Chapter 538 The Incident

Yang Zhi looked at Li Wei who stood in front of him and grabbed his wrist, and his heart was also shaken. He could resist his own huge force without the power of astrology. Where did this monster come from?

And Li Wei also quickly took out the astrolabe and covered Yang Zhi's chest, tearing off a piece of his blue-faced beast astrology gun under Yang Zhi's horrified gaze.

"You...I'm going to kill you!!"

Yang Zhi could feel that a large piece of his astrological power had been forcibly torn off, which made the blue-faced beast astrology gradually weak against the cloud dragon astrology.

"Kill me? I don't know if the grass on your grave will be five feet high next year." Li Wei looked disdainful, put the astrolabe in his hand into the storage ring, and beheaded Yang Zhi with one move.

Chao Gai and others chased after him, and when they saw Yang Zhi lying limp, the blue-faced animal star collapsed and disappeared with a wailing cry, it could be seen that Yang Zhi was completely dead.

"Fortunately, Brother Li Wei, you stopped him, otherwise if you let him escape, we and others will really suffer." Chao Gai said happily.

No matter whether it was Chao Tianwang or Gongsun Sheng, they all underestimated Yang Zhi's strength. Even if Yang Zhi lost to the siege of everyone, but Yang Zhi wanted to escape, even if there was a cloud and dragon star biting on the blue-faced beast star, Yang Zhi's strong will was absolutely absolute. Let him escape this trail and appear outside the county seat.

As long as Yang Zhi ran out of this no-man's land and was seen by others, then they really had nothing to do. After all, even if they wanted to kill them, they couldn't go all the way to the county town and finally wiped out the county town, right?Even if it is not a county within the boundaries of Yuncheng, as long as they dare to do this, they will definitely fail. After all, the county cannot be destroyed by a few of them. At that time, no matter how powerful Chao Tianwang is, he will not be able to cover up the fact that he stole the birthday outline. thing.

"Heavenly King, you're being polite. I'll wait for the brothers to make a move together, so we don't know what to do with each other." Li Wei responded politely.

"Okay, I'll wait for the brothers to be of the same mind, regardless of each other." Chao Tianwang laughed, and led everyone to sort out the birthday outline, and then carried them all away.

Liu Tang was left behind to silence him. Given Liu Tang's brutal character, these warriors were silenced one by one without any resistance, and none of them remained.

After everyone left for half a day, a woodcutter passed by and was so frightened that his legs became limp. The corpses on the ground made the woodcutter run back and stumbled while passing through a forest. Seeing a person lying in the woods, and this person's face was so pale, the woodcutter screamed in fright.

"He's not dead?" After the woodcutter calmed down a little, he saw the man's chest heaving slightly, and after checking, he found that he was still alive, so he immediately picked him up and ran towards the county seat quickly.

Li Wei and others returned to Chao Gai's village, and this time they got 10 silver plus jewelry and other treasures at once, which made everyone very happy. Pay attention to the injuries on his body, and wait for Chao Tianwang to share the money together.

"Brothers have worked hard, Mr. Wu, please come and find out how many birthdays there are, and then divide them according to the head." Chao Tianwang said to Wu Yong.

Wu Yong nodded, walked to the front of the birthday card and began to count. With Wu Yong's ability, it didn't take much effort to count the birthday card, and he quickly got his share of the three heroes of the Ruan family and the Bai family. Sheng left, while Li Wei, Gongsun Sheng and Liu Tang Wuyong continued to live in Chao Tianwang's mansion while waiting for Bai Sheng to inquire about the news.

The birthday guide was stolen, but it will not be able to be used for a while. The birthday guide was stolen, and Yang Zhi and all the escorting teams were all silenced. This situation is enough to alarm the court. Seriously, after all, this is the case with so many people dying.

A few days later, Bai Sheng came to Chao Gai's village in a hurry, saw Chao Gai and others drinking and having fun, Bai Sheng hurriedly said: "It's not good, it's not good, something happened to us. "

Bai Sheng's words immediately shocked everyone. Except for Li Wei and Gongsun Sheng who were not present, the three Chao Tianwangs were a little panicked, but Wu Yong quickly reacted and asked, "What happened? Bai Sheng, how about you?" make it clear."

Stealing the birthday card, they silenced everyone, how could it happen again?Could it be that there is an inner ghost?If it wasn't the inner ghost, then how could they have happened?
"One of the warriors in the escort team survived. He was poisoned by the red ghost poison left by Liu Tang's red ghost astrology. After being rescued, he reported on us. Let's run away quickly." Bai Sheng hurriedly Said to the crowd.

At the beginning, Bai Sheng was stunned when he got the news, and immediately hid the birthday outline he got. With Bai Sheng's ability, hiding a penny of money is definitely like hiding a thousand-year treasure. He couldn't find it, but Bai Sheng came to Chao Gai's village with some money and clothes on his body, just wanting to be sheltered by Chao Gai and others. After all, Bai Sheng knew his ability, as long as he was wanted by the court, he would be considered It is useless to flee to other counties.

"How is it possible? I had already silenced them all." Liu Tang said angrily.

At that time, Liu Tang did it very seriously in silence. Given Liu Tang's frequent activities of killing people and stealing goods, he can be said to be very professional, so how could he keep alive.

"It's true, it's true. Even if I have the courage, I dare not hide from you brothers." Bai Sheng was in a hurry. This meeting can be said to be imminent. If you don't run away, it won't be long before the officers and soldiers Surrounded Chaojiazhuang.

"Brother Chao Gai, is Brother Chao Gai here?" A voice hurried in from outside, and Song Jiang appeared in front of everyone.

Song Jiang originally didn't believe that Chao Gai stole the birthday card and killed Yang Zhi's escort team at the same time, but after seeing Liu Tang and Bai Sheng, Song Jiang understood that this incident seemed to be true. that's it.

"Brother Song Jiang, why are you here?" Chao Gai's face is very bad at the moment, if the matter is revealed, then he will not be able to continue living here, he must escape as soon as possible, but where can they escape?

"Brother Chao Gai, you are confused. One of the escort team escaped by chance. Now you have been reported, and officers and soldiers will come soon. Pack up and leave here immediately." Song Jiang hurriedly said to Chao Gai.

If Bai Sheng's words still made them doubtful, then Song Jiang's words really made them have no doubts. The matter has been exposed, and if they don't leave now, they really can't leave.

"Heavenly King, let's clean up the things immediately, and then set the place on fire, it's better to leave quickly." Wu Yong said to Chao Gai.

(End of this chapter)

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