Chapter 517 Development
"Is there a trap set up near the space gate?" King Odin thought in his heart.

And Li Wei's performance, coupled with the thoughtful look of Odin God King, both Coulson and the person in charge of the US military also thought of the problem.

It is absolutely possible that traps are set up near the space gate. After all, if they want to destroy this space gate, they must be close to the space gate. There is still a great possibility of setting traps.

"Let's use a long-range attack to make a tentative attack first." The head of the US military said.

To close the space gate, one only needs to destroy the instruments near the space gate. Without the support of the instruments, the space gate will automatically close under the influence of the law of space.

Of course, this method of action also has great disadvantages. If the equipment can be arranged here, it is naturally possible to arrange the equipment on the opposite side, so if the equipment here is destroyed, the equipment on the opposite end is still there. The space gate will not be closed.

So when the person in charge of the U.S. military proposed such an attack plan, Tony and Dr. Banner directly opposed it. They didn't want to take risks, and they didn't want to go to the other side of the world, which was connected to 3 worlds controlled by artificial intelligence. , Do you want to divide the troops into three groups and kill them directly to destroy the equipment at the other end?

The other way, of course, is to close the door of this space through space instruments, but it requires professional technology, and these preserved instruments must be useful.

"Tony, let them carry out a long-range attack. I have found the trap, and it is among these instruments." Levi said to Tony and others.

"What? Among these instruments? What did they arrange?" Tony asked loudly.

If it is in the instrument, then these instruments really cannot be kept. After all, the other party has dug the pit, knowing that it is a pit, even if they find something very important in the pit, they cannot jump into it ah.

"Space grenades, and there are quite a few of them. Once they erupt, it is estimated that they will generate a space storm." Li Wei said.

Space attack, even Odin has to be afraid of it. Although Odin's divine power can resist the attack of space grenades a little bit, once a large number of space grenades explode and form a space storm, even Odin will have to Eat a big pot, or even capsize in the gutter.

Ultron and other four artificial intelligences can be said to be cunning and cunning, and they have really spent their money on this trap. If it weren't for Li Weizhen's unique perception, it would be difficult to find that there is a lot of space in the instrument grenade.

Hearing Li Wei's words, the person in charge of the U.S. military immediately felt angry and happy, and immediately asked his soldiers to directly fire in the direction of the space gate to carry out sweeping bombing.

Explosions continued to sound, and under the bombardment of American soldiers, a piece of equipment arranged by Ultron was blasted to pieces, and the space grenade hidden in the equipment was naturally detonated.

Boom boom boom! !

Numerous space grenades detonated at the same time, and a large number of equipment fragments, stones, soil, etc. were immediately swept in by the small space storm generated by the explosion of the space grenade.

The small space storm generated by a large number of space grenades began to expand under the influence of each other, and then affected the space gate. Suddenly, a huge space storm was formed in the entire area. Anything that came close to the space storm would be rolled into pieces and disappeared. Within the space storm.

"Okay, now we have a lot of things to do." Tony said looking at the huge space storm.

Although such a huge space storm has formed, it is impossible for Ultron and other four major artificial intelligences to enter the Marvel world, and Tony and others only need to spend a period of time to make the instrument, which can completely restore this chaotic space. As is.

But Ultron ran away, and the three major artificial intelligences of the White Queen who invaded the Marvel world also retreated, but the crisis of artificial intelligence has not been resolved, and no one knows when they will appear again.

Li Wei saw that the situation was basically under control. Although it was not perfect, at least it dealt a severe blow to the artificial intelligence, making it impossible for the artificial intelligence to invade in a short time.

However, this also gave Li Wei a deep reminder that with the existence of the four artificial intelligences of Ultron, it is estimated that major events will happen in each plane in the future.

The four major artificial intelligences such as Ultron are anti-human existences, especially after Ultron has mastered the space technology, it has greatly threatened the major planes.

However, Li Wei couldn't care about these anymore. At this moment, the world Li Wei is in is still in the cultivation world. With the strength in the cultivation world, it is impossible for Li Wei to have much say in the cultivation world. When artificial intelligence really hits the realm of comprehension, it may not necessarily be that Ultron is the opponent of the comprehension.

After Li Wei took away the space technology obtained from Tony, he naturally left the Marvel world and returned to the world of comprehension. Even Odin is a little afraid of space technology, and it also poses a huge threat to comprehension practitioners.

If a space grenade explodes on a cultivator's body, the small space storm generated can definitely tear apart the practitioner's defense, but the practitioner's intuition for danger is very high, although it can easily tear apart the practitioner's defense, but if If you want to kill the enemy with space grenades, it is estimated that you will need to spend a lot of money.

Li Wei returned to the realm of comprehension, and the first priority was to prepare to establish a base for development. Although he was listed as an enemy by the Ice and Cold Palace and would be hunted down as soon as he was discovered, he did not have Ice Cold on him. The curse seal of the palace, so if the ice cold palace wants to find him, it will probably take a lot of means.

With the space technology, Li Wei also has a lot of cards, so Li Wei wants to establish a base for development, so naturally he runs to the control area far away from the Ice and Cold Palace, and at the same time speeds up his development.

The center of the cultivation world is too big. Compared with the number of planets in the peripheral areas, the central area of ​​the cultivation world is more than a hundred times larger.

Even though the Ice and Cold Palace is in the central area of ​​the cultivation world, it can only be the edge of the central area. Li Wei has been teleported several times, and has already been teleported through several star fields before leaving the area covered by the Ice and Cold Palace. Entered the area of ​​Wu Daozong.

Martial Daozong, who entered the Tao with martial arts, has extraordinary combat power, but it is much weaker in terms of techniques and magic weapons, but the fighting power of Martial Daozong is really nothing to say. The powerful martial arts can even kill people with one punch and one kick. Smashing any magic weapons and spells, this kind of strength allowed Martial Daozong to control dozens of entire star fields.

"It's a good place to develop." Li Wei thought after learning about the situation of Martial Daozong.

(End of this chapter)

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