Chapter 546 Conspiracy
"Yes, yes, this matter is of great importance. Let me think about it for a few days before discussing it." Wang Lun said with an embarrassed smile at everyone.

Against the imperial court, I have never seen you so courageous before, why are you so spineless today?Wang Lun is real at this moment, Lin Chong even bears a grudge.

However, since Lin Chong has changed his mind, it seems that there is no problem in letting him attack the nearby county towns. It can definitely kill Liang Shan.

After such an incident, the welcome banquet that was originally extremely lively ended hastily, and everyone went to their residences with their own thoughts.

Chao Gai and others were arranged to live in one place. At this moment, Liu Tang and Ruan Shi Sanxiong were still excited, and Chao Gai smiled wryly.

"Mr. Wu, what do you think about this matter?" Chao Gai asked Wu Yong.

When something happened that he didn't know how to deal with, Chao Gai would ask Wu Yong what he meant, and Wu Yong waved his feather fan and meditated for a long time without making a sound, which made Liu Tang feel a little bit uncomfortable.

"The king's leader should not support and oppose the court." Wu Yong shook his head and said.

How much energy and cost would it take to turn against the Northern Song court?I guess it won't work for the rest of my life, right?Wu Yong didn't have such a high strategy, so he felt that it was impossible to succeed in this matter.

But if the imperial court is reversed and the world is in chaos, then how to guard against Daliao?Although it is said that both the Song Dynasty and the Daliao Dynasty have a covenant not to invade each other, if the Song Dynasty is gone, will the Daliao Dynasty take the opportunity to send troops south?If this is the case, then how to solve it?
It can be said that the military strength of the Song Dynasty is really rotten. Except for the four generals, all other military strengths are not good. If the army of the Song Dynasty still has an advantage, then only the military equipment has the advantage.

"Since it is impossible for Chief Wang to agree, then there is no need to talk about it." Chao Gai shook his head and said.

At this moment, Liangshan is in charge of Wang Lun, and Wang Lun disagrees, so how could it be against the court? It is estimated that they were driven off Liangshan by Wang Lun before they acted.

"Since Chief Wang disagrees, let's make Brother Chao Gai the Lord of Liangshan, and then turn against the court." Liu Tangyi said as a matter of course.

Liu Tang's impression of Wang Lun was not good. In fact, Wang Lun's martial arts was not as high as Liu Tang's, so Liu Tang looked down on him. It was a hero like Chao Gai who could convince Liu Tang.

As soon as Liu Tang said something, Wu Yong covered his mouth immediately. At the same time, he carefully observed the situation outside. After confirming that no one was eavesdropping, he yelled at Liu Tang: "Nonsense, such words are just casual. Is it?"

Wu Yong yelled at Liu Tang, but Liu Tang didn't take it seriously. Similarly, Wu Yong's force prevented Liu Tang from being convinced. Liu Tang's reticence was to give Chao Gai face.

Wu Yong looked at Chao Gai and found that Chao Gai's eyes were flickering with some light, and he thought something was wrong in his heart, but after thinking about it, this kind of words would be very good for himself and others.

It can be said that everyone is living under the hedge of Liangshan. Although Wang Lun is extremely enthusiastic about them, he still needs their help to strengthen Liangshan. But there is always something I don't like.

At this moment, Liu Tang's words moved almost everyone's heart. Wu Yong looked at everyone, and finally at Li Wei and Gongsun Sheng who were sitting together.

"Brother Li Wei, Daoist Gongsun, what do you think?" Wu Yong asked the two of them.

At the same time, Wu Yong is most concerned about Li Wei. It can be said that Li Wei provoked Lin Chong to cause these things that happened today. Therefore, Wu Yong knew that Li Wei must also support things against the court, but the fire and Wang Lun I don't know what Li Wei thinks.

"Of course the leader Wang doesn't want to oppose the imperial court, so let's return the position of the king of heaven." Li Wei said to the crowd.

Gongsun Sheng hesitated for a while, but still nodded, agreeing with Li Wei's statement, and the nods of Li Wei and Li Wei also moved Chao Gai.

Sitting on the head of Liangshan is much better than being a small landlord in Yuncheng. With so many Liangshan soldiers in his hands, wouldn't he be more prestigious?
Although Chao Gai didn't have the heart to oppose the Northern Song Dynasty, but for the sake of the brothers' unity, Chao Gai still didn't care, and only Wu Yong smiled bitterly in his heart, but he still made suggestions for Chao Gai.

"Since everyone thinks this way, then we can prepare first, and at the same time we can also talk to Coach Lin. Coach Lin is disliked by Chief Wang, so it is still very easy to win Coach Lin over. Leave this matter to Li How about Brother Wei?" Wu Yong said to Li Wei.

If Lin Chong was brought over, the remaining Du Qian and Song Wan would not be able to prove it. Moreover, they probably wouldn't even dare to take action when the general situation was over, so it was only a matter of time before Wang Lun was killed.

"Okay, I will leave the job of Coach Lin to me." Li Wei nodded and said.

After casting the illusion on Lin Chong, Lin Chong basically would not oppose him anymore, and it was just a word to make him annoy Wang Lun.

After discussing some details, everyone returned to their residences to wait for the opportunity.

For a few days, Liangshan was peaceful and peaceful. Chao Gai and others talked happily with Wang Lun and others. They seemed to fully support Wang Lun and never mentioned those words that were against the court.

And on this day, Li Wei also found Lin Chong, who was full of resentment. After waiting for a few days without Wang Lun's claim, Lin Chong now had a little understanding of Wang Lun's thoughts.

Wang Lun wanted to subtly forget the matter, which made Lin Chong feel resentful. At the same time, this resentment was amplified by Li Wei's illusion, which made Lin Chong feel murderous.

"Coach Lin, what made you so angry and drunk here?" Li Wei walked in from the outside and smiled at Lin Chong, who was overflowing with murderous aura.

"It's Brother Li. Is Brother Li looking for something with me today?" Lin Chong was upset at the moment. Although he had a good relationship with Li Wei, it wasn't enough for Lin Chong to chat with Li Wei properly. He only wanted to drink at the moment.

"Does Coach Lin want to turn against the court? If so, brother, I have a way to show you." Li Wei said to Lin Chong with a slight smile.

Lin Chong looked at Li Wei with some doubts. How could Liang Shan turn against something that even Wang Lun disagreed with?This situation made Lin Chong think that Li Wei was here to joke with him.

"Brother Li, please speak clearly." Lin Chong said to Li Wei.

(End of this chapter)

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