Chapter 539 Escape

Now that the matter has been revealed, it is useless to say more, the only thing to do is to pack up and leave here as soon as possible, otherwise, if the government sends people to surround this place, then they really can't leave.

Although everyone with the power of astrology can even burst out the strength of a cultivator, even Li Wei can only fight against Yang Zhi with his physical strength, but Chao Gai and others don't know Li Wei's powerful spirit power, And openly confronting the government, the next time it will not be the soldiers of the government, but the army of the imperial court.

Although Chao Gai and others are rebellious, they still know the truth. No matter how strong the power of astrology is, they will be exhausted to death in the end in the face of a battle formed by a large army. They don't have the ability to fly like Li Wei, and they probably don't Only Gongsun Sheng can keep calm.

"Come on, pack up your things quickly, we'll leave immediately." Chao Gai said to everyone.

"Brother Tianwang, where are we going?" Liu Tang was still at a loss, even if he knew he was going to run away, he didn't know exactly where he was going.

"Go to Ruanjia Village first and tell the three Ruan brothers about the situation, and then we will go to Liangshan." Wu Yong said to Liu Tang, and at the same time ran to the backyard.

Since it was done together, it is natural to run away together. Wu Yong and others still think about the three heroes of the Ruan family, which is enough to show that they are still loyal. Condition.

Chao Gai and the others acted quickly, and they packed up the treasures and treasures in a short time. They left Chaojiazhuang overnight, and at the same time burned Chaojiazhuang to ashes.

Chao Gai is still very distressed that his manor was burned, but facing the siege of the government, Chao Gai knew that if he did not leave, he would not be able to live, so although he looked at the burning Chaojiazhuang very distressed, he still left up.

Everyone quickly ran towards the location of Ruanjia Village. Although they all carried a lot of treasure on their bodies, none of them affected their footsteps, and Li Wei was thinking about the next step at the moment.

At the beginning, Li Wei's idea was to go to Liangshan, and then stay on Liangshan to collect the astrology of the Water Margin heroes who came to Liangshan.

But now Gongsun Sheng is getting more and more defensive against himself. After returning from stealing the birthday card, Li Wei can feel Gongsun Sheng's vague attention, which obviously has a huge doubt on himself.

Gongsun Sheng is not simple in the first place. With Li Wei's strength, killing Gongsun Sheng is nothing at all, and it will not be discovered by others, but Li Wei knows that Gongsun Sheng will definitely leave behind to let Chao Gai and others know. Chao Gai and the others know that they have killed Gongsun Sheng, so they can't stay in Liangshan any longer. Are they going to wipe out Chao Gai and the others?

And Li Wei didn't think about killing Chao Gai and others, but Gongsun Sheng's attention also let Li Wei know that it is not easy for him to steal astrology secretly on Liangshan.

"Go to Liangshan first, and then go to Song Dynasty for a walk." Li Wei thought for a while, and finally made a decision.

It's not a problem to stay on Liangshan and wait for other Water Margin heroes to go to Liangshan. Moreover, when Yang Zhi is dead and Bai Sheng is not so weak, Li Wei knows that the plot must not necessarily follow his own ideas. Maybe some Water Margin heroes will not go to Liangshan, and some may even be killed before they collect astrology. This situation is not impossible, so Li Wei has to take the initiative.

When everyone came to Ruanjia Village, they immediately startled the villagers. After all, Chao Gai and others entered Ruanjia Village at once, and it was still in the middle of the night. How could the villagers of Ruanjia Village not be alarmed? In the Ruan Family Village, not only the three heroes of the Ruan family are capable of martial arts, but almost all men in the Ruan Family Village are capable of martial arts, but they are not as powerful as the three heroes of the Ruan family.

"Brother Tianwang, why are you here?" Ruan Xiaoer and the others appeared with knives in their hands. They were very surprised when they saw that it was Chao Gai and the others, and they immediately dispersed.

"Let's talk inside." Chao Gai looked at the dispersed crowd and whispered to Ruan Xiaoer.

Ruan Xiaoer and the three felt tense, nodded and led Chao Gai and others into their home, then looked around, closed the door immediately and asked, "Brother Tianwang, is something wrong?"

Ruan Xiaoer's guess is very correct, at least Ruan Xiaoer is not stupid, Chao Gai and others came here so late, otherwise it is impossible for so many people to come in the middle of the night.

"Yes, the matter was revealed. I didn't expect that there were still people alive at that time. Now we are going to go to Liangshan to hide, so please go with us, Xiaoer." Chao Gai said to Ruan Xiaoer and the others.

"But old mother..." Ruan Xiaoqi said.

They are nothing, but the old mother is so old, wouldn't it be unfilial if she ran around with them?And if the old mother finds out what they did, I don't know if it will be...

Thinking of this, Ruan Xiaoqi regretted a little, but was immediately washed away by loyalty. In this era, loyalty is the most important thing, more important than life.

Li Wei saw all this in his eyes, and was a little speechless about the deformed loyalty in this world, but this is not the time to slowly think about it. After the officers and soldiers discovered that Chaojiazhuang had been burned to ashes, they would definitely kill him immediately. Come to Ruanjia Village, after all, the astrology of the three heroes of the Ruan family is also very obvious, so not only Chao Gai and others have exposed their identities, but the three heroes of the Ruan family are no exception.

"Brothers, I think we have to leave as soon as possible, otherwise the officers and soldiers will arrive soon." Li Wei reminded everyone.

"Yes, brothers, we have to hurry up, otherwise, if Ruanjia Village is surrounded by officers and soldiers later, it will be difficult for us to leave." Wu Yong also said immediately.

At this moment, Wu Yong is more anxious than everyone else. As Chao Gai's staff, Wu Yong's head has always been the best. At this moment, he has already thought about how long it will take for the officers and soldiers to arrive. Ran.

"It's okay, even if the officers and soldiers come, we can escape. You don't know that the river in front of our Ruanjia Village can enter Liangshan's water pond." Ruan Xiaoer waved his hand and said.

"Then how do you decide, Xiaoer? Now is not the time to waste time." Chao Tianwang asked Ruan Xiaoer and the others. At this moment, Chao Gai still very much hopes that they can escape with him. Chao Gai's loyalty I don't want Ruan's Sanxiong to be captured by officers and soldiers just like that.

"Little Five and Little Seven, pack your luggage right away, I'll go and pick up the old mother, and we'll walk along the river immediately." Ruan Xiaoer said to the two younger brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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