Chapter 535 Everything is ready
Wu Yong's words made Bai Sheng look at Chao Tianwang with a charming smile on his face. After Chao Tianwang nodded, Bai Sheng happily reported to Chao Tianwanghui: "Heavenly King, I found out who Yang Zhi will lead the team from. Which route passes through Yuncheng?"

Bai Sheng's words immediately shocked everyone present. Unexpectedly, Bai Sheng found out such important news, but think about it, the information collected by King Chao Tian was not all collected from these rascals. much?Bai Sheng is the best among them, it is very easy to find out Yang Zhi's route through Yuncheng from the gossip.

"Okay, if what you said is accurate, then I'll let you join the gang, and I'll get a share of the birthday card for you." Chao Tianwang waved his hand.

For a villain like Bai Sheng, Chao Tianwang is naturally very clear. If such a guy does not give him any benefits, even if he is absolutely going to die, and Chao Tianwang is not the kind of villain who wants to be greedy for him. money, or to put an end to his naughty mouth.

Bai Sheng's joining made Liu Tang very unhappy, but in the end it was nothing, even Li Wei didn't say anything, but secretly found an opportunity to get close to Bai Sheng.

A rogue like Bai Sheng can be said to be the most eager among the rogues. To be able to enter the 108 heroes is not only due to luck, but also to his ability. With Bai Sheng, he can be the first to obtain the birth date outline among countless Yuncheng rogues. The situation of the route is enough to explain Bai Sheng's ability.

"Brother Li Wei, do you know what you want to do with my younger brother?" Bai Sheng was very respectful to the hero who could call Chao Tianwang brothers and drink and chat together.

Of course, this kind of respect doesn't cost money, so Bai Sheng naturally doesn't have any burdens, he fawns shamelessly, if he can gain some benefits from it, it will be even better.

"Brother Bai Sheng seems to be very timely about the news in Yuncheng. I wonder if Brother Bai Sheng knows if there is any hot news in Yuncheng?" Li Wei put his arm around Bai Sheng's shoulder and said to Bai Sheng's sloppy I didn't care either.

Bai Sheng was also very curious. Li Wei actually wanted to inquire about the news in Yuncheng, but Bai Sheng knew a lot about the big and small news in Yuncheng, but Bai Sheng didn't know which aspect Li Wei wanted to inquire about, and it wasn't anything. All the news can be known by him.

"Brother Li Wei, I don't know what information you want to know?" Bai Sheng smiled at Li Wei, as if he could find out everything.

"I want to inquire about Song Jiang and the people around him." Li Wei said to Bai Sheng.

Bai Sheng felt a lump in his heart, and suddenly thought of something in his heart, but Bai Sheng didn't show it, but nodded and said: "Brother Li Wei, there is absolutely no problem if you want to inquire about Brother Song Jiang, but it will take some time to do so." It's not a small amount of money, after all, it has to be managed up and down, little brother, I now..."

Bai Sheng is definitely a guy who wants money without his life. Only when his life is threatened, Bai Sheng will show greed for life and fear of death, but now as long as Li Wei gives money, the money that makes Bai Sheng's heart beat, then don't say it. It's Song Jiang, even Bai Sheng can find out anything in Yuncheng.

Li Wei stared at Bai Sheng for a while, took out a gold ingot and threw it to Bai Sheng, saying: "The more news about Song Jiang, the better. If the news is good enough, then there will be absolutely no less gold."

It can be said that a gold ingot really dazzled Bai Sheng. Bai Sheng had already made up his mind at this moment, he must follow Li Wei, and if Li Wei wanted to find out, he must find out the news.

"Okay, go get busy, but remember what Chao Tianwang told you." Li Wei waved at Bai Sheng.

Bai Sheng nodded and left with a bow. After leaving Li Wei's sight, Li Wei held the astrolabe and looked at a white mouse astrology above. The mouse astrology was slowly sucked into the astrolabe and turned into an astrolabe a line of eyes.

"This guy is really greedy for money, but this is what he needs. Compared with Gongsun Sheng and others, a guy like Bai Sheng is easier to deal with." Thinking about collecting Gongsun Sheng's astrology a few days ago, Li Wei really exhausted Only then did his mind draw some astrological power from Gongsun Sheng. Compared with Bai Sheng's white mouse astrology, Yunlong star can be said to be more powerful, and there is still a big gap between Tiangangdisha.

With Bai Sheng's joining, the progress of information collection has naturally increased a lot. With Bai Sheng's ability, Chao Tianwang was satisfied, and he no longer struggled with Bai Sheng's joining.

A few days later, Yang Zhi finally entered the territory of Yuncheng with the birth plan. At this moment, King Chao Tian had sent someone to invite the three heroes of the Ruan family to discuss how to deal with the birth plan.

"With Brother Li's ecstasy formation and Mr. Wu's ecstasy fragrance, I think it's enough to be sure." Ruan Xiaoer nodded listening to the plan that Chao Tianwang said.

This time, the focus of the attack was to intercept the birthday outline and not to kill people. If even people were killed, then the matter would definitely cause more trouble, and people like Yang Zhi were not easy to kill. If you plan to kill such a hero, as long as you can intercept the birthday key, it will be fine.

"Although the plan has been perfected, everyone should pay attention to it. In case of any accident, we have a plan to deal with it." Gongsun Sheng said while stroking his beard.

"What Daoist Gongsun said is very true, but we have nothing to prepare for. If there is an accident, then we will act on the spot." Wu Yong nodded.

It is up to people to make things happen, and it is up to God to plan things. No one can be sure that one thing will be 100% successful. Even Wu Yong knows that if an accident happens at that time, then with the means of everyone, the plan of birth and birthday should not be able to escape from them. The palm of your hand is just worrying about all kinds of troubles in vain.

"In this case, let's go to the route to set up the ecstasy array first. Everyone waits at the village for two days. When Yang Zhi and others pass our ambush, they will take action." Chao Gai said to everyone.

Everyone nodded, and then Chao Gai took Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng, Li Wei and Bai Sheng out. Under Bai Sheng's guidance, everyone came to the small road on the edge of the boundary between Yuncheng and Bianliang and started to decorate up.

Yang Zhi was suspicious. He didn't dare to take the official route, so he chose a small path. Although the path was very secretive and fast, as long as someone found out, it was easy to sneak attack on the path. However, Yang Zhi's strength was good, so Even if you want to sneak attack, you have to be careful.

"It's set up, just wait for them to take the bait." Li Wei buried all the flags, and then said to Chao Tianwang and others.

(End of this chapter)

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