Chapter 164

Meng Xing froze in place, his pupils reflected the situation of the battlefield, if it was a beast of third or fourth rank, its birth would definitely be accompanied by visions, and the world would change dramatically.

In the Dragon Mark Empire, there is a catalog of ten thousand beasts, which records all the beasts below the third level.The whereabouts of the ferocious beasts known to some people, as for the ferocious beasts above the third level, most of them are of extraordinary strength, so it is difficult to record and understand them.

"Roar!" The three-headed hellhound roared angrily, roaring to the sky, and the crimson lines on its body kept flickering.On the leader's head, there are three conspicuous scars, which are slowly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. This is the strength of Beast Wuling.Strong self-healing power.

But the golden wolf king was crushed by the hell three-headed dog, and the two beasts fought brutally, obviously suffering a lot!
"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!"

The wolf king was at a disadvantage, and the wolves immediately became agitated, and began to gather and attack the hell three-headed dogs. All the first-order beasts were extremely powerful!
The Golden Wolf King fled miserably, his hair fell all over the ground, his body was dripping with blood, he was in a terrible state of embarrassment.Looking at the hell three-headed dog from a distance, it is still majestic and heroic, with extraordinary momentum. Its thunderous growl warns the wolves approaching. The three huge heads shake, and a hot flame is born in its mouth!
The billowing flames turned into waves and swept out, hitting several ferocious wolves directly and burning them to ashes on the spot.

The Hell's three-headed dog has one against a hundred, but it has the upper hand and remains undefeated.A purple lightning struck from the air and bombarded one of its heads, leaving only a few scars, which healed in the blink of an eye!
At the same time, Jiang Bai had already advanced hundreds of meters, and the evil spirits rushed into the hinterland of the barbarian army, with corpses all over the field.

"Jiang Bai, this is where you stop!" A loud shout spread, and a passage was suddenly opened in the queue of the barbarian army.A middle-aged general wearing a tiger skin, holding a tomahawk, and a rough voice came galloping on a war horse.

On the four hooves of the war horse, there are dark golden crystals, and the fur is shiny. It is obviously an extraordinary horse.During the galloping, there was a sound of landing, like a yellow gust of wind sweeping past, and the trampled ground cracked into fine lines.


The middle-aged general rode a war horse, colliding with evil spirits in the blink of an eye, and was covered in a pale golden veil of true energy.Immediately, the middle-aged general shouted loudly, swung the giant axe, and slashed down in the air, a yellow light burst out from the axe blade.

The ground became as thin as a piece of paper, split by the yellow ax light, and swept all the way.As long as the evil spirits along the way are unable to dodge in time, they will be crushed by the ax light immediately, turning into spiritual light and dissipating in the world.

"Opening axe!"

The middle-aged general didn't dare to be careless, and when he rushed to Jiang Bai's approach, he directly displayed his strongest martial arts.

Holding the ax handle with both hands, the yellow light became solid on the ax blade, and it seemed to be covered with a layer of translucent light golden crystals.The blades of the ax fight for glory, whistling past, the wind and waves rolled up are enough to blow the three armies!
Jiang Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, not dodging or avoiding.The black glazed palm came out with a bang.Just when the ax blade fell.The bombardment landed on the side of the ax blade.The terrifying force made the middle-aged general's hands tremble, and he couldn't hold the giant axe firmly.

The giant ax flew out, swirled in the air, and landed directly on the center of the barbarian army.The moment it landed, a loud noise erupted, splitting the ground into a crack several feet long, and the erupting pale golden ripples even broke the ribs of many barbarian soldiers.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

Shocking cheers erupted from the wall of Hulao Pass.All the soldiers raised their halberds high, rising and falling continuously, and the sound shook the sky.

Thousands of troops come and go freely in the crowd, and the sword and halberd will not hurt the slightest.Such a shocking and morale-boosting scene made every Hulao soldier excited as if he had pumped his blood.On the contrary, the barbarian army, because they were focused on the rear, did not attack violently anymore!

Jiang Bai slapped the palm, but did not take it back. He followed the trend and directly hit the horse with an elbow.The pale golden crystals covering the body surface instantly shattered, and the horse neighed in pain, its legs became unsteady, and it fell to the ground.Of course, he also took this embarrassing middle-aged general with him.

"Young man, you're full of energy...just be honest." Jiang Bai said lightly, with a wave of his sleeves, he raised his big hand and pressed it in front of him, decisively.The spreading Huayun Zhenqi suddenly turned into a giant palm and smashed towards the place where the middle-aged general fell from the horse!

The smoke and dust were all shocked, Jiang Bai slowly stopped, the middle-aged general was at least broken, his limbs, spleen and lungs, like a disabled person!
After doing this, Jiang Bai continued to move forward.All the evil spirits and three-headed hell dogs around him were left behind, and only one person was left to move forward alone.But the barbarian army no longer dared to attack. Jiang Bai took a step forward, and they took a step back, constantly shortening the distance to the Nine Lions frame.

"Little man, just send some shrimp soldiers and crabs to come, are you looking down on the old man?" Jiang Bai asked indifferently, at this time, he was less than a hundred meters away from the position of the Nine Lions frame.With his cultivation base, he can reach it in the blink of an eye!
"That's because the younger generation didn't treat them well." Man Long sneered, completely angry, cursed a waste in his heart, and stood up from the frame.Jiang Bai is not dead, where is his military power?
"Let the juniors come and play with the seniors." Saying that, the barbarian dragon has raised the sharp sword in his hand, and with the surge of true energy, the lines are lit up, making this weapon look radiant and moving .The true energy in his whole body also rolled up, and there seemed to be a dragon roaring to the sky in his ears, and the faint golden fluorescent light flickered, as if it was indistinguishable from the wild dragon itself.

The seven-foot cold front was dazzling under the light, and the wild dragon sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said proudly: "Slaying the Flood Dragon Sword, it's just a mortal sword forged from fine iron. But my ancestors used it to kill a Flood Dragon , the body of the sword is stained with the blood of the flood dragon, it is extremely spiritual, and it has a trace of the sentiment of the ten thousand-year-old dragon."

"Mr. Jiang, are you going to fight me empty-handed? This general doesn't bother to bully you. If you need it, go get a weapon." Man Long said in a deep voice, swinging a sword flower in his hand, waving it like the shadow of a dragon Hovering, slammed into the ground, quietly waiting for Jiang Bai's answer.

"Forget it, forget it, I'm getting old... I can't be bothered to run again, my body can't bear it." Jiang Bai smiled wryly and shook his head, then suddenly raised his hand to grab the void behind him, and the gushing cloud of true energy extended He came out and picked up an ordinary iron sword in the palm of his hand.

Not only was there no splendor on the iron sword, there were even a few gaps.It was obviously damaged by the angrily fighting just now.

"Dragon Mark Empire, built in Longmen town, made of fine iron, five taels of silver."

 The second update, please recommend, please subscribe, please collect.

  Desperately eating melon...


(End of this chapter)

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