Chapter 120 Teaching Cao Yanbing

"You, are you my guardian spirit?" Xia Ling asked nervously, clasping her hands in front of her chest, hesitating whether she should go forward or not.

Li Xuanyuan didn't answer right away, but stared at Xia Ling with dazed eyes, stretched out his hand to brush Xia Ling's cheek, and muttered: "Like, it's so's exactly the same."

"It seems that there are people with stories." Jiang Bai sighed and shook his head slowly.

As the sun goes down, the time is fleeting, and the burning clouds against the sky move slowly. The last afterglow spreads, and the Raksha Street is about to fall into darkness. The undead living on the street are rushing to pack their things and prepare to return At home, the shadow of the attic of the house begins to lengthen.

Li Xuanyuan frowned, looked at Xia Ling regretfully, and said, "I'm sorry... I will be separated soon after we met, and I will take good care of you from now on. Remember, in the middle of the night from now on, unless it is absolutely necessary, don't Call me."

Before Xia Ling could react, Li Xuanyuan turned into an aura and disappeared.

"Hey..." Xia Ling quickly reached out to grab it, but caught nothing, looked at Jiang Bai puzzled, and asked, "Master, what happened to my guardian spirit?"

"The old man is not too clear..." Jiang Bai shook his head, his eyes narrowed slightly, and after a little thought for a while, he said, "I can feel that his breath is not pure, especially when it is close to the night , There is a feeling of being enchanted, I think he should be the same body of immortals and demons, combined with what he said just now, try not to summon him at night, he should be able to transform demons at night, but retain the nature of immortals during the day."

"Immortals and demons have the same body... There is such a guardian spirit?" Cao Yanbing was also slightly surprised, his brows were frowned, and he didn't say much.

"There's still such a risk." Xia Ling's excited face collapsed again. Originally, she thought that as long as she summoned the guardian spirit, she would be able to sit back and relax.

Jiang Bai smiled helplessly, glanced at the scorching sun that had fallen to the horizon, and said: "So you still can't fall behind in your cultivation in the future, and you even have to work harder. It is impossible for a teacher to take care of you all your life."

"Yes, master." Xia Ling nodded and bowed respectfully.

"Before you seriously practice, can I trouble you to cook the meal? In order to help you solve the problem of this stupid woman, we haven't eaten for a day." Cao Yanbing's indifferent voice sounded, and he clasped his hands behind his head, "Are you going to Let me starve and guard Zhenhun Street?"

"Hmph... Seeing that my senior sister is in a good mood today, I won't bother with you." Xia Ling snorted, thinking that her master hadn't eaten all day, so she turned around and walked into the house, busy up.

"Sister Xia Ling, I'll help you." Cao Xuanliang suddenly smiled, and then followed into the kitchen.

On the top of the crater mountain, Jiang Bai stood under the locust tree, overlooking the entire Rakshasa Street, watching the gradually setting sun, and the shadow had already spread over the top of the mountain.And Cao Yanbing was leaning on the trunk of the locust tree, holding a piece of grass in his mouth, wondering what he was thinking about.


A gust of cold wind blew through the treetops, the dead branches of the soul tree trembled slightly, and the last brilliant afterglow in the distance was also submerged in darkness!


Jiang Bai moved suddenly. The moment he stepped on the grass, the strength from his body multiplied, and he arrived in front of Cao Yanbing almost instantly. His old palm drove the sleeve robe and swept towards Cao Yanbing. and go.

Cao Yanbing's pupils shrank, and with his keen fighting instincts, he directly crossed his hands in front of his chest to block it. With a muffled sound, he moved sideways, stepping on the grass, stepping on holes of about two centimeters. The footprint pit barely stopped.

"Yan'er, for you, the lesson will start today... Today, as a teacher, I will teach you how to fight."

Jiang Bai said in a deep voice, rolled up his sleeve robe with a wave of his hand, and stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Cao Yanbing.

"Huh...then I will ask the master to enlighten me." Cao Yanbing took a deep breath and became serious. He stepped out with his right leg slightly bent, like bending a bow to shoot an arrow, and suddenly shot out with five fingers clenched into a fist. Raise your fist and hit it hard.

As if by coincidence, and like Cao Yanbing himself put his fist into Jiang Bai's hand, Jiang Bai's slowly raised palm blocked the powerful blow impartially.

"Yan'er, you rely too much on your own speed. Even though your speed is commendable, if you meet someone who is faster than you, you will suffer a lot."

Jiang Bai said indifferently, and shook his right hand suddenly. Only Cao Yanbing knew how powerful Jiang Bai was, no matter how he used the dark energy, he couldn't break free from Jiang Bai's palm.

Jiang Bai flicked it casually, and Cao Yanbing was thrown out, directly hitting the trunk of the locust tree.

"Ah...Master, can't you be gentle?" Cao Yanbing stood up grinning, and said.

"It doesn't hurt, I'm afraid you won't have a long memory, don't worry... I have a sense of proportion for the teacher. At most, I can't get out of bed, and it won't affect the bones and internal organs. At worst, Master Zhenhun Street will help you guard for two days." Jiang Bai smiled lightly, But this smile was imprinted in Cao Yanbing's eyes at this time, but it was extremely frightening.


Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the air, Jiang Bai moved like a phantom. Cao Yanbing felt a strong wind coming from behind the moment he disappeared, and he raised his arms behind him without hesitation to block it, and let out a loud roar , exerted all his strength.

Jiang Bai patted it with the back of his hand, and collided with Cao Yanbing's arm, and a strong wind burst out directly, curling up the hair of the two.

"Hey, master, didn't I block it?" Cao Yanbing grinned in pain, Jiang Bai's hand was as hard as iron casting, but he suddenly smiled and said with some pride.

"Are you sure?" Jiang Bai asked with a light smile, his eyes suddenly became serious, his face lost his smile, and the strength in his hands increased a bit, before Cao Yanbing had time to react, the whole person flew out .

Jiang Bai stepped out one step after another, and slapped Cao Yanbing on the chest again, and the latter slammed heavily on the trunk of the locust tree again.

"Yan'er, remember, this is where you are most stupid. You always fight with all your strength without hesitation... The enemy can figure out your details once and for all. Although you still have a guardian spirit, your own strength It's just as valuable, if your guardian spirit can't help you, with your fighting style, when you meet someone stronger than will never have a chance to come back."

Jiang Bai said seriously, and slowly walked towards Cao Yanbing, raised his hand and put it on the latter's shoulder, inputting his true energy to heal some of the latter's injuries.

 There will be another chapter later, please recommend.


(End of this chapter)

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