Chapter 165

ps: Even if I am dead and nailed in a coffin, I still have to shout out with that decayed voice, "I Have a Restaurant in the End Times" is so beautiful!This is a book written by my good friend, with novel themes and completely different from other post-apocalyptic texts.

Introduction: In the depths of the last days, there is such a rumor that there is a restaurant there that sells delicacies that allow people to gain supernatural powers and become stronger.In order to survive in the apocalypse and to have a glimmer of hope, the remaining survivors set off.Another report building, welcome to report.

Manlong raised his eyebrows, his face became unfriendly, and Jiang Bai's behavior was obviously contemptuous of him.

He forcibly held back the anger in his heart.Man Long couldn't help but sneered, his eyes gradually turned cold, he tightly held the Flood Severing Sword in his hand, and said loudly: "Mr. Jiang, a sharp sword has no eyes, you have to be careful."

"Hehe, old man, just pay attention. It's rare for my nephew to ask for advice, so I should accompany you." Jiang Bai chuckled lightly, looking relaxed.Alone in the midst of thousands of troops, I don't know how many people stared at him secretly, wishing to shoot him dead.

"Okay." Man Long agreed, and stepped on the frame with his right leg, shattering pieces of sawdust, and his whole body suddenly glowed with gold.Not only did the sawdust not fly upside down, but was carried away by the zhenqi hovering around his body, protecting his body with the qi.

"hold head high!"

The Flood Slashing Sword was suddenly lifted up, and a dragon's chant resounded as the sword fell.The blood-red lines on the sword body seemed to be activated, and they condensed into the appearance of a flood dragon, wrapping around the blade.

Even for ferocious beasts, the bloodline level is very different, like snake-like ferocious beasts.Shedding its skin can turn into a python, and gaining supernatural powers can turn it into a dragon, but it is said to turn into a dragon, but it is actually just a dragon.Further up is the real dragon with pure blood who has crossed the dragon gate.

All the ferocious beasts at the level of a real dragon will never exist below the sixth level.In the tens of thousands of years of Canglan Continent, only a few have appeared, and their whereabouts are even more unpredictable, hard to find!

"Young people are impatient." Jiang Bai whispered lightly, pointing to a dazzling white glow, and the Dacheng-level Golden Light Curse has been used freely. The sentiment left by the Zhang Huaiyi experience card back then is indeed useful endless.

Jiang Bai raised his finger and touched the ordinary iron sword in his hand, directly rendering the sword body into a bright white color, just like its substance.

The moment the two weapons collided, the sound of gold and iron was like thunder, and the sound waves spread.Suddenly, a wave of aftermath that turned into ripples spread out, knocking the surrounding barbarian soldiers away by more than ten feet!

"Thousand catty pendant!" Barbarian shouted loudly, and the golden light shook his body.The dragon shadows on the Flood Slashing Sword had a faint feeling of rushing out of the shackles of the blade, and the blood-red mist wrapped around the sword body, as if expressing the unwillingness and anger of this ten thousand-year-old dragon.


Jiang Bai only felt that the power of blessing on the iron sword suddenly increased, like a towering mountain pressing on his shoulders.

The misty spirit clothes suddenly swayed, Jiang Bai's whole body was shocked, his face was indifferent, and smoke and dust suddenly rose up.The ground under his feet cracked unbearably, and cracks like gullies expanded terrifyingly, causing the barbarian army's core to fall apart.

"It's not safe to die..." Jiang Bai murmured coldly, the blood mist emerging from the Flood Dragon Sword was extremely aggressive, and was constantly trying to destroy the protection of the Golden Light Curse.The sound of the iron sword breaking echoed in the ears. The inside of the iron sword in Jiang Bai's hand had already been shattered. If it hadn't been maintained by the Golden Light Curse, it might have shattered on the spot.


The angel ring on Jiang Bai's fingertips flickered faintly, and his true energy was running unreservedly.The Golden Light Curse was released with all its strength, and a solid white glow rushed out from the sword body, and took the initiative to meet Zhan Jiaojian!
Manlong frowned, his temper became impatient, the situation of the battle was unfavorable, and the morale of the army was shaken. The sooner he killed Jiang Bai, the hope of reversing the defeat and breaking through Hulao Pass.Sword blades collide, gold and iron follow each other, and blood mist and white light are indisputable.

But no matter how fierce the savage dragon attacks, the swordsmanship has a taste of opening and closing, which is suitable for killing enemies on the battlefield.But with Zhang Huaiyi's combat experience with Jiang Bai, he has always remained unmoved, and his moves have been improved to a higher level!

The barbarian dragon stabbed again with his sword, and this time the blood mist directly condensed into a three-inch long blood-colored dragon, circling around the sword.The crisp sound spread, and Jiang Bai stood with his hands behind his back, blocking with a sword in one hand.

Like a stone falling into the sea, the moment the blade of the Flood Dragon Slashing Sword pierced the body of the sword, white light actually rippled on the body of the sword.

The next moment, white light gushed out suddenly as if possessed of life, wisps of white light flickered with electric arcs, and the thunderous true energy flashed away and continued to enlarge in the pupils of the wild dragon!

"Body protection Gangfeng!"

Cold sweat oozes from Manlong's forehead. At the critical moment, the wind that protects his body bursts into golden light, striking together with the thunder!

The sound of the explosion spread, and the smoke suddenly rose, blocking the line of sight.Everyone broke into a cold sweat.

A figure flew out, looking a little embarrassed.Even with the protection of the protective wind, the explosion of Yinlei caused Barbarian a lot of suffering.Manlong slowly got up from the ground, spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, and panted heavily.

"You are not worthy of this dragon-slaying sword. Why do you have to use it forcibly? Is killing a dragon enough to make you proud? You don't know that the frog at the bottom of the well is full of anger. He is not a god to you. Soldiers are hidden dangers."

Jiang Bai's cold voice came out slowly, and then he broke through the smoke, transformed into a white light and rushed to the front of the wild dragon in the blink of an eye.

"Panlong in one body!" The barbarian roared, his face looked hideous, apparently Jiang Bai's words made him angry from embarrassment.The golden light bloomed, and the battle armor and animal skins draped on his body were instantly shattered. There was a dragon tattooed on his chest and chest. With the flow of true energy, this dragon tattoo seemed to be alive!
"It really fits your name, Man!"

Jiang Bai's misty voice fell, and he could barely see a white glow passing by before, but now it is even harder to find with the naked eye!

The most depressing thing was Manlong, who had just launched the Coiling Dragon Art with all his strength, and wanted to fight to the death, but unexpectedly he couldn't even see the figure clearly.Before he could react, accompanied by a gust of wind, the shadow of the sword was ethereal, and the white light was like a thorn like a blade.In an instant, hundreds of swords had been swung, and the swords hit the barbarian dragon's vitals!

Manlong crossed his hands to protect his body, and after suffering a heavy blow, he slid out more than ten meters away before stabilizing his figure.

"Huh... Mr. Jiang, your sword is fast, but it's not powerful enough." Manlong suddenly sneered, very arrogantly, and let go of his arms.The golden light on my body is still there, and there is no scar at all, "I am originally a metallic zhenqi, and I am also good at defense, I am afraid that Mr. Jiang will not be able to do anything to me."


(End of this chapter)

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