Chapter 301 Inheritance
Having got the answer he wanted to know, Jiang Xu didn't ask any more questions about it.

"You go."

Jiang Xu didn't mean to kill Miss Feng either. Now that he had finished asking what he wanted to ask, Jiang Xu naturally wouldn't restrict the other party's freedom.

Miss Feng didn't expect Jiang Xu to let her go so easily, but she asked curiously, "Don't you want to kill me?"

"If you want me to kill you, I think I will be happy to do it." Jiang Xu smiled lightly, his tone full of unquestionable taste.

"Thank you."

Naturally, Miss Feng would not want to seek death. For Jiang Xu's mercy, she could only express her gratitude with a thank you.

After all, she lost, and it was only natural for Jiang Xu to kill her.

"I hope that when we meet next time, I won't have to shoot you again."

"No, there will be no next time."

Feng girl replied very affirmatively, Jiang Xu's terrifying strength had already made her feel deeply shocked, especially the feeling of powerlessness when facing Jiang Xu made her lose any connection with Jiang Xu. Asahi hostile confidence.

She believed that even if it was the strongest member of the Feng family, even if her grandma made a move, it might not be Jiang Xu's opponent.

Jiang Xu just nodded slightly and didn't say anything else.

Miss Feng didn't say anything more. After opening the car door, that moving figure disappeared into the darkness of the night.

Jiang Xu didn't drive away immediately, looking at the direction where Miss Feng disappeared, his eyes were obviously lost in thought.


Jiang Xu was thinking about these two words in his heart.

In China's thousands of years of civilization, although most of the inheritances have disappeared in the long river of history, not necessarily all the inheritances have disappeared, more or less there are some inheritances.

The inheritance of the poisonous bones, as well as the inheritance of the soul and mind, and so on.

Jiang Xu believes that the real inheritance is definitely far more than these, and there must be others.

And Jiang Xu can also be sure that there must be some more powerful families hidden in Huaxia, but few people know about it.

For example, the Long family, this is a super family that has been passed down for many years, even on the world stage. It can be said that compared with the Long family, it is known as the largest family in China. Home, absolutely nothing.

That kind of gap may be the difference between Haoyue and Yuying Fireworm. The gap is absolutely beyond what outsiders can imagine.

But now it seems that the Feng family behind Miss Feng must also be a family hidden in the depths, and it may even be more mysterious than the Long family.

Just relying on the soul ability displayed by Miss Feng is enough to prove that this family is extraordinary and powerful, especially the strength of this family can almost be described as horror.

"It seems that this world is far more exciting than imagined, which is not bad, at least not too boring."

A smile gradually appeared on Jiang Xu's face. He hoped that there would be more families like the Long family and the Feng family. Only in this way would he be able to feel some excitement. Otherwise, after the strength became stronger, It will become more and more lonely.
There was still some time before dawn, and Jiang Xu didn't go back to Hu'an, but drove directly to the Blue Water District.

However, Jiang Xu did not go directly to the seaside villa. After entering the blue water area, his vehicle turned directly to one of the small villas near the edge of the villa area.

This villa is exactly the residence that Xiao Ziqing prepared for Lan Yan'er.

Lan Yaner and her mother have already lived here. For Lan Yaner's safety, Jiang Xu directly asked Tie Mo to arrange four female Momen core members to protect Lan Yaner. The power brought in once, and the rest, even if you meet a strong person like Tong Lao, you still have the absolute power to resist.

Jiang Xu did not drive the car beyond Lan Yan'er's villa, but parked on the side of the road far away.

After getting out of the car, Jiang Xu's figure disappeared into the dark sky.

With Jiang Xu's speed, it is naturally like entering the land of no one.

Just a moment later, Jiang Xu had turned into a room from the rooftop.

On the big bed in the room, Lan Yan'er, who was only wearing a silk nightgown, was sleeping very sweetly curled up, as if dreaming of something happy, and on that absolute face, there was a clear and moving look. smile.

At this moment, Lan Yan'er looks like a goddess, pure and holy.

Even though Jiang Xu has already seen it many times, after watching it now, he still can't help but feel a little lost.

Glancing at the sky outside, Jiang Xu casually took off his clothes and walked towards the bed.

Gently opened the quilt, Jiang Xu got into Lan Yan'er's bed directly, and hugged Lan Yan'er's charming body from behind.


Being hugged by someone, Lan Yan'er woke up from her sleep almost instantly, her face changed suddenly, but before she could utter her voice, her small mouth was already sealed by Jiang Xu's slap It's right.

Unable to make a sound, Lan Yan'er's body violently resisted.

But she only moved a few times, and then quickly quieted down. Jiang Xu originally wanted to make a sound, but after feeling Lan Yan'er's movements, he knew it was unnecessary.

"Jiang Xu, you big villain."

Only then did she let go of her palm, and Lan Yan'er's shy and angry voice rang out.

She was really scared just now, thinking that some pervert ran into her room, if she hadn't felt the familiar aura from Jiang Xu, she might have resisted desperately.

"Am I bad?"

Hearing Lan Yan'er's embarrassing tone, Jiang Xu had a wicked smile on his face.
By the time Lan Yan'er opened her eyes again, it was already bright outside.

Last night, she was 'tortured' by Jiang Xu for a long time, waiting for the sky outside to get a little bit dark, and then she fell asleep again.

As if realizing something, Lan Yan'er's beautiful eyes suddenly looked at the electronic clock beside the bed.

When she saw the time displayed on the clock, her beautiful face was filled with panic, and she said anxiously: "Oops, Jiang Xu, you big villain, you have caused me misfortune. Today is the signing ceremony." The day of the press conference, in ten minutes, the press conference will start, what should I do, I'm going to be late."

Lan Yan'er never thought that Jiang Xu would suddenly break into her room in the middle of the night, so she forgot to set the alarm clock.

At the thought of being late for the first press conference, Lan Yan'er had the urge to collapse.

Jiang Xu still hugged Lan Yan'er tightly, and smiled in Lan Yan'er's ear: "There are still more than ten minutes, don't be nervous, even if we do it now, the time is enough of."

"don't want..."

Lan Yan'er was startled by Jiang Xu, exclaimed, and struggled to escape from Jiang Xu's embrace, and her beautiful face was already filled with an incomparably crimson color .

Looking at Lan Yan'er's appearance, Jiang Xu couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, you idiot who scared you, you can take a shower, as long as you finish washing within 10 minutes, I promise to let you arrive at the venue before the press conference starts. "

Lan Yan'er couldn't help but give Jiang Xu a blank look, the avatar went in, and it was just a joke.

She even had some doubts, if she hadn't broken free just now, would Jiang Xu have given her to Fa-rectification on the spot again.

"I went to take a shower."

However, Lan Yan'er didn't have time to think about anything at this time, she had to hurry up, otherwise, she would be late for the first press conference that started again.

As for what Jiang Xu said, she didn't doubt it at all.

She has seen Jiang Xu's skill before, as long as Jiang Xu is willing, she will definitely be able to send her to the Rising Sun Group within a few minutes.

After finishing speaking, Lan Yan'er quickly rushed into the bathroom.

Jiang Xu also got up from the bed, looking at the bright sunshine outside, Jiang Xu knew that his new life was about to begin.
The fourth update will be delivered, let me explain to everyone first, I don’t know if Xiao Leng can update it tomorrow, my uncle has passed away, and I don’t know if Xiao Leng will have time tomorrow, I hope everyone understands.

(End of this chapter)

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