Chapter 253 Military Prestige
"Okay, Mr. Jiang, handsome enough."

Lena chuckled and joked that the Xiongbing Company had assembled and entered the battlefield in Tianhe City. Naturally, she also saw the scene of Jiang Bai beheading the Styx warrior, "Everyone, are you still alive?"

"Hehe... You guys are really not in a hurry at all, leaving the old man here alone to support." Jiang Bai smiled helplessly, the injury caused by God Killing No. [-] has basically healed completely, and his true energy slowly Return to the body.

After reaching the mid-innate stage, Jiang Bai's true qi reserves are like a vast ocean. Unless there is a long-term fierce battle, it is rare for the true qi to be exhausted. ,

"Sister, are you still alive?"

Ge Xiaolun, who was hiding by the guardrail of a building, asked in surprise when he heard Leina's voice in the dark communication.He saw with his own eyes before that the enemy fired a golden light towards Reina.

"I was saved by Mr. Jiang, and he gave me a super kill when I came up, which scared me to death." Lena smiled slightly, her face gradually became serious, "Everyone returns to their positions and goes to the designated target."


After saying that, Leina's vision fell on a tallest building, her legs were slightly bent, and she jumped suddenly.Jumped hundreds of meters high and landed on the top of the building.

"Master, are you here too?" Hearing Jiang Bai's voice, Qiangwei also looked happy and asked.

"Don't worry about you, after all, this is the first time you have faced Taotie." Jiang Bai shook his head, looking at the vanguard flagship in the distance, the gluttonous army came over like a dark cloud.

"Let's save such touching things for later after the battle. Hurry up, the enemy will stop a large-scale god-killing battle soon, and we must go all out." Lena said seriously.

At the same time, Liu Chuang, Rui Mengmeng, Qi Lin and other super fighters have already selected a cover position accordingly.

"The opponent has a large firepower ship with strong firepower. Think about how to fight?"

Lena squinted her eyes, observed the situation of the gluttonous army for a while, and asked.

"It's still mainly to cover the advance. Qiangwei mobilizes the firepower of the South China Sea Fleet and finds the right time to bomb a wave." Jiang Bai said in a deep voice. Regarding the current situation, this should be the only way. No matter how strong the Xiongbing Company is, fight against the opponent It is not cheap to start a protracted war.

"Okay, let's do it, but the enemy will also organize a large-scale god-killing battle, we have to withstand it. The other party has our information, and it is very likely to attack Qiangwei first." Lena nodded, and said to Jiang Bai endorsed the proposal.

Qiangwei frowned slightly, and said, "Then how about our firepower?"

"I can do one alone." Brother Hou said lightly, full of confidence.

"But it's the same for the opponent. A round of fierce attack will start immediately, and the opponent is deploying." The corners of Leina's mouth curled up, and everyone's expressions gradually became serious. Many of them were on the battlefield for the first time, so they would inevitably be very nervous .

"Then what am I going to do?" Ge Xiaolun panted slightly, his heart beating violently.

"What are you doing?" Liu Chuang answered Ge Xiaolun's question very simply.

"Use your brain..." Jiang Bai helplessly covered his forehead. The apprentice he accepted seems to have no brains. "The old man suggested that the Great Sage should cooperate with Leina, Xiao Lun should cover Qiangwei, and Qilin would snipe on standby, looking for the opponent's firepower point." .Mengmeng, Liu Chuang, and Yaowen are looking for opportunities, can they disrupt the opponent's deployment, rush into the back row, and create opportunities for Qiangwei."


A red light suddenly came from a distance, without any warning, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

With almost no time to react, everyone saw the red light hitting Mr. Jiang.

"Master, are you alright?!" Qiangwei shouted nervously, her voice raised a little.

"It's a sniper, cover, cover!" Lena's expression also changed, and she ordered rationally.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill that grandson."

Liu Chuang cursed loudly, picked up his ax, and wanted to rush out.

"Didn't it tell you to be a bit brainy?" Jiang Bai's voice appeared in the dark communication again, and the true energy outside his body suddenly rose up, squeezing out a bullet on his chest abruptly.

"Master, I..." Liu Chuang smiled honestly, rubbing his head, apparently secretly happy after finding out that Jiang Bai was fine.

"Huh... It's really a threat, be careful, this is Shenshenwu." Jiang Bai took a long breath, really careless, and cast the Golden Light Curse with all his strength.If he wasn't still wearing a six-series combat uniform, this projectile might have killed him.

"Don't give up, want to snipe the old man?" Jiang Bai chuckled lightly, his voice was slightly angry. Unexpectedly, Jiang Bai's life was almost stumbled.

"I've heard of nuclear weapons, military weapons, what is God-killing martial arts?"

Ge Xiaolun leaned behind the guardrail and asked through dark communication.

"Oh..." Liu Chuang sighed in disgust, raised his ax and explained, "They threw me an ax and said that it was very reliable for killing gods, so I became Brother Axe, this is God Killing Wu .”

"In the era of hot weapons, warriors turned into gods. They don't even use nuclear weapons. They can only rely on professionally decomposed super genetic weapons. For example, Qilin wants to kill Superman..." Lena's face was heavy. It's not optimistic, except for Liu Chuang and other individual gods, many people in Xiongbing Company can't resist Shi Shenwu's attack at all.

"The opponent is about to attack."

Rui Mengmeng reminded her, and just as she finished speaking, she saw a terrifying golden light suddenly shot out from the opponent's vanguard flagship, like a golden torrent falling from the sky, rendering the sky golden.

"Liu Chuang, Qiangwei, it's time for you to show off your training for so many days."

Jiang Bai also restrained his smile, and stepped out step by step, the true energy on his body became more and more turbulent, and he held the Dragon Burying Sword in his palm.

Lena, who was hiding behind the building, saw this terrifying attack straight at her, her face remained unchanged, the void fluctuated violently, and a dark alloy shield appeared in her hand.Instead of retreating, he went straight up.


In a shocking scene, Reina held the shield and forcibly resisted the attack.

Like drawing a knife to cut off the water, the beam of light was suddenly cut off and spread out in all directions, forming a circular fire curtain all over the sky.Black smoke billowed, billowing like waves among the fire curtains, but it couldn't enter.

The terrifying aftermath and wind and waves swept out, the air became viscous, and fluctuations visible to the naked eye rose.Everyone in the Xiongbing company was stunned, and with their own strength, they resisted the attack of the large fireship.

Lena's cheeks were rendered golden, extremely harsh, and she said coldly: "This is called Junwei!"

"Big sister..." Ge Xiaolun murmured, looking a little dazed at the terrifying fire curtain.


(End of this chapter)

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