Chapter 121
PS: I recommend this book, "Across the Heavens: My Sovereign" has unlimited streams, friends who like it can go and have a look.

"Remember, Yan'er, today's pain will wake up tomorrow."

Jiang Bai nodded solemnly, cut off the transmission of true energy, slowly withdrew his hands, and stood with his hands behind his back, "Master, I have already cleaned up the blood for you, and the remaining skin injuries will heal in two or three days. At that time, I will pass on your own martial arts as a teacher...Remember, if you encounter a strong enemy, it is a good choice to stay three points and take advantage of the victory."

"Yes." Cao Yanbing nodded, clutching his chest, as if deep in thought.

"Master... It's time to eat." At this moment, Xia Ling also pushed the door and came out, shouting at Jiang Bai, and when she turned to look at Cao Yanbing, she looked disgusted, "And you, miser .”

"Haha... you two, it would be nice if you could make less noise." Jiang Bai smiled heartily, stroked his beard, and walked into the room.

More than ten days of time passed by in a hurry, passing between the fingers, the sunset was ups and downs, and the moon and stars were sparse.

For more than ten days, Raksha Street has fallen into a deathly silence, and the number of evil spirit invasions has gradually decreased.But Jiang Bai knew in his heart, Cao Yanbing, Xia Ling and others also knew that the kingdom organization had already finished testing, and I am afraid that it would not be long before they invaded Raksha Street.

"Li Zi, Explosive Flame!"

With a coquettish shout, Xia Ling raised her hand and struck out from the air, a fist-sized fireball shot out directly, bombarding a boulder, leaving a large scorched black mark on the rock.

"That's right, Ling'er's progress in the past ten days has been very obvious."

Under the shade of the locust tree, Jiang Bai sat cross-legged on a flat stone seat, with his back to the sun, and the warmth shone on the silver threads with a faint luster.The locust tree absorbs the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth to make a living, so this place is naturally the place where the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth is the strongest.

Not far from Jiangbai, Cao Yanbing also sat cross-legged, holding the seal, his eyes closed, and a faint golden light could already be seen around him.

"Huh..." Jiang Bai exhaled deeply, like a cloud of mist, and his deep eyes were as bright as the moon and stars.

"Yan'er, you're just learning the Golden Light Curse. You don't have a high level of comprehension, but you are also considered to be unique. This spiritual locust tree is really the most precious treasure in the world. The most intense spiritual power in the world is gathered under the tree. When it rises to the east every day, everything wakes up. This moment is the best time to practice, and you must not slack off in the future."

"Apprentice, obey."

Cao Yanbing slowly opened his eyes, compared to the arrogant attitude half a month ago, he has restrained a lot.

"Well, let's continue to practice... I don't think the war will be too far away." Jiang Bai nodded, slowly got up, and brushed his clothes.After glancing at Cao Yanbing, who was still meditating hard on the Golden Light Curse, and Xia Ling, who was familiar with Qimen Dunjia, he walked into the hut.

"Old man, it's time to get ready."

Jiang Bai murmured, standing by the window, overlooking half of Raksha Street.He naturally doesn't care about a mere Hellkamp, ​​but if the people of the kingdom organization know of his existence, will they only send one Hellkamp?
Isn't his cultivation technique more attractive than Qingfeng Huasha?
Jiang Bai turned his hand, and a diamond-shaped cyan gemstone appeared in the palm of his hand. A faint cyan fluorescence flickered in the palm of his hand, making Jiang Bai's face blue. As the light cyan energy collapsed, more than a dozen The quaint locust tree branches appear.

"Quiet, the heart is clear, the body is cool..."

Jiang Bai silently recited the mantra of the heart-purifying mantra in his heart again, picked up a dead branch, and the rough texture was densely covered, "This Linghuai branch has no characteristics, but I can't imagine that it contains such a great spiritual power, so I let the old man Let's try it out."

When the words fell, Jiang Bai stuffed a dead branch into his mouth, like chewing wax, tasteless, even a little bitter.


A tyrannical fluctuation of spiritual power instantly surged as the locust tree branch entered his abdomen. Jiang Bai opened his eyes, and his pupils were filled with bright light. The vast spiritual power made his clothes dance wildly, and the silver threads trembled!

"Ding, experience value +100!"

"Ding, experience value +100!"


"Ding, do you want to upgrade to the third level of Houtian Realm?"

"Yes." Jiang Bai's cheeks were tense, and he pressed on the window sill. The terrifying infuriating energy shook the window edge, and a crack as wide as a finger was torn open like a dragon. After a sudden shock, the whole Most of the windows were cracked.

The true qi in the dantian has turned rapidly like a vortex, becoming more and more concentrated, turning the true qi into liquid, pure and colorless!

The origin of the Qi body buried under the dantian also began to change slowly, sprouting and growing vigorously.Jiang Bai slowly closed his eyes, as if returning to the baby's body when he was born, the whole body was clean, and the meridians flowed smoothly.

"Ding, experience value +100!"

"Ding, experience value +100!"

The icy system notification sounded continuously, and in Jiangbai's dantian, the true qi liquid became much more empty, but the continuous energy from the Linghuai branch poured into the dantian one after another, and the speed at which the dantian was filled could be measured.

"Ding, do you want to upgrade to the fourth level of the Houtian realm?"

"Yes." Jiang Bai's deep voice echoed, silver threads were like crazy, and his skin became crystal clear at this time, and pure true energy continued to spurt out.

Boom~ boom!
A burst of qi surged out from the dantian, and the entire dantian seemed to be expanding, presenting an extreme state. The zhenqi that was constantly transforming into liquid became thicker and thicker. It belongs to the pure white fluorescence of Huayun Zhenqi.

The vigor turned into ripples and expanded, setting off a strong wind and spreading all the way to the outside of the house.

Cao Yanbing and Xia Ling, who were practicing, were both taken aback for a moment, and looked into the room in amazement. They were about to go into the room to find out, but they were stopped by Cao Xuanliang.

"Brother, sister Xia Ling, I think Mr. Jiang must have improved his cultivation, so let's not disturb him for the time being." Cao Xuanliang said slowly, his eyes fell on the windy room.

The vision in the body lasted for a while, and finally calmed down.

"Huh..." Jiang Bai took a deep breath, and the continuous system prompts finally stopped. A small Linghuai branch is better than ordinary people who have worked hard for more than ten years. This kind of power is very easy to get , It is indeed easy to make people obsessed.

This spiritual locust branch is a treasure of heaven and earth, but everything has two sides. If it is used in reverse, it is like enlightenment. If you have cultivation but cannot understand the Tao, it will always become an obstacle in the future.

Jiang Bai slowly closed his eyes and looked inside, his aura stabilized in the middle stage of the acquired fourth layer. The dantian expanded from the original fist size to be as big as the mouth of a bowl, filled with rich true qi, and even outside the dantian, the true qi was like a spider Like silk extending into the body, feeding back the flesh!

 The foreshadowing is over, and the following plot must be exciting.

  Second update, please recommend, please praise, please collect.


(End of this chapter)

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