Chapter 545 Against the imperial court?
Li Wei talked enthusiastically with Lin Chong, and had a very high opinion of Lin Chong's marksmanship. Lin Chong was flattered by such a situation.

Lin Chong is definitely very confident in his marksmanship, but he is depressed as an official. Given the situation in the Northern Song Dynasty when the generals were not as good as the civil servants, Lin Chong could not play tricks, otherwise he would not be able to play tricks. Will be forced to go to Liangshan.

And now his marksmanship is appreciated by others, which makes Lin Chong feel a little flattered, and talks with Li Wei even more enthusiastically.

Li Wei walked last, until they entered the Juyi Hall in Liangshan, Wang Lun and others found Li Wei and Lin Chong who were talking happily behind.

Chao Gai was a little surprised that Li Wei and Lin Chong could chat so well. He really didn't expect this kind of situation, and Wang Lun didn't like it even more. He didn't like Lin Chong in the first place. is implicated.

Of course, Wang Lun has not put all these on the surface. Although Wang Lun knows about Li Wei, it is also a rumor in the world. He is just curious about Li Wei's strange formation. As for what Li Wei is Wang Lun is still not very clear about what kind of person he is.

"Come, come, all brothers, sit down." Wang Lun warmly called everyone to sit down.

A large number of minions began to serve dishes. Although there were no dancing girls in the mansions of senior officials such as Cai Xiang, at least there were a lot of dishes. The hospitality of good wine and food made Chao Gai and others very happy , Everyone cheered up the wine talk.

"Coach Lin, I think Chief Wang Lun seems to be prejudiced against you." Li Wei asked Lin Chong quietly after drinking a glass of wine.

The three of Wang Lun and Chao Gai chatted happily, but they had no intention of introducing Lin Chong to Chao Gai and others. Seeing Lin Chong being left out, not only Li Wei saw it, but Wu Yong also saw it.

"Lin is also clear about this matter, it is Lin who has failed the chief's expectations." Lin Chong said sadly.

Lin Chong didn't know that Wang Lun didn't like him at first. If it wasn't for Lin Chong's high martial arts skills and very high training ability, Wang Lun would have thought of a way to drive Lin Chong away.

"Coach Lin, since everyone has fallen into the grass, let's go with the flow. Is the current court still the court in your heart?" Li Wei shook his head slightly.

The current imperial court has indeed killed many people, and more people are trying to climb up by any means. With the power of Cai and others, it is basically difficult to climb up.

And Lin Chong still has the number one enemy Gao Qi in the court, it is impossible for Lin Chong to become an official again, and the death of his wife has made Lin Chong completely disappointed in the court, and now all that is left is the last sliver of obsession That's all.

"Brother Li thinks the same way?" Lin Chong asked with a blank look in his eyes.

Li Wei's illusion is now very sophisticated. No one in the room noticed that there was some light in Li Wei's eyes, which made Lin Chong fall for Li Wei's illusion.

If Gongsun Sheng was still there, then Li Wei's actions could definitely be discovered, but now that Gongsun Sheng is dead, it is naturally impossible to find out.

"That's right, Coach Lin, since you've been forced to this point and you're not afraid of wearing shoes with bare feet, then turn against him." Li Wei smiled at Lin Chong, patted him on the shoulder, and sent a thought Sending it into Lin Chong's body even dispelled the last trace of Lin Chong's obsession.

"Yes, at this point, what else do I not dare to do, since the imperial court forced me to do this, then I will turn against him." Lin Chong shouted violently.

Lin Chong's violent drinking really shocked Chao Gai, Wang Lun and the others. They all looked at the angry Lin Chong in a daze. At this moment, Lin Chong looked like he was going to eat people. Quiet.

"Brother Lin, sit down quickly. If you have anything to discuss, don't be so angry." Wang Lun was the first to react, and said kindly to Lin Chong.

Seeing that Lin Chong was about to rebel against the imperial court, Wang Lun was very curious as to how he had figured it out. How did Li Wei do it? Seeing Li Wei and Lin Chong sitting together for a while actually made Lin Chong rebel. Wang Lun was really frightened by the court's thoughts.

The hearts of Chao Gai and others were beating faster. Lin Chong said that he was going to turn against the court, which made them a little unexpected. Although they said that they went to Liangshan and became bandits, they never thought of turning against the court.

The imperial court is so easy to reverse. Although the imperial court is fatuous and the lives of the people are a bit miserable, not all the people are like this.

The court of the Northern Song Dynasty was rich, even if some natural disasters and man-made disasters happened, it was impossible for the court of the Northern Song Dynasty to be destroyed if there was money. Even Wu Yong did not dare to overthrow the court of the Northern Song Dynasty.

"Boss Wang, are we Liangshan trying to overthrow the imperial court?" Liu Tang suddenly had a golden light in his eyes, and asked Wang Lun.

Lin Chong's actions scared everyone, but after reacting, everyone thought differently. With Liu Tang's fearless character, killing people and stealing goods is commonplace, and he never thought of turning against the court to replace him. But Lin Chong's shout gave Liu Tang an idea.

If the imperial court is really reversed, wouldn't they be able to become the founding heroes of the country? Such a situation is really beyond the imagination of Liu Tang.

The three heroes of the Ruan family are also uneducated people. Although they usually look like good citizens, their daring to join the gang to steal the birthday outline is enough to show that they don't have that much fear of the court. Liu Tang's words immediately made them say heartbeat.

Chao Gai secretly said something was wrong, originally Liu Tang, Ruan Sanxiong and others could be said to be his confidantes, and when they came to Liangshan to live under the fence, they naturally wanted to hug each other to avoid being bullied, but Liu Tang and others looked like they wanted to be bullied. Swearing to follow Wang Lun to the death and rebelling against the court, wouldn't he lose his confidant?

Wang Lun didn't know how to make a choice at the moment. Although Wang Lun hated the imperial court, he never dared to oppose the imperial court. Otherwise, he would not be living on Liangshan. The appearance of the court made Wang Lun wonder if it was right to let them go to Liangshan.

"This matter is very important. I should think about it more. Let Chief Wang think about how we should go in the future." Wu Yong said, shaking his feather fan slightly.

Seeing Wang Lun's hesitation, Wu Yong felt a little contemptuous in his heart. Although Wu Yong also felt that it was impossible for the court to turn against him, but looking at the situation of these reckless men, if they were not allowed to do what they wanted, it would be difficult to win them over. At this moment, Wu Yong has already developed ambitions.

(End of this chapter)

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