Chapter 302
Today's Rising Sun Group is even more lively than when it just started a few months ago.

Outside the company, there were at least hundreds of reporting vehicles parked from all over the country, and these did not include those reporters who flew to Ningcheng and those who flew over from various Asian countries.

All of this is enough to witness how terrifying Lan Yaner's popularity is.

And the scale of the press conference this time is unprecedentedly large. According to statistics, there will be more than eight news media coming this time, and the number of reporters present at least exceeds [-].

However, not only so many people actually came.

After the news was announced, a large number of fans of Lan Yan'er outside the Rising Sun Group began to gather, and the number increased. When Jiang Xu took Lan Yaner to the Rising Sun Group, there were already more than [-] fans gathered outside. number.

Although the number of people was terrifying, the scene did not appear chaotic.

Lan Yaner's official website has an official fan group organized by fans themselves, but the number of fans registered on the official website is more than 7000 million. Almost as long as there is Lan Yaner, there will be members of the fan group on the scene to maintain order.

It can be said that Lan Yaner has the most fans in Asia, and at the same time, her fan management is also the most orderly in Asia.

Inside Rising Sun Group, in the office of the chairman of the foundation, Liu Zhining and Xiao Ziqing were sitting on the sofa, looking at Lan Yaner who came in with Jiang Xu with a smile on her face, Liu Zhining even smiled and said: "Yaner, no wonder you I arrived so late today, it turns out that Jiang Xu ran to your place..."

Lan Yan'er's pretty face was blushing almost instantly, how could she not understand what Liu Zhining meant, not to mention, the fact was like this, if Jiang Xu hadn't appeared in her room in the middle of the night and 'tortured' her for a long time , How could she almost miss the time for the press conference today.

Xiao Ziqing did not laugh at Lan Yan'er, but suddenly said: "Zhi Ning, do you want Jiang Xu to teach you a lesson?"


After being told by Xiao Ziqing, Liu Zhining immediately came to her senses.

"Jiang Xu, will you?" Liu Zhining looked at Jiang Xu timidly, with a look of fear on her beautiful face.

"What do you think..." Jiang Xu's face was already darkened.

Seeing Jiang Xu's gloomy appearance, Xiao Ziqing and Liu Zhining burst into laughter, even Lan Yan'er covered her mouth and laughed.

Without making fun of anything, Liu Zhining glanced at the time and said directly: "Okay, the press conference is about to start, Yan'er, your clothes are ready, you go and change first."


Lan Yan'er responded, and then walked directly to the lounge in the office.
The press conference was very successful. The signing of Lan Yan'er made the Rising Sun Charity Foundation instantly become one of the hottest foundations in China, and its popularity increased almost hundreds of times in an instant.

More than that, Lan Yaner's official website has been officially revised, and combined with the Rising Sun Charity Foundation, it can be said that it is the most thorough publicity.

And the most sensational thing is Lan Yaner's statement.

From the moment she signed the foundation, all of Lan Yaner's income will be donated to the charity foundation, and every sum of money will be announced on the official website in a separate manner, allowing anyone to supervise.

This statement directly raised Lan Yan'er's popularity to a higher peak.

It is entirely conceivable that after the press conference, the mainstream newspapers and news of the whole country and even the whole of Asia will be captured by Lan Yaner's statement, and this is tantamount to a powerful attack on the Rising Sun Charity Foundation. publicity.

After everything is transparent, I believe there will be many people who are willing to donate to the Rising Sun Charity Foundation, especially Lan Yaner's influence and her fans will become the foundation's pillar strength.

After the press conference, Jiang Xu was not in a hurry to return to Hu'an.

Because I will go to the provincial capital in three days, Jiang Xu wants to spend more time with Liu Zhining and the others before going to the provincial capital. Of course, this separation is only temporary, because the headquarters of the Rising Sun Group will be relocated to the provincial capital. .

Similarly, the headquarters of the Rising Sun Charity Foundation will also be moved to the provincial capital.

However, the new headquarters is under construction. Because the scale is too large, even if the construction speed is accelerated with large funds and great efforts, it will still take at least half a year to complete.

Half a year is not a long time, and the time from the provincial capital to Ningcheng is also extremely short. If you drive, it only takes more than an hour. Moreover, a small divorce is better than a newlywed, and the occasional separation is undoubtedly an effective additive to the relationship.
Three days later, Jiang Xu officially embarked on a trip to the provincial capital.

To Jiang Xu's regret, until the day he went to the provincial capital, Xu Xinyan had no time to come back. However, Jiang Xu had already made an appointment with Xu Xinyan to meet in the provincial capital. Also, after Xu Xinyan's mission this time was over, , she will be officially transferred to the provincial capital to take up a post, and there will be more time to meet.

Zou Rong was naturally the one who went to the provincial capital with Jiang Xu.

"Jiang Xu, my dad said that after the business of the coffee shop in Hu'an stabilizes, he wants to open a branch in the provincial capital, or directly establish the headquarters of the Xunlan Cafe in the provincial capital. What do you think?"

Inside the car, Zou Rong asked Jiang Xu expectantly.

The business of Xunlan Cafe is really good. Anyone with a little business sense will naturally know how to develop it. However, Zou Rong is more concerned about Jiang Xu's opinion.

"Hu'an is just a small place. No matter how good the business is, there is a limit. It is a good choice to open a coffee shop in the provincial capital and directly set up the headquarters of the coffee shop in the provincial capital."

Jiang Xu nodded slightly. Zou Dazhu's proposal is quite discerning. With the potential of Xunlan Cafe, it would be a pity not to leave Hu'an.

As for how far the Xunlan Cafe can develop, it depends on Zou Dazhu's ambition.

Based on Jiang Xu's understanding of Zou Dazhu, it is basically impossible for the word ambition to appear on him. Perhaps, Zou Dazhu wants to set up a branch in the provincial capital for the convenience of taking care of Zou Rong.

If the Xunlan Cafe is handed over to Xiao Ziqing to operate, Jiang Xu believes that within a year at most, the Xunlan Cafe will become the largest coffee shop chain brand in China.

And at most three years, the smoked orchid cafe can open up the global market.

At that time, the assets of the Xunlan Cafe will at least exceed tens of billions, and it will be absolutely high and not low.

With Jiang Xu's approval, a lovely smile appeared on Zou Rong's innocent pretty face, and he said, "Okay, I'll call my dad to discuss it when I get to the provincial capital and ask him to prepare first." funds."

It’s just that the Xunlan coffee shop in Hu’an has invested tens of millions, and the coffee shop in the provincial capital will definitely be larger by then. If it’s the headquarters, the investment will be several times larger than that of the coffee shop in Hu’an .

Therefore, without sufficient funds, it will definitely not work.

Jiang Xu said with a smile: "The funding aspect is very simple. With the current situation of Xunlan Cafe, I think many banks are willing to lend to uncle. As long as the loan is about [-] million, it can basically be carried out."

Jiang Xu didn't intend to spend the money this time, because there was no need for it at all. With the current situation of the Xunlan Cafe, it can completely grow independently.


Zou Rong actually had this idea in her heart, but she was not in a hurry, if the main thing was settled, it would be fine to proceed slowly.

Jiang Xu didn't continue talking on this topic, but suddenly said: "Rongrong, have you thought about what I said last time?"

"What's the matter?" Zou Rong was stunned for a moment, unable to react for a while.

"I've already prepared the house in the provincial capital, and it's near Minzhong University, facing the big lake, spring is warm and flowers are blooming..."

Before Jiang Xu finished speaking, Zou Rong's pretty face was already red, because she already understood what Jiang Xu was talking about.

With a shy face, Zou Rong asked softly: "Jiang Xu, can I live in the school?"


Jiang Xu's answer was simple and straightforward.

"Then you still ask me." Zou Rong lowered her voice, and her answer was tantamount to directly agreeing to Jiang Xu in disguise.

"Of course I have to ask you, because you are the future hostess of that house." Jiang Xu said with a chuckle, he was really looking forward to the days of living together with Zou Rong, after raising them for so long, it's almost time to taste them.

Zou Rong blushed a little, but stopped talking.

And between her smart and beautiful eyes, there was a look of fear, a little shyness, but also a bit of anticipation.

In fact, apart from the last relationship between her and Jiang Xu, there is nothing else that has been done between her and Jiang Xu. If the two live together, it will be a matter of time.
When we arrived in the provincial capital, it was only around ten o'clock in the morning.

Tomorrow is the registration day, so instead of going to school, Jiang Xu drove directly to the house he mentioned with Zou Rong.

This is a relatively high-end villa area, but Jiang Xu's house is just a small two-story villa. Of course, for Jiang Xu and Zou Rong, this is completely enough.

Moreover, the environment around this villa is very beautiful, just as Jiang Xu said, facing the big lake, the greenery next to it looks like birds and flowers.

This villa was bought by Tang Fengyao for Jiang Xu. Although the villa is small, it has the best environment in the villa area, and the total cost is close to [-] million.

Basically, most of the residents who can live in this villa area are either rich or expensive. Even if ordinary people work hard for a lifetime, they may not even be able to buy a bathroom here.

Before Jiang Xu went to the provincial capital, Tang Fengyao had already arranged all the furniture in the villa. After Jiang Xu arrived, he only needed to move in directly.

"Jiang Xu, is this where we will live in the future?"

After entering the villa area, Zou Rong was quickly attracted by the environment where she will live in the next few years, especially when she saw the small villa by the lake, her beautiful eyes revealed an incomparable Loved the look.

Women are born with a special affection for their family, and Zou Rong is no exception.

"Like it?"

Jiang Xu asked with a smile, and he also glanced around. Although Tang Fengyao had already sent him the photo, after coming here in person, the feeling was still a little different.

Although this place is far from Jiang Xu's home in Yanjing, Jiang Xu is already very satisfied.


Zou Rong nodded seriously, perhaps she had made a decision, she was no longer so shy at this moment, but became much more generous.

Jiang Xu's vehicle was parked directly at the entrance of the villa.

This time when he came to the provincial capital, Jiang Xu did not drive Chang Yuqi's Porsche. As for the Lamborghini that A Gu gave him, Jiang Xu left it in Ningcheng for Xiao Ziqing to use. Just a white Audi A5.

It's not that Jiang Xu wants to keep a low profile. This car is just for him to travel to school.

After all, it is going to school, so it should be simple. Jiang Xu doesn't want to go to school in a fancy sports car like those rich second generations, and the next few months will be a relatively important and critical period for his father's promotion. This kind of unnecessary thing can be avoided.

The gate of the villa adopts this authentication system. Tang Fengyao has already exported Jiang Xu's fingerprints to it, so Jiang Xu doesn't need any keys at all. He only needs to confirm with his fingerprints to enter the villa.

By the way, Jiang Xu also helped Zou Rong enter the fingerprints into the system.

The layout of the villa is very delicate. Although it lacks a bit of luxury, it makes people feel very warm.

The first floor is the hall and restaurant, there is a study and a guest room, and there is an underground wine cellar downstairs.

The second floor is a small hall and two bedrooms, one master and one guest. The master bedroom is very large, accounting for half of the entire second floor. As Jiang Xu said, the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the room face the outside. Dahu, it has the feeling of a seaside villa.

The balcony outside has been transformed into a sky swimming pool, which is very beautiful.

It can be imagined that when the sun sets, it will be a fascinating enjoyment to swim here while enjoying the scenery dyed by the setting sun and the lake sun outside.
The first update is sent, continue to update the codeword.

(End of this chapter)

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