Chapter 536 The Enraged Yang Zhi
"Okay, with Brother Li Wei's ecstasy formation, Yang Zhi will definitely be unable to escape this time." Chao Tianwang laughed.

Everyone smiled slightly, everything was ready and only owed Dongfeng, if this made Yang Zhi run away, then it can only be said that Yang Zhi's luck is really good, and it is so good that it is against the sky.

Two days later, Yang Zhi arrived with dozens of people. 10 taels of silver plus some gold, silver and jewelry is a lot in itself. He is a person with infinite power. Although he has not yet condensed the astrology, the use of the power of the stars is very good.

In addition, not all of these wrestlers were carrying the birthday card, and there were many wrestlers armed with weapons to guard their surroundings. With Yang Zhi leading the way, the journey went very smoothly.

"Sure enough, it doesn't match the original drama." Li Wei thought while watching all this through his divine sense.

Li Wei remembered that these people in Yang Zhitong's escort team were at odds. Even though they obeyed Yang Zhi's orders because of their ranks, judging from the current situation, these warriors absolutely obeyed Yang Zhi's orders. Yang Zhi's force and charisma made these people not seem to resist at all.

Yang Zhi led the team to rush on the road quickly, there would be no stops in the wilderness, even if there were stops, they would be in the city, so as not to be stolen or robbed.


Yang Zhi suddenly waved his hand and made everyone stop. At this moment, Yang Zhi frowned slightly and looked ahead, as if he sensed something wrong in front of him.

Those wrestlers who heard the order also stopped one after another, and the wrestlers holding weapons guarded quickly and protected all the wrestlers carrying the birthday card in the center.

"Yang Tongzhi, there seems to be no bandit here?" After a long time, no bandit appeared, and there was no movement of bandit evacuation, so a warrior asked aloud.

"It's weird. Wait for me." Yang Zhi said to everyone.

"Sure enough, Yang Zhi is proficient in battle formations and has a certain understanding of formations. However, he did not see the ecstasy formation arranged by Brother Li, but he did see something." Gongsun Sheng shook his head and said.

If the whole team entered the ecstasy array, and Wu Yong's ecstasy incense, then the team would definitely be wiped out, but now Yang Zhi saw Ni Duan and stepped forward to test it out, which made everyone's plan fail first. half.

Chao Tianwang's face darkened a little, and he couldn't catch up the team that intercepted the birthday card all at once. This would definitely cause a lot of troubles, but the matter has come to this point, and it can only be said that it is adaptable.

Yang Zhi stepped forward on guard step by step, holding a blue big knife and entered the ecstasy formation. The road in front of him suddenly changed, and there appeared roads leading to all directions. When he turned his head abruptly, the team behind had disappeared. There are also roads leading to all sides, as if Yang Zhi is standing at the intersection of countless roads.


Yang Zhi immediately saw the situation. As a descendant of the general's family, even if Yang Zhi failed to learn all the skills of the Yang family, at least he would not be troubled by the superficial appearance. .

For the appearance of the ecstasy formation, Yang Zhi was shocked, knowing that this time he met a master, and he was deeply trapped in the ecstasy formation, and the warriors outside would definitely have been attacked.

"We must get out of the formation as soon as possible." Yang Zhi closed his eyes, and began to recall the knowledge he had learned about the formation, thinking about how to break the formation.

Those wrestlers saw Yang Zhi walking forward and stopped within a short while, with a strange look on his face. He turned his head abruptly and then turned back again, which made the wrestlers suspicious.


Chao Gai made a move, and immediately rushed out from his hiding place. As soon as the burly and strong Chao Gai came out, he immediately burst into a powerful momentum, which shocked the team of wrestlers and immediately weakened their momentum.

"Yang Tongzhi, act quickly, bandits are coming." Someone among the warriors yelled, but his shouts couldn't remind Yang Zhi at all. Nothing could affect him.

Seeing Yang Zhi standing there motionless, the wrestlers felt the crisis, but no matter what, they rushed up to attack Chao Gai and the people behind him.

"Haha, Yang Zhi has already fallen into the ecstasy, he can't help you anymore." Chao Tianwang chopped off the three fighters with a single blow. Although they didn't hurt them, the weapons in their hands were all blown away. At the same time, it was difficult to get up after falling down heavily.

The power of the stars is more lethal than the internal power, and the conduction is not bad. Although the shock does not seem to be injured, it is impossible to use all the strength in a short time, and like Liu Tang who does not hold back, It even beat people unconscious.

Li Wei dashed from left to right, followed Chao Tianwang to pick up fish, and sneaked at the back of the heads of these warriors, knocking them down one by one, leaving no one who could stand up.

"Hurry up, fight back with weapons." Seeing that the guards were powerless to fight, the warriors carrying the birthday gang immediately dropped the birthday gang and drew their weapons to strike.

One sentence from King Chao Tian let them know about Yang Zhi's situation, and at the same time severely damaged their morale. They even used formations. Obviously, this group of people are not ordinary bandits. There is no chance to make a move.

The counterattacks of the wrestlers are very weak. They are not opponents compared to everyone present. Even a rogue like Bai Sheng can activate the astrology. Except for the brute force of these wrestlers, the astrology has not been activated. Where is Li Wei and others? Even Bai Sheng was able to knock down several of his opponents with ease, which made Li Wei look at Bai Sheng with admiration.

Boom boom boom! ! !
"No, Yang Zhi broke out." Li Wei shouted immediately when he heard the movement from behind.

Unexpectedly, Yang Zhi was able to break through the formation in such a short period of time. The crowd had just brought down a large number of warriors, and Yang Zhi broke through the formation just as a result.

Wu Yong was startled, thinking that he had made a mistake and failed to use Mishen Xiang when Yang Zhi was trapped in the ecstasy formation, but using Mishen Xiang in this position, although Yang Zhi would be fascinated by Mishen Xiang, but Li Wei and the others were also behind Yang Zhi, and after Yang Zhi fell in love, Li Wei and the others would definitely suffer as well.

"Damn you all!!!"

Yang Zhi broke out and saw that Li Wei and others had brought down all the wrestlers. Yang Zhi's eyes were red with rage, and his hair fluttered under the explosive momentum.

Roar! ! !
A giant green-faced humanoid beast appeared on Yang Zhi's head, and the blue-faced beast star appeared, and Yang Zhi rushed forward brazenly.

(End of this chapter)

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