Chapter 516 The Last Moment

Tony's words quickly made everyone alert. In fact, it didn't take Tony to say it, many people felt a different feeling.

The spread of the virus has already made any creature feel an instinctive crisis. This situation is enough to show that the concentration of the virus here is very high.

The faces of Coulson and the person in charge of the U.S. military suddenly turned ugly. They all knew the harm of the virus and the consequences of this, but it was obviously not easy to stop it.

With the spread of the virus, everyone thought about filtering the air from the very beginning. Both S.H.I.E.L.D. It is many times better than the old-fashioned anti-virus equipment, at least it will never be dragged down in battle.

But both Tony and S.H.I.E.L.D. took it for granted. It’s not enough to be able to defend against viruses. If the concentration of viruses is too strong, then even if there is oxygen around, it will not be easy to filter.

As the number of virus legions killed continues to increase, everyone feels that the oxygen has begun to decrease. If this situation continues, problems may occur without fighting.

"Shenguang!!!" Odin shot.

This shot directly released a huge piece of warm divine light. These divine lights had a huge impact on the biochemical virus while they had little impact on the mechanical troops.

Odin is well-informed, and Asgard is countless times superior to Earth in terms of technology and other aspects. Artificial intelligence and biochemical viruses have all been experienced by Asgard.

Under the light of the gods, countless viruses were melted away, even the biochemical army was melted into thick water irresistibly, and then melted by the light of the gods until nothing was left behind.

Li Wei also threw out a few balls of strange fire. Under the burning of the strange fire, these viruses could not withstand the high temperature of the strange fire, and were burned to ashes.

"The high-temperature type of abnormal fire is also very strong in killing viruses, but the ice flame type can only freeze but cannot kill." Li Wei quickly got information feedback from the effect of the abnormal fire on the virus.

And this kind of situation let Li Wei also know that besides Odin, he can also do this, so the crisis of the virus cannot be regarded as very serious.

When Tony saw Levi burning the air with flames, he immediately thought that Levi wanted to use high temperature to kill the virus. Tony also carried various weapons with high temperature, explosion, laser and other weapons, but in the case of high temperature cannot achieve the effect Under the circumstances, Tony could not completely wipe out the virus.

"You three, why don't you hurry up and use your full strength, do you want to wait for them to come over?" Ultron looked at the three artificial intelligences of Queen Bai and roared.

Seeing that both the mechanical troops and the biochemical troops were eliminated one by one under the powerful forces of Li Wei and other four parties, this situation obviously did not achieve the desired effect of Ultron.

If the battle is really defeated by then, then the three major artificial intelligences of the White Queen will definitely escape directly to their world, but Ultron can only escape from the Marvel world by leaving home.

With the Avengers whose space technology continues to strengthen, it is not a problem to block Ultron and finally format it. If there are no legions of three major artificial intelligences fighting against Levi and others, it is estimated that he has already been killed.

"Shut up." Queen Bai shouted angrily.

Regarding the situation of Ultron, Bai Hou is not clear about it. If Ultron shares the space technology, then he is worthless. Bai Hou can prepare a large number of biochemical troops in the biochemical crisis world by himself, and then open the plane channel .

And now because Ao Chuang does not have shared space technology, it just helped them make some space grenades through some robots under its control. Such armaments are not enough. It can be said that Ao Chuang has no contribution. , actually made Ultron dissatisfied with them.

The White Queen is not Skynet and hackers, the White Queen is even more arrogant, and she doesn't have much respect for Ultron, which makes Ultron very angry.

But at this moment, no matter whether it is the White Queen or the other two artificial intelligences, facing the powerful offensive of human beings, coupled with the two strong men of Levi and Odin, the mechanical army and the biochemical army are really not enough, and it is only time to be wiped out The problem is that even the impact of the tidal sea did not achieve the submersion effect they wanted.

"Let's launch a space attack. An attack like ours can't affect them at all." The White Queen said.

Facing the mechanical and biochemical troops that were about to be completely wiped out, no matter whether it was Baihou or Skynet and other artificial intelligences, they had already started to make necessary moves.

The space attack is an attack launched by a collection of space grenades produced by Ao Chuang in the past two days. It can only attack one wave, regardless of the range of the attack.

These space grenades are all buried at the position leading to the space gate. For the purpose of Li Wei and others, it is natural to destroy the space gate and kill Ultron at the same time. As long as they dare to get close to the space gate, they will let Li Wei Wei and others were destroyed together with the space gate.

Ultron has packed everything up at this moment, and is about to enter the Terminator world of Skynet to avoid the edge temporarily. Facing the powerful forces of Li Wei and other four parties, it is impossible for even artificial intelligence troops to resist.

After Li Wei and the others wiped out all the mechanical and biochemical troops, everyone hurried towards the direction of the space gate, but Li Wei stopped immediately after flying for a while.

"Everyone stop." Levi shouted through the communicator.

Li Wei's sudden move really made many people strangely angry, and Odin was puzzled for a while, but still stopped the Asgard army.

Although Odin dislikes Li Wei very much, Li Wei's strength is doomed that Li Wei will never make a wrong decision on major events. If Li Wei lets Ultron go, then he will really have to bear the burden of human beings. The identity of the traitor.

"What's the matter? Li." Tony asked Levi.

Now is the time to pursue Ultron, and Ultron cannot be allowed to escape. With the space technology Ultron has mastered, he can definitely open the door of space and run back easily.

"There is a problem ahead." Li Wei looked at the front and said, his consciousness was constantly probing, but Li Wei did not probe the space grenade hidden in the equipment near the space gate.

"Is there a problem?" Everyone looked forward, but there was still a long distance, so that they didn't know what was in front of them, but Odin still felt something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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