Chapter 732 Old Li Restaurant
From Wuyahai to Yanluotian, it is necessary to cross a very distant star field, because it is impossible to pass through the residences of those big sects, so it needs to pass through a very long star field to reach.

This star field was also explored by the casual cultivators. After all, if the five large star fields of casual cultivators are not linked together, then the power of the casual cultivators will be cut apart.

And with this star field channel, casual cultivators in various regions can quickly gather together, even if there is a problem in one place, several other places can provide rapid support.

Li Wei traveled all the way through the transmission route, from Wu Yahai all the way to Yan Luotian, and the amount of spirit stones spent was very large. Such a huge number of spirit stones directly consumed more than half of Li Wei's reserves.

"The journey is really too long. It seems that we have to plan well when we arrive at Yan Luotian." Li Wei thought to himself.

Compared with the rich water elemental aura in Boundless Sea, the fire elemental aura in Yan Luotian is quite rich. When he first entered the edge of Yanluotian, Li Wei felt that this kind of fire elemental aura is much more comfortable than that in Boundless Sea , at least in line with Li Wei's cultivation, if it is in the boundless sea, then it will be very difficult for Li Wei to practice.

When he came to Yan Luotian, Li Wei went directly to Tianyan City, the city with the largest floating population in Yan Luotian.

Tianyan City is located on the east side of Huangyan City. It is one of the big cities in Yanluotian. There are very few such big cities in Yanluotian. The most important point is that there are a lot of people here.

If Huangyan City is the most powerful city in Yan Luotian, then Tianyan City is the gate of Huangyan City in the east. No matter the monks in the east want to go to Huangyan City, they need to pass through Tianyan City.

Because of some tight issues, and because Li Wei really didn't have the strength to gain a foothold in Huangyan City, Li Wei stayed in Tianyan City.

Although Tianyan City does not have as many masters as Huangyan City, the flow of people is too large, which can also meet Li Wei's needs, and Li Wei also rented a shop in Tianyan City and opened a small shop. Restaurant.

In this Tianyan city where there are as many monks as dogs, the monks with the lowest strength are all at the level of alchemy stage, and with such a cultivation level, it can be said that no one will eat. Naturally, it is impossible in Tianyan city Is there a restaurant or something like that?

Li Wei opened a small restaurant, which naturally attracted the attention of many nearby monks. Many people looked at Li Wei as if they were looking at Gua Wazi.

And Li Wei also restrained his own cultivation, making people unable to feel Li Wei's strength. Although this made many monks know that Li Wei's cultivation might be extraordinary, but what the hell is a restaurant?

Lao Li Restaurant, as soon as the name came out, many monks immediately became a joke, because no one was optimistic about the restaurant opened by Li Wei, and they were not mortals. Aren't they uncomfortable eating meals made by mortals?Even if it is delicious, it is definitely a very frustrating thing to expel the impurities after eating.

When Lao Li Restaurant opened, there were many monks watching the excitement on the first day, but no one entered, and then it gradually disappeared, and there was no mention of the restaurant, only occasionally passing by would smile.

Li Wei is not in a hurry, the monks here don't know the benefits of monk food at all, so naturally no one will come to the door, but Li Wei knows that the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, as long as someone comes to the door, then it is enough.

Every day, Li Wei is studying his own recipes, and at the same time practicing his skills, whether it is in knife skills, cooking skills, and ingredients, he has achieved a very subtle level.

On this day, Li Wei was honing his knife skills, when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps from outside, and a big fat man entered Lao Li's restaurant.

"It's really a restaurant." The big fat man was really surprised when he saw the decoration here.

Cultivators basically don’t have anyone like Fat Cheng and him, unless it is caused by practicing some special exercises, and the big fat man who entered the restaurant did not practice any exercises, but the pills he ate. Too much medicine.

Although most of the monks in the casual cultivator alliance are casual cultivators, there are still some interests. At least there is no sect, so it is impossible to have no family or interest alliance.

Among the fat man's elders, there were naturally brilliant alchemists. As a result, he took too many pills, which caused a lot of impurities to accumulate in his body, making him very fat.

"Fatty, you've taken too much medicine." Li Wei looked up. The fat man had just entered the Nascent Soul stage, but because he rushed forward after taking the medicine, he had a certain degree of confidence. The difference, this kind of difference caused him to become so fat, and Li Wei could see it with a glance of his consciousness.

"How do you know?" said the fat man, staring into his little eyes.

"I recommend you to eat a fried rice with hawthorn." Li Wei said with a smile.

Hawthorn fried rice has the effect of eliminating impurities in the body. Li Wei can still cook hawthorn fried rice at the Nascent Soul level, and it doesn't take much effort.

Fatty looked at the menu hanging on the counter of the restaurant, and soon saw that a Nascent Soul-level hawthorn fried rice cost 100 high-grade fire-type spirit stones.

"Dug, why don't you grab 100 high-grade fire-type spirit stones?"

The fat man stared and said, although his eyes widened in surprise, they were still small. This kind of situation makes people want to laugh, because this expression is so funny.

"Who left so many pill residues on you? Other dishes are not suitable for you now." Li Wei said to the fat man.

"Then why is this hawthorn fried rice with 100 top-grade fire-type spirit stones suitable for me? Don't tell me because it can eliminate impurities in my body?" The fat man is not an idiot, and he quickly guessed it from Li Wei's words the meaning of.

"That's right, if you want to eat or not, you can pay for it." Li Wei said to the fat man, and then continued to practice his carving.

Soon a radish was carved into several lotus flowers by Li Wei. The leaves of these lotus flowers were so thin that they were almost invisible, and Li Wei finished practicing a single radish.

"Yeah, if the hawthorn fried rice you mentioned can't achieve this effect, then I'll smash your shop." The fat man finally gritted his teeth.

In fact, the fat man came in just out of curiosity, but he did not expect that Li Wei would actually tell him that hawthorn fried rice could help him get rid of impurities in his body. ?

Li Wei stretched out his hand, collected 100 top-grade fire-type spirit stones under the fat man's black face, and started working.

(End of this chapter)

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