Chapter 534 Bai Sheng's Active Entry

"Then Yang Zhi shouldn't be able to break through such a formation, right?" Gongsun Sheng said not very sure.

Yang Zhi's strength is very strong, and there are a little rumors in the world, but Gongsun Sheng is not very clear about whether Yang Zhi has any special abilities, even Chao Tianwang and others are not sure.

After all, everyone knows the origin of Yang Zhi. The descendants of the Yang family can be said to come from the family of the general, and this is the person who came from the family of the general, so Gongsun Sheng and others do not know whether Yang Zhi has this ability.

How can someone who can be a general not understand the way of battle formation?And the way of battle formation has a lot to do with the way of battle formation. Even though Yang Zhi has never held the position of general, he is still a descendant of the Yang family, so the way of battle formation is really not impossible.

"It seems that we have to make two preparations." Wu Yong said, waving his lupine.

The people present may not understand formations, even wild Taoist priests like Gongsun Sheng, but the possibility that Yang Zhi, a descendant of the Yang family, does not understand formations is very small. With Li Wei's strange way, but by analogy, Yang Zhi may not be able to stop him.

"Missing incense?" Chao Gai and Gongsun Sheng circled back to the starting point.

If they don't want to kill this group of escorts, Mishenxiang is really their only choice. While bewitching the enemy with the ecstasy formation, immediately use Mishenxiang to bring them down. This two-pronged approach will definitely make it impossible for Yang Zhi and others to even resist. It may even be unrecognizable to everyone.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I will leave this matter to Mr. Wu to prepare." Chao Gai said to Wu Yong.

Wu Yong, a nerd, is not useless. In addition to being able to make suggestions, he still has a lot of tricks. Although Wu Yong's strategies are not enough to control the overall situation, there are many ghostly ideas.

Wu Yong nodded, taking care of Mishenxiang, just getting some Mishenxiang, Wu Yong can still do it, and it's very easy.

After the general plan was finalized, everyone began to pay attention to the time and route of Shengchengang passing through Yuncheng. With Chao Tianwang as a local snake, it is too easy to pay attention to this matter, but Chao Tianwang's attention is still important. caught someone's attention.

"King Chao Tian has gathered a group of good men, and he is paying attention to the information on the birth plan, don't they think so?" Bai Sheng, the White Mouse, thought while rubbing his chin in a dilapidated house at the moment.

Bai Sheng just discovered this situation. Originally, Bai Sheng didn't pay attention to this matter like a large number of gangsters in Yuncheng. Even if Chao Tianwang paid more attention, he didn't have any ideas.

But Bai Sheng, who just lost all his money in the casino today, suddenly realized this problem. If they really want to intercept the birthday key, then Bai Sheng has an idea.

Without money, life is miserable, such a life is naturally not what Bai Sheng wants, and a local snake like Chao Tianwang naturally looks down on a small bastard like Bai Sheng, who wants strength but no strength , Be courageous and not courageous.

But a rascal like Bai Sheng doesn't value face at all, and Bai Sheng's courage is not cowardly, it's just that he is afraid of death, and it is the kind of fear of death that does not cry when he sees the coffin, but before he sees the coffin , Bai Sheng is still very bold.

Having made a decision, Bai Sheng immediately began to inquire about the news of the birthday gang, and at the same time paid attention to the movements of Chao Tianwang and others. It was even easier, and Yang Zhi's old background was taken out within two days.

On this day, Li Wei and others sat in the hall and analyzed the information collected in the past few days. In two days, Yang Zhi would pass by Yuncheng with his birthday guide, and after these two days, they would have to do something. It's just that Yang Zhi's route has not yet been ascertained, so Li Wei has no way to arrange a ecstasy formation on their way.

"Master, Bai Sheng, the White Rat, said he came to see you for something." A servant came in to report.

"White mouse Bai Sheng? What is he doing here?" Chao Tianwang frowned and asked.

White Day Mouse Bai Sheng can be regarded as a bit of a name among the Popi, but this person is too obsessed with power and shameless, and he needs strength but not strength, and he needs ability but not ability. Although Chao Tianwang has heard of the name White Day Mouse Bai Sheng head, but it is not eye-catching to him at all.

"Young one doesn't know, I'm going to send him now." The servant saw Chao Tianwang's frown and displeasure, and immediately ran out to send Bai Sheng, the white mouse.

"Wait, let him in." Li Wei suddenly stopped the servant and said.

A rascal like Bai Sheng of the White Day Mouse, although Li Wei is also unobtrusive, but who made him one of the 108 people?That's the fate, and now that the White Rat Bai Sheng is here, Li Wei naturally doesn't want to let go of the opportunity to collect another astrology.

The servant looked at Chao Tianwang, and Chao Tianwang nodded and told the servant to bring Bai Sheng in. At the same time, Chao Tianwang asked Li Wei: "Brother Li, what do you want to see Bai Sheng? nothing."

"Heavenly King, we have collected a lot of information about birthdays and birthdays these days. I guess Bai Sheng of the White Rat thought of something from it, and he may have guessed our purpose." Li Wei said to Chao Tianwang.

What everyone was doing was beheading. If you can hide it as much as possible, you should try to hide it as much as possible. You don't want more people to know. Hearing Li Wei's words, everyone stood up immediately.

"Heavenly King, do you want it?" Liu Tang said with a knife in his hand.

A rascal like Bai Sheng, the White Day Mouse, actually knew their secret. The brutal Liu Tang thought of silence first, but his behavior disgusted Gongsun Sheng a little.

"Tianwang, wait for him to come in and ask before making a decision." Wu Yong said to Chao Tianwang.

"Okay, let's wait for him to come in and see what he says." Chao Tianwang sat down and said.

Bai Sheng was quickly brought in. Seeing everyone in the hall, Bai Sheng's first reaction was a little scared, and at the same time he greeted everyone with a bit of flattery.

"Bai Sheng, what's the matter with you coming to me?" Chao Tianwang was very upset when he saw Bai Sheng's flirtatious appearance. For someone like Chao Tianwang who likes to make friends with good men, he naturally doesn't like such a rascal .

"Heavenly King, I know that the heroes here are going to intercept the birthday outline, and the younger one has brought the news of the birthday outline for all the heroes. I hope the Heavenly King can let the younger one join the gang." Bai Sheng said to Chao Tianwang with a flattering face.

Liu Tang wanted to kill Bai Sheng when he heard Bai Sheng's words, but he was not in charge here, and Chao Tianwang frowned slightly, but Wu Yong said, "I don't know what news you got, Brother Bai?"

(End of this chapter)

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