Chapter 254 When the war is going on

The hatch of Pioneer's flagship was opened, and a gluttonous fighter piloted the aircraft, overwhelming the sky, let alone nearly a thousand people.

Around the capital ship, there are still many frigates moored, full of firepower.

"Target female captain in red robe, advance in formation and kill with all your might!"

The terrifying beam of light finally dissipated completely, and immediately several energy cannons bombarded Leina's direction.In the distance, gluttonous soldiers all over the sky are rushing over in their aircraft.

"Brother Monkey!" Ge Xiaolun shouted, seeing Sun Wukong landed beside Leina.

"Hold on, I will check and balance in the air." Sun Wukong gave an order, got ready, yelled, and rushed up, "Hey... hey!"

In an instant, Sun Wukong created hundreds of clones and collided with the gluttonous army.There was a rain of people in the sky, and the moment they touched each other, countless gluttonous fighters were knocked down, and the scene became a crushing situation.

"Cover me to cross the river." Qiangwei notified through dark communication, and a pair of wings opened on the Kamigawa armor, and rushed towards the other side of the river.

The war broke out in an instant, and it was chaotic.

"Lord Xin, who am I afraid of~!" Xin Zhao shouted, jumped up, rushed to the sky, shot down a gluttonous warrior from the sky, and just fell into the river.

"It's not going to work, this..." Liu Chuang was anxious as he watched the fierce battle in the sky.

"Xiao Lun, you go to cover Qiangwei... I have the light ball too." Leina snorted coldly, raised her palm, a ball of golden light lit up in her palm, and was thrown out directly, hitting the vanguard flagship.

The shield of the Pioneer flagship was lit by the light cluster, forming an explosion, but it couldn't be broken at all.

"Can't even pierce it?... This big cross is a light energy barrier, and it can't even pierce a nuclear bomb." Lena frowned and explained, "But this thing has a distance, and there is still a chance to go over it."

"Then I must cross the river immediately, and Xiao Lun will cover me." Hearing this, Qiangwei became even more anxious and shouted hastily.


Several energy cannons suddenly blasted towards Leina's direction, and the flames rose.

"Even you little soldiers dare to provoke me?" Leina said coldly with a layer of golden light rising from her body, and threw out a few balls of golden light with her hands, blowing up several gluttonous soldiers, "Everything is ready , we will fight back in an all-round way.”

"The opponent has two firepower points, one gunner and one sniper. Mengmeng, go and kill the gunner. Qilin, find out where the sniper is."

"No problem." Qi Lin responded, raised the God-killing No. [-] sniper rifle and began to look for the target.

"Then I'll go." Rui Mengmeng nodded and touched the ground.


Three huge explosions sounded in succession, three flames rose from the sky, and black smoke billowed.

Jiang Bai slowly retracted his sword, and the wreckage of the three frigates fell from the air. When they landed on the ground, three groups of violent flames rose again.

"Leave the battlefield on the left to the old man. Don't worry, from now on..." Jiang Bai swiped his sword behind him. Suddenly, the Yufeng Project started, and a layer of light blue barrier was raised. flow through the barrier.

"You don't want to take another step forward."

"Support the main ship and attack with all our strength. There is only one person on the other side." The Taotie chief didn't hesitate, and directly issued the order to die.

"Come if you are not afraid of death..." Jiang Bai snorted coldly, put away the Dragon Burial Sword, and drew with his fingers in the air. In the blink of an eye, the white lines formed a talisman. Huabai, "Sky Thunder Talisman!"

"what is this?"

"I don't know, it should be some kind of super gene."

"Prepare to defend!"

The real air flowed in the Thunder Talisman, and the next moment, hundreds of white lightning bolts rushed up like a long dragon, the thunder roared, and the gluttonous fighters were shot down like beans.

"Oh, this is a fairy art." Liu Chuang scratched his head and exclaimed in surprise.

"Why are you in a daze, Liu Chuang, there are two frigates coming next to you, kill them, don't let their firepower overwhelm us." In the dark communication, Leina's shout sounded, and the latter came back to his senses, suddenly Turning around, I saw two ten-meter-long frigates approaching.

The whole body of the frigate is black, the metal texture is very thick, and the movement is slow.

"it is good!"

Liu Chuang nodded and jumped off the roof.An aircraft just sailed below, Liu Chuang roared, raised his ax and chopped it down, splitting Taotie in two.

Borrowing strength again, he jumped tens of meters, landed on the next tall building, and rushed towards the frigate.

"Attention, the opponent is Nuoxing God of War. Ordinary weapons are useless against him. You can only use the God-killing Weapon to lure him to the position of the sniper." The frigate's control center soon sounded a new order.

Taotie clearly grasped the direction of the battlefield, their technology would completely crush the earth.

"Yes!" The captain of the frigate was naturally not stupid. No one knew the prestige of Nuoxing God of War, so he immediately controlled the frigate to retreat.

"You fucking want to leave!"

Liu Chuang's shouts came, and he threw the ax violently. A red line extended from the handle of the axe, stretched for dozens of meters, and the ax blade was directly embedded in the hull of the frigate.

The frigate that was moving suddenly stopped, and flames continued to erupt from the jets, but it could not be stored.

"What's going on?! Transfer the energy to the power system, and get rid of him!" The gluttonous officer was also shocked. With the power of the frigate, he could be forcibly pulled back by someone, which is unbelievable.

"Yes." The frigate Taotie nodded, and quickly manipulated the system to transfer energy.

The flames erupting from the jet port of the frigate became more violent, and the entire hull was trembling, but it could barely move a little.

"You! He! Mom! Here! Me! Come! Come!"

Liu Chuang held the load-bearing pillar of the building with one hand, and firmly held the handle of the ax with the other, as if in a tug-of-war.Two large holes one inch deep were stepped on the ground, and the muscles of the whole body were tense.


The whole building was overwhelmed, the load-bearing columns collapsed, and the building was turned into ruins in an instant, submerging Liu Chuang.

However, the frigate was not liberated. A terrifying force came, and the entire frigate was directly dragged to the ground. Liu Chuang retracted the handle of the axe, leaped [-] meters high, and slammed down.


Panting heavily, Liu Chuang landed on the ground again, his vicissitudes of cheeks were covered with dust, the frigate behind him was cut in half, falling from the air with burning flames, and an explosion occurred behind his back.

"This is a monster, hurry up, leave quickly."

The Taotie captain of another frigate turned pale with fright, and ordered to the pilot beside him.


(End of this chapter)

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