Chapter 143 Angrily Rebuke Marquis Wu

The white tiger raised its head to the sky and roared angrily, its whole body trembled, humming broke out, its bones crackled, and the bright golden light bathed in the tiger's bones and came out, looking extremely gorgeous.The limbs were slightly bent and exerted force, and he jumped out. The ground under his feet was shaken and cracked inch by inch, spreading for more than ten meters!

The thick tiger claws, the size of a cattail fan, swung out, and five sharp tiger toes shot out directly, like five sharp knives, cutting through the air, enough to break metal and stone!

The Qimen Bureau under Jiang Bai's feet expanded, and Baihu's every move was under control, and he turned sideways suddenly to avoid Baihu's attack.Lifting the right palm, the solid inch-by-inch white glow is like a vortex of clouds, and it just blasts away in amazement!

The Cloud Pai Palm met another tiger claw that was attacking, and the terrifying force caused both of them to be knocked out.Jiang Bai staggered two steps, calmly stabilized his figure, while Baihu flew upside down, rolled heavily on the ground a few times, and his injuries worsened again!


The white tiger shook its huge head, stood up from the ground, and after another roar, opened its mouth, and a gorgeous golden light shot out!

"Duizi, Hei Liuli!"

Jiang Bai slowly raised his hand, and the rich milky white true energy gushed out of his body, wrapping his whole body like a flame.On the right palm, a layer of pitch-black glaze gradually climbed up. Under the defense of true energy, the palm full of glass toughness directly blocked the attack of golden light!


"If you only have these methods, don't blame the old man for being a killer." Jiang Bai waved his sleeves, directly and completely scattered the golden light, his eyebrows became completely serious, and he said indifferently.

"Human!" White Tiger gritted his teeth and spat out the words, full of anger, his eyes were bloodshot, and his whole body trembled.


Knowing that he was invincible, Baihu still had no intention of admitting defeat, and his moves were fatal, even at the expense of exchanging injuries for injuries.Immediately, the mountains and forests were surrounded by clouds and mist, and there was thunder everywhere. Occasionally, one or two beams of golden light would burst into the sky, and the entire mountain was collapsing!

The white tiger was panting heavily, his body was weak, his limbs were a little limp, dripping blood ran down his forehead, abdomen, ankles, and neck, staining a large area of ​​fur red.The golden light all over his body dimmed, and his combat power dropped again and again!
"Although you are seriously injured at this time, the old man is a bit invincible, but you have already lost." Jiang Bai said lightly, with a light flick of his hand, the sleeve robe rolled up more than a dozen layers of cloud transformation true energy, really like a cloud, Layer upon layer crushed away, more like a gust of wind plowing the ground.

After a burst of commotion, the ancient tree collapsed and the land was blown away.

After holding on for a few seconds, the seriously injured white tiger was sent flying by this terrifying attack, and slammed into a rock hard, smashing it to pieces in an instant!

"Wow..." At this moment, there was a faint roar of a tiger.

Meng Xing, Meng Che's father and son, and Jiang Bai were all taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly heard the reputation, only to see the rugged mountain road among the jungles.A cute little white tiger poked its head out. It was about the size of a cat. After searching around with big eyes, it staggered to the side of the white tiger.


The white tiger roared angrily, and there was a sense of self-blame in the roar, and he struggled to stand up, blocking the front of the little white tiger, and the tiger glared at Jiang Bai.

"Master?" Meng Che's heart trembled, his expression became embarrassed, he looked at Jiang Bai, and said, "Why don't you let it go?"

Jiang Bai remained silent, and slowly turned his head to look at Meng Xing, Lang Lang said: "You are also Marquis Wu now, and I don't call you by your nickname, Marquis Meng Wu, can you tell the old man what happened? "

"Mr. Jiang, don't let Meng Xing down."

Meng Xing cupped his fists in shame, his expression more respectful.In the past, I admired Jiang Bai's military means, but now I admire Jiang Bai's strength even more.Although this white tiger was seriously injured, it was still a Tier [-] ferocious beast. He led a thousand soldiers to encircle and suppress it, but they were all unsuccessful!

"There is a third-level white tiger here. Xing'er only learned about it recently... In recent years, foreign aggression has been frequent, and the western barbarians have invaded Hulao Pass many times. Recently, spies have come to report, and they have assembled a large army. There is a suspicion of a large-scale invasion. ……so……"

"So, you led the army, tried to subdue the white tiger as a mount, and tried to beat the barbarians in the west with a third-tier beast?" Jiang Bai asked in a deep voice, his tone was quite angry, and before Meng Xing could answer, it was He shouted directly, "Stupid!"

"Let's not talk about the barbarian army, will you be afraid of a fierce beast? You are a dignified Marquis, guarding the military pass, how can you leave your post without permission!" Jiang Bai became more and more angry as he spoke, Meng Xing would make such a low-level mistake .

"Xing'er... I know I was wrong." Meng Xing lowered his head in shame and replied in a low voice.

"After you go back, copy the military law I wrote for you one hundred times! Another fifty punishments!" Jiang Bai took a deep breath and said lightly.It seems that he didn't consider at all that he should save some face for today's Marquis Wu!

The corner of Meng Che's mouth twitched, he was too frightened by Jiang Lao to speak.Only now did he realize that the indifference that Mr. Jiang treated him in Wuhou's mansion back then was already special care.His own father seems to have been severely disciplined since he was a child.

"Yes." Meng Xing nodded heavily, but did not refuse.He was warlike by nature, and he couldn't relax in the army. Naturally, he couldn't resist the temptation of a Tier [-] ferocious beast as a mount. When he realized it afterwards, he naturally knew that he was completely wrong.

"Huh... the old and the young look the same, and they don't use their brains when doing things." Jiang Bai looked quite disgusted, and scolded Meng Nanshan together without hesitation, put away his sleeves and slowly stood with his hands behind his back, "Your father, Meng Nanshan, has only ever captured a first-tier ferocious beast and wants to take it as a mount. You are lucky... With a mere post-heaven cultivation, you dare to provoke even a third-tier ferocious beast!"

Meng Xing nodded, and stood obediently under an old tree, like a student who made a mistake in the church and was punished by his husband.

"I should have let you go. After all, for you, this is just an innocent disaster. But you killed those thousand soldiers, and I will always give their families an explanation!" After punishing Meng Xing, Jiang Bai slowed down. Slowly raised his head, supported Yinxiu, and said lightly.

"Human beings, stop pretending to be merciful!" Baihu roared angrily, disdaining to argue with Jiang Bai at all, the bleak golden true energy barely maintained a mouthful of blood, supported the body, and did not fall to the ground.

"If you die, your heir, I will arrange for it." Jiang Bai said lightly, not planning to do anything at all, this white tiger is already dying, and the remaining true energy can't even maintain the injury Can't live!


Baihu slowly closed his eyes, exhausted all the energy and blood in his body, and finally raised his head and let out a roar.The roar of the tiger shook the mountains and forests, just like yesterday, calling on all beasts, majestic and majestic!
 The first update, please recommend, please collect.

  There are three more.


(End of this chapter)

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