Chapter 118
PS: I strongly recommend this good book, "The Projection of the Heavens", a high-quality starting point, quality assurance, friends who like unlimited streaming can go and read it, it is a good book not to be missed.


The cultivation base of Houtian Erzhong was running at full strength, the true energy in the dantian surged like a torrent of river water, the bones of the whole body exploded like thunder, and the blood flowed through the whole body after boiling, accompanied by a humming like a bronze bell, The mighty ancient sound lingered from within the body.

All of a sudden, the inch-high grass was bent, and a wave of air swept out. The ancient locust locust tree was affected by it, and the ancient branches trembled.


Cao Yanbing let out a low cry, standing in front of the fainted Xia Ling and Cao Xuanliang, barely resisting the strong wind, looking at Jiang Bai with horrified eyes, and said in surprise, "Unexpected... Jiang Lao who shot with all his strength is so terrifying .”

Jiang Bai put his hands together in front of his chest, and stood on the horse. A gust of strong wind kept lingering out, making the silver hair dance like crazy, and the robe was agitated, and the gown was swaying.His eyes were tightly closed, his brows were furrowed together, wisps of pure milky white cloud-forming zhenqi mixed with black zhenqi as thick as ink.

The two strands of zhenqi seem to be indistinguishable from each other, and they seem to be fighting against each other, slowly circling upwards, and the fight is fierce!
"Congsheng, join me to unlock this heart-locking chain!"

Above the sea of ​​hearts, Jiang Bai's vicissitudes of words reverberated across the sky, and chains seemed to come from the sky, coming out of hell, locked on one side of the sky with a metallic luster, and extended towards the mighty eagle go.

Spreading his wings, his heart fluctuated, and the terrifying true energy constantly resisted the shackles of the chains. The black true energy collided with the chains, making the sound of gold and iron.

But even though the zhenqi was raging and the wings were like sharp edges, he couldn't shake the movement of the chains. A cold light streaked across the sky, and a chain extending from nowhere hit Han Cangsheng hard, binding one of his sharp claws .

Han Cangsheng kept flapping his wings, setting off a strong wind, and the cold air was overwhelming, and he couldn't break free!

"A mere soulless thing, on the old man's territory, dare to be so arrogant, it is a dragon or a tiger, here it are a worm!" The majestic and domineering words came out, and the whole heart was shaken, and the sky was full The cloud squirmed, and the true energy of Huayun poured out, directly pounced on each heart lock chain.

The golden light transforms into form, and Jiang Bai silently recites the mantra of the Golden Light Curse in his heart. The true energy of the cloud transforming formula is directly scattered into hundreds of strands, like an arrow that leaves the string, and is shot out. Just when it comes into contact with the heart lock chain, it begins to change. Condensed into a palm.

The iron chains collided, and the cold sound of gold and iron echoed, unexpectedly forcibly pulling back the heart lock chain that was rushing towards Han Cangsheng one after another!
"Cangsheng, go!" Jiang Bai shouted.

Han Cangsheng also knew that time was not waiting for me, so he spread his wings several feet wide, and flew directly towards the sky above the heart sea, as if piercing through the sea, his figure suddenly disappeared.

On the top of the circular mountain, a dazzling black awn rushed out from Jiang Bai's body, still lingering in black smoke, spread his wings, and shot cold eyes, hovering in the air for a week, the sharp eagle eyes stared nervously at Jiang Bai.

At this time, Jiang Bai's forehead was already full of sweat, and the bean-sized beads of sweat rolled down his cheeks, but the sorrow between his brows improved a lot.

"Huh... Isn't it just to lock? I'll give you a target." Jiang Bai breathed a sigh of relief, and in his heart, a black candle suddenly rushed into it. The candle expanded instantly and turned into a candle in the blink of an eye. The figure was an evil spirit wearing ancient armor.

The evil spirit's eyes were blank, apparently still under the control of Jiang Bai Juling's dispatched general, the Huayun true energy that temporarily suppressed the chain of heart locks suddenly loosened, and the chains rushed towards the evil spirit one after another, blinking In the meantime, the limbs were completely bound by the heart-lock chain!

The connection between the evil spirit and Jiang Bai Juling was suddenly cut off, but after regaining consciousness, no matter how much it struggled with its spiritual power, it couldn't shake a trace of the heart lock chain at all!

Jiang Bai slowly opened his eyes and sighed deeply. As soon as his eyes lit up, he saw Cao Yanbing, Cao Xuanliang and Han Cangsheng were all watching him closely.

"It's all right...Little friend, please take care of Xia Ling." Jiang Bai smiled kindly, waved his hand indifferently, and said to Cao Yanbing.

"En." Surprisingly, Cao Yanbing didn't say no, still deeply shocked in the depths of his pupils, he nodded.Together with Cao Xuanliang, they carried the unconscious Xia Ling into the house.


With the sound of the eagle screaming to suppress the clouds, Han Cangsheng turned around in mid-air, and then swooped down towards Jiang Bai, directly submerging into the latter's body.

"Thank you..." Han Cangsheng's haughty character didn't change much, but it was very rare that after a long while of silence, a simple word came slowly...

"It's rare, you will also say thank you." Jiang Bai chuckled lightly, and teased, standing with his hands behind his back, slowly calming down his true energy.With a little concentration, he observed the evil spirit under the heart lock chain for a moment, and unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth, and said, "This heart lock chain is indeed a treasure, let's put it in the body first, and when I set foot in the innate world, it should be It can be used by the old man."

After the words fell, Jiang Bai just flicked his sleeves and walked towards the hut.

On the bed, Xia Ling was lying flat, breathing deeply, obviously there was nothing serious.Looking at the relaxed appearance, it should be a long time since he has slept so comfortably during the intense training these days.

"Hmm... Ling'er should be fine. I've checked it just now. The reason why Ling'er can't summon the guardian spirit seems to be tampered with. As for the reason, I don't know." Jiang Bai nodded. , said loudly, the appearance of the kind old man now is completely different from the terrifying scene when he was fully performing the exercises just now.

"Hands and feet?" Cao Yanbing was stunned for a moment, Xia Ling is the identity of the spirit host, didn't she just be discovered in the past few days?Who can tamper with Xia Ling's guardian spirit?

"Yes, I see that Ling'er's guardian spirit is chained across the body by iron chains. The chain is really capable. It took a lot of effort for the old man to break the seal." Jiang Bai smiled lightly and sat down on the wooden chair On, said slowly.

"Chain?" Cao Yanbing murmured suspiciously, was stunned for a while, looked at each other with Cao Xuanliang, and exclaimed together, "It's a heart lock chain!!"

At the same time, he looked at Jiang Bai in astonishment. He has never heard that the seal of the heart lock chain can be cracked by outsiders. The only way to deal with the heart lock chain is to rely on Jilingren himself, and the difficulty of using external force is several times stronger!
"Heart lock chain? The name is appropriate." Jiang Bai nodded in a deep voice, pretending to be the first to hear it, and calmly picked up the kettle by the table, ready to pour a glass of water for himself.

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(End of this chapter)

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