Chapter 141 Encountering a Boy Group Star
Xia Qianchu was wearing a short skirt, and someone handed her a club. If it was before, she would be very happy.

Being sick today, she really can't cheer up, at this moment, she just wants to find a place to rest.

But in that case, Su Yeting would find out that she was already sick, so she had to swing the cue casually a few times.

"Miss, do you want me to teach you?" Suddenly a man's voice came from next to my ear.

Xia Qianchu turned her head to look, and there was a tall and straight figure standing beside her, with starry eyes and sword eyebrows, which looked familiar.

The man should be about 25 years old, and he winked at Xia Qianchu handsomely.

Xia Qianchu stared at him and thought for a long time, isn't this guy a star, a popular boy group right now.

"You, you are..." Xia Qianchu bit her lip, why didn't she remember his name all of a sudden?

The man has long been used to being pursued by young girls, he just turned his head and saw Xia Qianchu.

Those two sky-defying long legs have a hot body, and more importantly, they have a face that fascinates all living beings.

Hibiscus comes out of clear water, so it's not too much to carve and decorate naturally. He thinks that using his star power, which little girl in the world can't handle it?

"Hush, keep a low profile." The man put his index finger on his lips, looking handsome.

"Oh, I remembered, you are Song Xiaofeng, the captain of the HD group." Xia Qianchu's mood was also very calm, and he was just stating one thing.

As soon as she said this, the man's face changed, "I'm Zhang Jitong." Now they are the most popular combination, and there are still people who don't know him.

The boy groups and girl groups that are debuting now are all processed by the day after tomorrow, and many of them have very similar faces.

It's not that Xia Qianchu's memory is poor, but that they really make it difficult to tell who is who.

"Sorry, I didn't see clearly just now, hello." Xia Qianchu thought that being with him was also considered as a colleague, and she was about to enter the show business circle.

"It's okay, are you alone? I just saw that you don't know how to fight. Would you like me to teach you how to fight?" Zhang Jitong asked.

On the surface, he said that he wanted to teach Xia Qianchu, but in fact he wanted to pick up girls.

Xia Qianchu shook her head subconsciously, "No need, I didn't plan to learn it, I just played around."

A man takes the initiative to approach a woman and uses his toes to figure out what it means. She has been approached in various ways.

Seeing that she was not crazy about him like other fans of her, the man handsomely brushed the hair on his forehead.

How could he let go of such a punctual beauty?To prove his charisma hasn't diminished, he's firing on all cylinders.

When he brushed his hair, he deliberately revealed the watch he was wearing, a ROLEX mechanical watch, the price should be more than 15.

For ordinary people, his watch is considered expensive, but Xia Qianchu remembered that the one Su Yeting was wearing today seemed to be worth more than 400 million.

She didn't know what kind of poison she was poisoned, and now she would compare others with Su Yeting every now and then.

"Miss, it's cloudy today. The temperature in this international stadium is already very low. You must be very cold."

As he spoke, he took off his jersey and wanted to put it on Xia Qianchu's body.

"I'm here to play. I'd like to exercise more. Thank you for your kindness." Xia Qianchu quickly refused.

"Mr. Su, look at the seaside development zone on Yalong Bay this time is a huge business opportunity. I think we can join hands to go..."

Mr. Li was talking all over the place, Su Yeting was still worried about Xia Qianchu, and when he turned his head, he saw a picture.

(End of this chapter)

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