Chapter 142 Confrontation with Dugu Valve

"Why don't you two run away?" Li Wei glanced at Dong Shuni, then at Rong Jiaojiao and said.

Rong Jiaojiao looked at the two corpses at her feet. These two corpses were just the sons who showed off in front of her, but now they have turned into two dead people.

And Li Wei's words made Dong Shuni and Rong Jiaojiao even more stunned, isn't it the time for you to run away?
Dong Shuni was so shocked that she didn't know what to do and didn't run away, while Rong Jiaojiao wanted to inquire about Li Wei's information, so she didn't leave. In Rong Jiaojiao's view, if Li Wei dared to kill someone, then there must be something wrong. depend on.

"Zixianglou is the property of the Dugu family. If you kill people in Zuixianglou, the Dugu family will not let you go easily. On the contrary, the families of the two young masters you killed are not as powerful as the Dugu family." She sat on the right side of Li Wei with a charming smile, wanting to see how Li Wei, who looked flat, would end up.

"Young master, why don't you... why don't you go back to the Shangshu Mansion with me, I have some reasons for this matter, so..." Dong Shuni said in a panic.

Although Li Wei killed two people, it was because Dong Shuni came over. Originally, Dong Shuni wanted Li Wei to beat up these sons and then escape from Luoyang. Annoying her in front of her, but this happened.

"No, so what about the Dugu Man? Can the Dugu Man eat me?" Li Wei shook his head, picked up a new pair of chopsticks and continued to taste the delicious food on the table.

At this time in Zuixiang Building, the clerk and shopkeeper were all hiding, while Li Wei and two beauties were sitting at the same table. As for the two corpses on the ground, no one paid any attention to it.

"Who is making trouble on my Dugu Clan's territory." At this time, a man came in with a lot of well-dressed men, and they all had weapons in their hands.

"Here we come." Rong Jiaojiao looked at the group of people who came in, and the leader was a new generation of masters from the Dugu Clan, who was also Dugu Clan's dandy Dugu Ce.

Dong Shuni anxiously wanted to stand up and explain, but at this time Li Wei had already spoken.

"What? You, the Dugu Clan, can't be messed with?" Li Wei looked at Dugu Ce with a half-smile and said, his expression didn't take the Dugu Clan into his eyes at all.

The Dugu Clan, as the top 4 clan of the Sui Dynasty, was so easy to provoke. Li Wei's words completely angered Dugu Ce, and immediately stabbed Li Wei with his sword.

Dugu Ce is not the strongest among the Dugu clan, but his martial arts can be regarded as a top-notch master. As long as he is not facing those famous masters or outstanding people from other clans, Dugu Ce's martial arts can be regarded as enough.

However, although Dugu Ce's sword was fast, it was extremely slow in Li Wei's eyes, and Li Wei really didn't pay attention to Dugu Clan. With one finger of the Six Meridian Excalibur, he instantly broke Dugu Ce's long sword. At the same time penetrated his head.

Dugu Ce was instantly killed in front of Li Wei, this matter is really a big deal, Dugu Ce is not a cat or a dog like Chen Gongzi, killing Dugu Ce is tantamount to living with Dugu Clan forever, this situation makes Rong Jiaojiao stare Big mouth.

Not to mention a scheming girl like Rong Jiaojiao, but even Dong Shuni who was at the side was shocked. If Dugu Ce died, this matter would definitely upset the whole Luoyang.

All the guards of the Dugu family who came with Dugu Ce changed their faces dramatically. Dugu Ce was instantly killed, and they didn't even react. Now seeing that Dugu Ce had fallen to the ground, they were even more frightened and angry, and they all went crazy towards Li Wei He rushed over quickly, no longer caring about harming Dong Shuni and Rong Jiaojiao.

"The Dugu family doesn't look too good." Li Wei moved his hands together, and these Dugu clan guards were killed by Li Wei one by one. Finger hole killed.

With the corpses all over the place, Li Wei naturally lost his appetite, and he ignored Dong Shuni and Rong Jiaojiao who were stupefied, and leisurely walked out of the gate of Zuixiang Building with the Heavy Flame Sword on his back.

Dugu Ce was killed, and within a few quarters of an hour of what happened, the Dugu Clan already knew about it. Dugu Ce was killed, and the Dugu Clan was furious. Not daring to provoke him easily, Li Wei was stopped before he reached the gate of the city.

"Take him back." As soon as many Dugu masters appeared, they surrounded Li Wei. First of all, they didn't want to kill Li Wei, but wanted to capture Li Wei back alive.

"Is the Dugu Clan looking for death?" Li Wei's eyes flashed coldly, and he immediately killed these people.

Although the masters of the Dugu Clan are powerful, they are completely vulnerable in Li Wei's eyes. The strongest of the Dugu Clan is the old lady You Chuhong, but You Chuhong has asthma, and her strength is not at the level of a great master, let alone a threat to Levi.

As soon as Li Wei made a move, he killed the masters of the Dugu Clan who surrounded him, but before he made the next move, the generals of the Dugu Clan led the army to surround Li Wei, and at the same time brought out the bows and crossbows in the army.

"You bastard, the person who dared to kill me, the Dugu Clan, really didn't know how to live or die." Dugu Sheng appeared in person, and as the second expert of the Dugu family, Dugu Sheng was extremely furious at the moment.

Li Wei's actions did not take the Dugu Clan seriously at all. He wantonly killed the people of the Dugu Clan in Luoyang, especially Dugu Ce. He has become famous among the four great powers.

"This is your Dugu clan's support?" Li Wei shook his head slightly and said to Dugu Sheng, seeing that many crossbowmen occupied all directions, and this shot was definitely hundreds or even thousands of arrows.

"Shoot." Dugu Sheng was so angry that he waved his hand and ordered immediately.

Many arrows were shot at Li Wei, even a super expert would panic in the face of so many arrows, but Li Wei did not move at all.

Ding Ding Ding! ! !
The arrows were within three feet of Li Wei, and were blocked by the indestructible golden body shield released by Li Wei. The arrow attacks could not threaten Li Wei at all, making Dugu Sheng's eyes widen.

"What kind of martial arts is this? King Kong is not bad?" Dugu Sheng couldn't see the depth of Li Wei, but Li Wei was able to block so many arrows, and he did so lightly, which made Dugu Sheng suddenly feel the crisis.

"Keep shooting!!" Dugu Sheng ordered again, and the soldiers launched a second round of attacks one after another, but how could Li Wei stand here and be attacked, when his toes touched the ground, he jumped into the air, and at the same time, his fists were already on the ground. A white mist appeared, and Li Wei borrowed a powerful force from the sky above his head by borrowing strength from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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