Chapter 144 Returning to the Army

A tiger's howl that moved the mountains and rivers echoed in the far fields, and the echo lingered between the valleys.It made many fierce beasts in the jungle tremble with fear!
The white tiger stood proudly, its body didn't fall down, and stood on a piece of barren land.Although it has died out, the tiger's power is still there, and the spirit of the king of beasts is still there.


The unreasonable little white tiger called softly, stretched out its pink tongue, and lightly licked the white tiger's fur.

A gust of cold wind blew past, blowing the tip of Jiang Bai's hair, and the silver thread swayed.The little white tiger squirmed, curled up beside the white tiger whose body was getting cold, shivering, licked the white tiger's wound with its tongue from time to time, and let out a cry of 'owoo'.

"Hey... little guy, let's go with the old man."

Jiang Bai sighed, leaned over and tried to hug the little white tiger.Unexpectedly, this little guy is not big, and his cultivation base is only at the beginning of the first level. He has a serious temper, baring his teeth and claws, showing his young teeth that have not grown yet, with a vicious look.

"Hey..." Jiang Bai sighed again, a trace of pure zhenqi lit up at his fingertips, condensed into clear water, and directly touched the little white tiger's forehead.The effect of the mind-purifying mantra works instantly, dispelling the restless emotions and gradually calming down.

The newly born little white tiger is only a few inches in size, and its cultivation at the beginning of the first level has not even developed its spiritual intelligence, and its current reaction is only because it is frightened by the turbulent environment.

Jiang Bai held up the little white tiger with one palm, maybe because he was afraid of life, the little white tiger finally struggled a bit, left a bloodstain on Jiang Bai's arm with five sharp claws, changed to a comfortable sleeping position, and Wrapped in the blazing Huayun True Qi, warm as spring, he slowly fell asleep.

"This little guy was actually hurt by you in the end." Jiang Bai smiled helplessly, and handed the little white tiger to Meng Che, who carefully hugged it in his arms.

"Mr. Jiang, are you alright?" Meng Xing glanced at Jiang Bai's bloody arm and asked worriedly.The so-called tiger father has no dog son, even if it is just a light stroke, Jiang Bai's arm is bruised.

"It doesn't matter." Jiang Bai shook his head, his whole body was shocked, the blood that slipped from his arm turned light red, wisps of cloud-forming true energy diffused from the wound, like clouds of smoke, and the five The bloodstains began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In the past few months, Jiang Bai's cultivation of the third level of reverse life has also achieved initial results, and he has just entered the first level.It can temporarily gasify part of the body and quickly heal injuries!
Meng Xing's pupils shrank slightly, and the shock in his heart intensified a bit!Even Meng Che, who was at the side, had his eyes shining. It was the first time he had seen such an extraordinary means, and he was very moved.

"Don't be greedy, when you reach Houtian Realm, the teacher will teach you." Jiang Bai smiled angrily, flicked his fingers, and hit Meng Che on the forehead.Let him take good care of the little white tiger.

Jiang Bai himself turned around slowly, looking at the body of the white tiger still standing on the yellow map.

"Master, this white tiger is a Tier [-] ferocious beast, so there should be a lot of precious materials?" Meng Che also cast his gaze and asked curiously.A Bronze Ape King at the peak of Tier [-] has benefited a lot, let alone a White Tiger of Tier [-]!
"Forget it, forget it...Leave it a whole body." Jiang Bai shook his head, the third-order white tiger, tiger bones, tiger skin, flesh and blood can be said to be full of treasures, enough to make the heart of the innate strong.But that dead and proud look, how can one let people do it.

The vicissitudes of life's palm was slowly raised, and Huayun Zhenqi was shaken out, bombarding a piece of rock, a loud noise rose, earth and rocks flew, and a huge cave was shaken out with just one palm!

Jiang Bai turned around slowly, with a casual flick of his sleeves, Huayun Zhenqi spread out, wrapped up Baihu's body, and placed it in the cave.


With another palm, the mountain wall was shaken, boulders weighing a thousand catties rolled down, and after falling to the ground, the cave just happened to be sealed!

"Let me leave a name for you at the end." Jiang Bai murmured, and pointed like a sword, one after another solid white awns shot out from his fingertips, waving his hand like a pen, as if blessed by God, the pen is tough, in the cave Three big characters are engraved on the top!

White Tiger Tomb!
"Xing'er, if you don't suggest it, why don't you tell the old man about the barbarians in the west?" After writing, Jiang Bai slowly put his hand away and breathed a sigh of relief, which can be regarded as cutting off a portion of cause and effect.asked Meng Xing.

"Elder Jiang is willing to help, and Xing'er is very grateful." Meng Xing is also the current Marquis of Wu, knowing Jiang Bai's question, he must be planning to help Hulao Junguan, so he said in a respectful voice, "About half a year ago. A businessman from Qingshan Town handed me an urgent military report. It was the news that the barbarians in the west were collecting food and grass, making weapons, and suspected that they were going to invade the natural danger of Hulao."

"Although I don't know where the businessman got the information from, I still sent a spy to investigate. It is indeed true. The barbarian tribes in the west have tens of thousands of troops, and the Hulao Military Pass has only [-] troops. For the past six months, I have been in Supervise drills, prepare for wars that may break out at any time, and find solutions to crises as much as possible."

Hearing this, Jiang Bai couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Half a year ago, it should have been the period when the Wuhou Mansion was just in chaos.No wonder Meng Xing hadn't rushed back to Qingshan Town in the past few months. It turned out that there was such a big mess, and it must have been the trick of the Zhang family boy.

"You are really in a hurry to go to the doctor."

Jiang Bai blamed, and didn't say anything more. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "Can you play the empire?"

Meng Xing nodded, with a helpless look, and said sadly: "Naturally, it's just that the barbarians in the west have been friends with the Dragon Mark Empire for decades, and they make confessions every year. The Empire doesn't really believe this information. If you rashly send heavy troops to the border between the two countries, I'm afraid it will only arouse suspicion."

"Let's go back to the army first. When I was young, I spent most of my life in Hulao Military Pass... I am old, but I miss it a little bit." Jiang Bai said lightly, and Meng Xing's answer was almost the same as he expected. .

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang for your help!" Meng Xing clasped his fists happily, and quickly made a gesture of invitation, leading the way ahead, "The military camp is only half a day away from here, and I will definitely set up a welcome banquet for Mr. Jiang at that time." .”

"The feast of the wind is exempted. My old man doesn't like too lively scenes. I'm used to being clean. Don't forget your one hundred times of military law and fifty sticks." Jiang Bai waved his hand, and immediately started, faintly Said.


The corner of Meng Xing's mouth twitched, his face was a little embarrassed, let alone in front of his son, but he still agreed in a low voice.

 The second update, please recommend, please collect.


(End of this chapter)

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