Chapter 731 Heading to Flame Sky

Countless monks in the Green Willow Villa were watching, as if they were fighting over a disagreement.

However, this kind of cooking fight is really very useful in learning, at least let many monks see what kind of cooking skills the leaders of the various sects have.

Li Wei is currently watching the performance of the knife master's knife work. It is a wonderful knife school with knife work as its specialty. It has a very unique knife technique. The monks whose strength has not reached a certain level can't see it clearly at all. His knife skills.

Li Wei also couldn't fully see the movements of the sword master, but he could only see some movements, but just some movements, which made Li Wei see very superbly.

The dishes made by the head of the Strange Vegetables Sect are a bit weird. Many monks have heard of his name and strange dishes, but not many people have seen the dishes he made.

Li Wei also looked strange. This old man is the founder of the dark cooking world in the realm of comprehension, right?Why is the dish so weird? Is this a dish?If you do this, can others really eat it?Even if it is delicious, it makes people look ugly. Is this kind of food eaten by humans?

On the strange old man's plate, there were hideous-looking strange insects. I don't know what these strange insects are, but after being fried, they are more ferocious than before.

"Bug, can such a bug really be eaten?" Even Li Wei had some doubts. If he really ate such a bug, would he be poisoned to death?

Even monks like Li Wei in the Taoist period have such an idea, let alone other monks. Except for the monks of the strange dish, no one dares to try it, even if this dish is really good. Delicious, but just too scary to look at.

"Hey, I knew you would cook such a dish, Old Man Guai." The head of the Big Food said, looking at the bloodthirsty worms on the old man's plate.

These bugs are not only ferocious, but also have a centipede-like multi-legged structure, which makes many people reject these bugs, and besides its structure, Li Wei guesses whether there is something else that he doesn't know The place.

"Hey, foodies, except you, I want to see who else dares to eat?" The strange old man said, looking at the large number of onlookers outside the venue.

Of course, among these disciples, except for the disciples of the Guaicaimen, who dare to try? Although they all know the situation of the Guaicaimen, but they know it. If they really see it, it is really difficult to decide To eat.

"It's the taste, so it's the taste." Li Wei thought for a while, and finally thought of the key.

These bugs do look a bit hideous, but hideousness is not enough to make monks even have the courage to eat it forcibly, right?

And the reason for this situation is that the only possibility is that there are some unknown things that make people feel very disgusting, even the monks can't bear it, so it will be delayed.

But why?In terms of culinary skills, in the case of color and fragrance 3, the color is impossible, and the taste is also said to be strange. Although the dishes made by the old man are strange, people who really dare to eat them say they are delicious, so it is the smell. .

Although looking at these fried bugs did not produce any scent, even the smell of frying, but Li Wei can judge from it that it is indeed a faint smell that even monks ignore. The monk developed a subtle distaste for this dish.

Thinking of this, Li Wei is really convinced by this strange old man. He doesn't know whether the ingredients of this dish are like this, or what the strange old man added, but anyway, the strange old man must know.

And what is completely different from the weird old man is that the owner of Wanxiang Valley is also deep-fried, but it is really fragrant, even if you stand far away, you can smell this fragrance.

If it weren't for the unique kitchen of Green Willow Villa itself to isolate a certain amount of smell and prevent other chefs from being affected, it is estimated that the kitchen is already full of fragrance.

But even if it is isolated by the formation of the Green Willow Villa, it is not completely isolated, it is just extremely weakened, otherwise no one else can smell the fragrance.

"This fragrance is really amazing." Feng Xiu couldn't help approaching the stove in the direction of the main direction of Wanxiang Valley, watching the cooking of the owner of Wanxiang Valley.

As for the two brothers and sisters of the Xia family, they ran towards the owner of the gluttonous valley to observe. The cooking of the owner of the gluttonous valley was very exquisite, at least in terms of color, aroma and taste.

Li Wei observed the cooking of every sect leader, and knew that there was still a big gap between his own cooking and theirs, which made Li Wei study harder.

After the sect leaders finished cooking, it is natural for the elite disciples of the nine major sects to come out to taste. It is impossible for each sect leader to cook too many dishes, so it is naturally impossible for too many disciples to be selected to taste. .

And because there are two classes, there is naturally a confrontation between the two classes.

Li Wei was not selected, but seeing the comments these elite disciples got after tasting, Li Wei also learned something.

After this day, the Chef's Guild started to be built vigorously, but Li Wei had nothing to do with him. He was quietly learning cooking skills in the Green Willow Villa, and then he was trying to find a way to get the inheritance left by the fallen sword. .

After a few years, Li Wei's culinary skills have reached a certain height, at least he can cook dishes that have been cultivated in the Dao period, and he can be regarded as the most advanced monk chef.

On this day, Li Wei came to the place where the immortal of Luojian was inherited, and through the formation calculated by the red queen, he sealed the inheritance of the immortal of Luojian and took it away.

Although such a seal is extremely unstable, and a lot of fairy swords were damaged after the seal, it also allowed Li Wei to obtain 8 fairy swords, which together with the one he obtained before, exactly 9 fairy swords.

"Thinking that when Luojian Shangxian released tens of thousands of fairy swords to fight together, I only got 9 of them, and I couldn't fully use them. I could only use one." Li Wei looked at the fairy sword in front of him with a wry smile. Said.

Sensing Li Wei's meaning, Qingtan Immortal Sword released a slight sword cry and a cyan sword light at the same time, making Li Wei even more speechless, and directly put it into the sword box.

9 celestial swords, this trip not only learned monk cooking skills, but also obtained 9 celestial swords from the inheritance of sword celestial beings. Li Wei has gained a lot in this world.

After bidding farewell to Fengxiu and other friends he knew, he found a place where there was no one and went straight back to the cultivation world where he was.

Xu Yuan has prepared everything for Li Wei to go to Yanluotian. As soon as Li Wei leaves the customs, Xu Yuan will inform Li Wei of the road to Yanluotian. Within a few days, Li Wei embarked on the road to Yanluotian. On the road of Luo Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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