Chapter 142 Make Me a Fan

"Mr. Su, are you listening?" Mr. Li saw his gloomy face, obviously absent-minded.

This doesn't look like Su Yeting at all. Everyone knows that he is a hard worker, especially when it comes to work.

"President Li, excuse me." Su Yeting finally recovered.

"Okay, please do as you please, Mr. Su." Mr. Li followed his gaze, and at some point there was a man beside Xia Qianchu.

No wonder Su Yeting has been restless. Which man can swallow his anger when he sees such a scene?

Besides, Su Yeting's method in the shopping mall is that as long as he likes something, no one can grab it.

It's even more the same in the love scene, don't even think about it, this brat met Hades today, Mr. Li silently lit a candle for him in his heart.

But on the other hand, I think it's very funny, what would Mr. Su look like if he blows his hair, anyway, I don't have the guts to provoke it.

Xia Qianchu was so anxious that her head grew two big. She was already very uncomfortable, and it was like a fly surrounded her ears.

No matter how hard you try to chase away this fly, you can't drive it away, but he is still your own colleague, maybe you will meet him in the future.

She couldn't speak too strongly, but if she spoke too lightly, the other party seemed to regard her as a refusal.

Just when Xia Qianchu was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do, a man walked over with a gloomy face.

He tore off the clothes he insisted on wearing for Xia Qianchu, turned around, and immediately became fierce.

"Who are you? How dare you lose my clothes?" Zhang Jitong stared at Su Yeting.

"You don't need to know who I am." Su Yeting glanced at Eric who was following up, "Throw him out!"

The other party was obviously angry, and the recent fire made him a little bit flustered, and finally he didn't announce to come out to relax recently, but he encountered such a thing.

"Do you know who I am? This is my godfather's place! If you mess with me, I'll make you go all the way." Zhang Jitong's threat was like that of a junior high school student.

"Who is he?" Su Yeting looked him up and down, not because he was afraid, but because he wanted to know his identity.

Eric thought for a while, "It seems to be a popular boy group recently."

"Is he a star?"

"I am a star, I have a lot of fans, do you believe that I will post your photo and let my fans flesh you?
If you apologize to me now, I might consider forgiving you. "Zhang Jitong thought that the other party would be a little apprehensive if he knew his identity.

Su Yeting seemed to hear the funniest joke in the world, "You want me to apologize?"

"That's right, you still have to kneel down and lick my clothes clean." Zhang Jitong was blunt, with no quality at all, just like a local rascal.

Of course Xia Qianchu knew that Su Yeting would not be afraid of him as a little star, so she didn't say much.

Su Yeting's eyes suddenly turned cold, and a powerful aura exuded from his body, Zhang Jitong met the man's eyes, his whole body felt cold.

The man's eyes pierced his heart like a cold sword. This man has such a powerful aura.

"You, you wait, I'll call my godfather right away! Which of you would dare to take half a step in this stadium in the future?" As he spoke, he quickly made a call.

Xia Qianchu disliked such people the most. Whenever something happened, she would look for this or that, which was of no use to herself.

Su Yeting did not move at all, looked at Eric and said coldly: "Since you are a star, you know what to do, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"Exactly, I also want to meet Mr. Huang, you ask him to come and see me." Su Yeting's voice was so cold that there was no warmth at all.

(End of this chapter)

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