. At the same time, the family members of the court ministers are also in Luoyang. In Luoyang, if you offend someone casually, maybe his elders are officials. And he is a dude.

"The leader of the Dugu clan is in Luoyang. The Yuwen clan estimates that he is working in Luoyang. The family roots should be in the Zhejiang area. There are also Luoyang Shuangjiao and the beauty military division. These people are all in Luoyang now." Li Wei found out a lot of useful information, at least some people Li Wei still knew.

After staying in Luoyang for a few days, Li Wei ate, drank and drank in a cool way in Luoyang. After seeing that Yang Xuangan did not rebel, and that Yang Guang should also take Goguryeo into his palm, Li Wei was ready to go to Yangzhou.

On the last day, Li Wei was eating this delicacy in a restaurant in Luoyang. A group of gorgeous men in brocade suits embraced two women and entered the restaurant.

Zuixianglou is the most famous restaurant in Luoyang. Naturally, the dishes here are also the most delicious and delicious.

Although it is very distinctive for Li Wei, it is still a bit inferior compared to some modern delicacies, but it can be eaten by Li Wei.

When these two women came in, they attracted the attention of all the men in the restaurant, and Li Wei also heard some diners say the words Luoyang Shuangjiao.

"Rong Jiaojiao and Dong Shuni?" Li Wei glanced at the two women who entered the restaurant amidst the support of many second generations.

Li Wei naturally knew the name of Luoyang Shuangjiao, but after seeing Dong Shuni and Rong Jiaojiao, Li Wei stopped paying attention. These two women are not simple. One is Wang Shichong's niece, and the other has something to do with Momen .

Li Wei ate the delicious food quietly, naturally he didn't intend to mess with flowers, but Li Wei didn't go to mess with flowers and grass, instead the flowers and grass got dirty.

Dong Shuni didn't have so much scheming at this time, and she was annoyed by many Luoyang sons at this time, and she was not Rong Jiaojiao who catered to these sons for the sake of magic, so Dong Shuni had already thought about how to get out.

Seeing many men in the restaurant staring at her, Li Wei just took a look and continued to eat the food on the table, which made Dong Shuni curious that Li Wei could not be moved by the beauty, so she left the team and walked towards Li Wei.

Li Wei's Heavy Flame Sword has been carried on his back and has not been included in the scroll. The weight of the Heavy Flame Sword does not look heavy unless it is carried by himself. If it is placed on the table, the table will definitely be crushed, and Li Wei Naturally, this attire also made many people regard Li Wei as a simple martial artist and did not think highly of him.

At this time, Dong Shuni came over, Li Wei naturally sensed it, and was also quite curious why Dong Shuni came to his side. Could it be that her identity was leaked?
Although Li Wei killed all directions in the Goguryeo royal city, many of the Sui army remembered his appearance, but when it comes to Luoyang, at most there are rumors of himself, but not his appearance.

"My lord, the sword you are carrying is very exquisite. I don't know whether to let the little girl take a look at it." Dong Shuni smiled slightly, and naturally sat on the chair on Li Wei's left.

"I didn't expect Miss Dong to like swords. Hey, why don't you hurry up and show Miss Dong the sword. If Miss Dong likes it, your reward will be indispensable." A young man came forward, and after hearing what Miss Dong said, Said.

Facing Dong Shuni and Li Wei, what this son said was really different, and Li Wei didn't care, although he didn't know why Dong Shuni provoked these sons with herself, could it be because she had a sword on her back, so she had the courage to fight these Is the young master fighting against it?
"Miss, are you sure you want to see my sword?" Li Wei looked at Dong Shuni slightly and said.

Dong Shuni was slightly startled by the indifference in Li Wei's eyes, originally because Li Wei was a sword addict, she wanted to use Li Wei to get rid of these young masters, but seeing Li Wei's appearance, Dong Shuni felt a little flustered.

"What are you talking about, it's your luck that Miss Dong saw your sword, why don't you untie it quickly and let Miss Dong take a look at it." Seeing that Li Wei actually wanted to talk to Dong Shuni, the young master slapped the table and said.

"There are quite a few young masters in Luoyang, but I'm the first one to meet someone like you who doesn't know how to live or die." Li Wei killed the young master with a single chopstick.

Brother Young Master clutched his neck, the chopsticks above had pierced his neck, and he fell down slowly amidst his shocked expression.

At this moment, the elders and young masters behind this young master were also frightened, and took a few steps back with pale faces. Even Rong Jiaojiao and Dong Shuni were also startled by Li Wei's frequent murderous actions.

"Who is this person who is addicted to swords like life? This is clearly a murderer." Dong Shuni felt scared in her heart, and she wanted to find someone to get rid of these young masters, but she didn't expect that this person was actually a murderer.

" actually killed Mr. Chen, you are so brave, wait to be beheaded." A young master pointed at Li Wei with a pale face and said sharply.

But just as the son finished speaking, a chopstick killed him.

At this time, the people in the restaurant came to their senses, and ran out in a panic, together with the young masters, they also ran away, leaving Dong Shuni sitting on the left side of Li Wei and Rong Jiaojiao standing a few meters in front of Li Wei .

(End of this chapter)

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