Chapter 119 Immortal Martial Spirit

Cao Yanbing secretly clenched his fists, lowered his head deeply, as if he was thinking about something, and finally made up his mind.He knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists, and said respectfully to Mr. Jiang: "Dare to ask Mr. Jiang something!"

"Brother?!" Even Cao Xuanliang was slightly astonished, looking at Cao Yanbing in disbelief.

Jiang Bai was stunned for a moment, paused for a while, put down the teacup, and turned to look at Cao Yanbing.He was a little surprised that such a proud person would kneel down and ask, instead of rushing to help Cao Yanbing up, he asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

"The limit of a person can really break through to be comparable to a guardian spirit, or even surpass it!" Cao Yanbing took a deep breath and asked slowly.

"Little friend, don't you already know it very well?" Jiang Bai smiled slightly, straightened the teacup with some tea, stroke by stroke, and wrote the word 'person' on the table with water stains before continuing He said, "The so-called spirit is nothing but the breakthrough of the body after death and cultivation... But the soul is something in the human body, why is it weaker than others?"

"Then invite Mr. Jiang to accept the younger generation as his apprentice!"

Cao Yanbing bowed down to the ground earnestly, and said with a serious face.

"Why?" Jiang Bai asked indifferently, stood up slowly, stood with his hands behind his back, his right palm gently landed on the table, and the shock of his inner energy directly cracked the table with amazing cracks, " Don't you think that the old man's kung fu has reached the point where anyone can learn it? With the strength of my little friend, there should be no need to ask for a teacher."

"No, but this junior still wants to ask Mr. Jiang to accept me as an apprentice, because this junior has a goal that he has to defeat."

Cao Yanbing pressed his forehead to the ground without raising it, and said calmly.Unconsciously, a figure appeared in his mind, with animal eyes and three scars on his cheeks, Huangfu Longdou, the strongest soul suppressor who once shocked the spirit world!
"Are you sure?" Jiang Bai suddenly smiled and became more relaxed, saying.

"Mr. Jiang, please accept the younger generation as an apprentice!" Cao Yanbing's voice was so loud for the third time that even Cao Xuanliang who was on the side was moved, and said firmly.

"Forget it. From now on, you will be the direct disciple of the old man. Get up...but remember, if you sit down like me, you must naturally abide by the rules. My rules are very simple." Jiang Bai slowly raised his hand, flicking his sleeves with an invisible force , and helped Cao Yanbing up.He Jiang Bai has long been different from what it used to be. There is no need to accept apprentices for the sake of accepting apprentices as before. With Cao Yanbing's disposition, his aptitude is indeed worthy of his Jiang Bai's apprentice.

"There is only one thing, the disciples under the seat must not intrigue among each other, and... when you are bullied by outsiders, beat him up!"

"Yes!" Cao Yanbing clasped his fists and replied loudly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for accepting one apprentice. The best apprentice to monitor is the plane of "Soul Soul Street", the son of luck, reward the lucky gift bag for a lucky draw, and gain 1200 experience." The cold mechanical sound of the system echoed in his ears, Jiang Bai There is no joy or worry, and his expression is calm.

"What happened?" Xia Ling suddenly stood up, covered her head, and asked at the beginning.

"Sister Xia Ling, you're awake." Cao Xuanliang was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward joyfully, and supported Xia Ling.

"Ling'er, the teacher has just helped you solve the seal in your body, and you should be able to summon the guardian spirit." Jiang Bai also looked at the reputation, smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, and said to Xia Ling.

"Really? That's great, master." Hearing this, Xia Ling became excited, her brows brimming with joy, and she got up from the bed as if she couldn't wait.

"Well, don't worry, there is one more thing to tell you." Jiang Bai reached out and stopped Xia Ling, who was impatiently planning to go out and try, and said slowly. The latter also looked at Jiang Bai curiously, with a puzzled look.

Jiang Bai smiled suddenly, pointed at Cao Yanbing with his sleeves, and said with a smirk: "Re-acquaint yourself, this is your junior brother now."

"Master, Junior Brother?" Xia Ling was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing, her eyes nearly shed tears, she pointed at Cao Yanbing, and laughed loudly, "Hahaha, miser, miser, come, come, call Sister Sheng, listen up!"

"You!" Cao Yanbing had black hair, and the corners of his mouth twitched, but the piercing laughter still made him explode, "Stupid woman, can you be quiet, you can be my senior sister with your strength?"

"Why are you talking to senior sister, Xiao Yanzi, from now on you will hang out with senior sister, and senior sister will cover you." Xia Ling seemed to be in a much better mood, with a smile on her face.

"Okay, Ling'er, your strength is indeed insufficient, let's see if your guardian spirit can be summoned." Jiang Bai shook his head helplessly, these two living treasures are really enemies, and he spoke softly.

"Stupid woman, let's not argue with you for now." Cao Yanbing said coldly with his hands on his chest, and walked out quickly.

"Hmph, my senior sister also has a lot of adults." Xia Ling snorted triumphantly, enjoying the feeling of crushing a miser, and walked to the open space.He took a deep breath, and his expression became serious, appearing a little nervous.

"Ling'er, relax your mind. When the old man helps you lift the seal, you can feel that your guardian spirit is willing to protect you." Jiang Bai said slowly, his eyes narrowed.

"En." Xia Ling nodded seriously, and started to move her hands. After drawing a circle up and down, they slammed together. This is a set of auxiliary movements for a low-level spirit sender to summon a guardian spirit. After finishing, she yelled Said, "Guardian spirit, summon!"


A spiritual light soaring into the sky rose directly behind Xia Ling, reaching the sky!The pale blue beam of light has a radius of one kilometer and is clearly visible!After a few breaths, the beam of light began to shrink slowly, Xia Ling was stunned for a moment, and looked behind excitedly.

A figure gradually became clear, with long black hair shawl, handsome and handsome face, wearing a leather armor, nearly one foot high, with a huge fairy gourd on his waist, with clear lines on it, extremely mysterious!
"It's Xianli. Xia Ling's guardian spirit is actually a martial spirit."

Cao Yanbing murmured in surprise, his eyes fell on Li Xuanyuan, and he kept looking at him.

Jiang Bai was silent, but he knew in his heart that even guardian spirits have classifications.Human Wuling, Beast Wuling, Immortal Wuling, Mo Wuling, and the most powerful God Wuling!Like Xu Zhu and Dian Wei in Cao Yanbing's body, or everyone who was sealed in the Ten Palaces of Yama, are all human martial spirits.Xing Tian, ​​Huangfu Longdou's guardian spirit, is the Martial Spirit, while Li Xuanyuan, Xia Ling's guardian spirit, is the Martial Spirit.

Except for Shenwuling, the rest of the guardian spirits have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it is impossible to tell whether one is good or bad.

"Did you call me?" Li Xuanyuan slowly opened his eyes, stunned for a moment, staring at Xia Ling blankly and asked.

 Second update.Ask for a recommendation.


(End of this chapter)

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